;color = the color of the liquid ;alpha = the transparency of the liquid (0.0 = invisible, 1.0 = nontransparent) ;glow = makes the liquid glow (true/false) ;sound = the sound clip played when the player drinks the liquid ;dispensesound = the sound clip played when the liquid is dispensed ("SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg" by default). ;lethal = true/false ;deathmessage = the text shown in the game over -screen if the player dies when drinking the liquid ;deathtimer = time until subject dies ;blur = how many seconds the screen stays blurry after drinking the liquid ;message = a text shown on the screen after drinking the liquid ;damage = increases the injuries-value ;blood loss = increases the blood loss - value ;stomachache = true/false, has the same effect as appendicitis caused by SCP-1025 (decreased stamina and messages about stomach ache) ;stamina effect = changes how fast stamina decreases (1.0 = normal speed, 2.0 = decreases twice as fast, 0.0 = doesn't decrease at all) ;stamina effect timer = the amount of time it takes before stamina effect wears off ;blink effect, blink effect timer ;explosion = true/false, creates an explosion similar to the one at Gate B [Air|Nothing|Cup|Emptiness|Vacuum|HL3|Half Life 3|Grabbable 999|999 grabbable|SCP|Secure Contain Protect|SCP Foundation|The SCP Foundation|Site 19] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 refusemessage = There is nothing to drink in the cup. dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense0.ogg [Alcohol|Ethanol|Ethanol Liquid|Spirit|Vodka] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 blur = 5 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg message = Damn, that's strong. [Aloe Vera Drink|Cactus Drink] color = 217,214,186 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg damage = -0.2 [Amnesia] color = 255, 255, 255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg blur = 10 message = Daniel, is that you? What are you doing? [Anti-Energy Drink|Anti Energy Drink] color = 250,180,12 alpha = 0.5 sound = slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The drink tastes terrible. You feel tired and drained. stamina effect = 2.0 stamina effect timer = 300 blink effect = 1.5 blink effect timer = 300 [Antimatter|Anti-matter|Void] color = 0,0,0 explosion = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\Dispense3.ogg deathmessage = Recon teams sent in at [REDACTED] show that everything within a 210 mile radius from Site-[REDACTED] was vaporized, save for a 5 meter radius of unharmed area in the facility cafeteria of Sector [REDACTED], surrounding SCP-294. [Aqua Regia] color = 170,75,0 refusemessage = Hmm... There should be more cuprite. dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Atomic|Nuclear|Nuclear Fusion|Nuclear Fission|Nuclear Reaction] color = 0, 255, 0 alpha = 1.0 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true deathmessage = Recon teams sent in at [REDACTED] show that the entirety of Site-[REDACTED] was vaporized, save for a 5 meter radius of unharmed area in the facility cafeteria of Sector [REDACTED], surrounding SCP-294. [Beer|Lager|ale|brew|booze|cold one] color = 235,165,40 alpha = 0.8 message = The drink tastes like a standard beer. sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg [Black corrosive liquid|SCP-106|106|Old Man|Larry|Radical Larry|106] color = 0, 0, 0 sound = SFX\SCP\106\Decay3.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg blur = 8 message = You feel strange. It's as if there was something moving in your stomach. blood loss = 2.0 stomachache = true [Bleach|Tide Pod|Tide Pod Juice|Detergent|Eye Bleach] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg blur = 300 message = The liquid burns in your mouth and throat. deathtimer = 50 [Blood|MTF|NTF|Mobile Task Force|Nine Tailed Fox| MTF Blood|Blood of MTF|NTF Blood|Blood of NTF|Animal blood|Blood of animal|Scientist blood|Dclass Blood|D Class Blood|D Blood|Bigfoot|Blood of Bigfoot|Bigfoot Blood|Jacksepticeye] color = 145,32,50 message = The drink tastes like blood. sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Blood of Christ|Blood of Jesus|Blood of Jesus Christ] color = 145,32,50 alpha = 0.9 message = The drink tastes like red wine. sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg [Bose-Einstein Condensate|Quantum Gas] color = 255,230,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = A dead organic mass later identified as D-9341 through DNA tests was discovered with parts of the body frozen at near Absolute Zero temperatures. What was left of the throat and mouth cavity contained traces of near negative temperature Bosonic Particles, therefore making it a substance at a Bose-Einstein Condensate phase of matter the cause of death. [Carbon] color = 0,0,0 blur = 15 lethal = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg deathmessage = The mouth cavity, throat and face of the victim are covered in severe third degree burns. A layer of black, crystalline substance was found inside the mouth cavity. Sent for chemical analysis. dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Cassis Fanta] color = 204, 122, 235 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Refreshing... [Carrot Juice|Carrot] color = 254,135,16 message = Pretty good. sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg [Champagne] color = 245, 202, 10 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\Ahh.ogg [Chim] color = 255,200,14 glow = true message = There are no words in any human language to describe the taste of the liquid. blur = 100 injuries = -4 blood loss = -4 [Cider|Apple Cider|Pear Cider] color = 240,190,50 alpha = 0.8 message = A bit too sugary for me. sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg [Chocolate|Cocoa|Hot chocolate|Hot cocoa] color = 170,75,0 blur = 2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg stamina effect = 1.1 stamina effect timer = 200 [Cocaine Energy Drink] color = 340,29,94 alpha = 0.8 message = The drink has a boost, and taste faintly hot with a hint of cinnamon. blur = 5 stamina effect = 1.2 stamina effect timer = 200 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg [Coffee|Black Coffee] color = 87,62,45 message = The drink tastes like fairly strong black coffee. blur = 2 stamina effect = 0.9 stamina effect timer = 30 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg [Coconut|Coconut milk|Coconut water|Coconut juice] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You enjoy the refreshing flavor of coconut milk. [Cola|Coke|Coca-Cola|Pepsi|Soda] color = 58,29,20 alpha = 0.8 message = It's cold and refreshing. sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg [Cold|Cool|Freezing|Coldness|Ice Cold Drink|Ice Cold|Very Cold Drink|Cold Drink] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.2 message = Your head aches from the freezing cold liquid. blur = 8.0 [Cosmopolitan|Cocktail|Cosmopolitan Cocktail] color = 130, 0, 0 alpha = 0.2 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Even in the worst situations, nothing beats a fresh cosmopolitan. sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg [Courage|Bravery] color = 41,28,22 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg blink effect = 0.7 blink effect timer = 180 stamina effect = 0.5 stamina effect timer = 180 [Curry|Masala|Curry Sauce|Masala Sauce] color = 255, 83, 0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Full of exotic spices and flavours, wet consistency, delicious. sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg [Death|Game Over|The End|The Ending|End] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 1.0 Sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = A Class D found dead in the facility cafeteria of Sector [REDACTED]. Presumably killed by something dispensed by SCP-294. [Egg|Eggs|Raw Egg] color = 252,252,212 alpha = 1.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes just like raw eggs! [Element 0|Element Zero|Neutronium|Neutrium|Tetraneutron] color = 25,75,100 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true message = You didn't think Biotic Powers were real? Right? deathmessage = A body emitting large levels of radiation was discovered at Sector [REDACTED]. The subject appears to have consumed an unknown substance via SCP-294. Analysis of the radioactive substance via use of and chemical and nuclear testing shows that it has 0 charge, is composed purely of Neutrons, and appears to lack any Electrons or Protons. This indicates that the substance may be the theoretical Element known as Netronium. [ES|Euroshopper|Euroshopper Energy Drink|Energy Drink|Red Bull] color = 254,194,16 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The drink tastes like an average energy drink. stamina effect = 0.9 stamina effect timer = 180 [Espresso] color = 204,91,53 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg [Estus] color = 250,200,15 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg blood loss = -50 damage = -2 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The taste is hard to describe. You feel refreshed. [Eternal Champion|Blood of Eternal Champion|Talin Warhaft] color = 124, 124, 124 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = "I graciously accept thy position, my Emperor." sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg blur = 10 damage = -4 blood loss = -4 blink effect = 0.0 blink effect timer = 10 stamina effect = 2.0 stamina effect timer = 30 [Exotic Matter|Zero Point Energy|Negative Matter|Gravitons|Higgs Boson|God Particles|Black Holes] color = 255,255,255 dispensesound = SFX\Horror\Horror16.ogg explosion = true deathmessage = After an investigation team was sent to inspect Site [DATA REDACTED], everything within a 30 meter radius of a strange energy orb was missing. Assumed to be a singularity, it eventually demagnetized and collapsed. Foundation personnel are still unsure as to the cause of the event. [Eyedrops|Eye Drops|ReVision Eyedrops|Anti-blink] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The liquid tastes awful. Maybe it wasn't meant to be used orally. blink effect = 0.5 blink effect timer = 200 blur = 10 stomachache = true [Fear|Scare|Horror|Terror] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\Room\035Chamber\InProximity.ogg dispensesound = SFX\Horror\Horror3.ogg blur = 3 deathtimer = 2 deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered the body of D-9341 near the cafeteria at Sector [REDACTED]. Tests concluded that the cause of death was cardiac arrest, presumably related to SCP-294. [Feces|Fecal matter|Shit|Crap|Poo|Poop|Dung|Scat|Turd|Bullshit|Horseshit|Diarrhea] color = 120,60,0 refusemessage = Yeah, I'm not drinking that. dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Feces and Blood|Blood and Feces] color = 220,80,30 refusemessage = The drink smells like SCP-173's containment chamber. dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Gin|Gin and Tonic|Gin & Tonic] color = 255, 255, 255 alpha = 0.2 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Gin has never tasted this good. sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg [Glass] color = 255,0,0 glow = true blur = 15 deathtimer = 5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Gold|Liquid Gold] color = 255,200,15 glow = true blur = 15 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg deathtimer = 5 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Grog] color = 207,120,39 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg blur = 5 message = It's been too long since you've had a good drink. [Happiness|Cheerfulness|Joy|Happy|Fun|Bezbro|Bezbro Games|Bebro|VR|Virtual Reality] color = 0,213,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true message = An overwhelming sense of happiness takes you over. Your heart is pounding like crazy. sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered the body of D-9341 after the incident. The victim apparently had an abnormally large smile on his face. Further tests concluded that the cause of death was a heart attack, however the cause of the heart attack is still undetermined. [Heroin|Morphine|Ketamine] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 message = The liquid tastes awful. sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg deathtimer = 30 blurtimer = 30 [Honey] color = 224,198,79 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Mmm... Sweet. [Hot|Warm|Very Hot|Hot Drink|Very Hot Drink|Warm Drink] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.2 message = The liquid stings your mouth, it is very hot. [Hot Tea|Tea|Green Tea|Black Tea|Yellow Tea] color = 137, 139, 65 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\Slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It's too hot! [Hydroflouric Acid|Hydrochloric Acid|Corrosive Acid|Battery Acid] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 was found dead at Sector [REDACTED]. Autopsy reveals that severe acid burns are present within his digestive system, presumably related to SCP-294. [Ice Cream|Frozen Yoghurt] color = 255, 255, 179 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It is vanilla flavoured ice cream of a perfectly smooth consistency. sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg stamina effect = 0.5 stamina effect timer = 10 [Ink] color = 0,0,0 message = You recoil from the powerful odor of the liquid. sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg blur = 10 [Insulin|NovoRapid|Novo Rapid|Glargine] color = 200,200,200 message = It smells strong... but it tastes slightly of milk... dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg alpha = 0.2 blur = 10 stomachache = true [Ipecac] color = 28, 0, 0 alpha = 0.94 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes like tree sap, your stomach begins trembling soon after consumption. sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg stomachache = true stamina effect = 1.5 stamina effect timer = 20 vomit = 20 [Iron|Steel|Metal|Razor Blades|Razorblades] color = 255,100,30 glow = true blur = 15 lethal = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Jewel of Fire|Lifeforce|The Jewel] color = 255, 0, 0 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = An echoed voice shouts: "YOU MUST NOT! THE JEWEL HOLDS MY LIFEFORCE!!!" sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg deathtimer = 7 blur = 100 blood loss = 3 stomachache = true [Jimmies|Rustling|Gorilla Munch] color = 242,239,27 glow = true alpha = 0.3 message = Shh, no tears, only dreams now. There is no need to be upset. dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg sound = SFX\Ending\MenuBreath.ogg [Joe|Joseph|Cat|Dog|Intestines|Cup Of Joe|049|096|Guard|Scientist|Human] color = 145,32,50 alpha = 0.9 message = The drink tastes like blood. It's still warm. sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg [Jorge] color = 0, 0, 255 alpha = 1.0 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel as though someone is expecting you. sound = SFX\SCP\970\thumbs.db blur = 2 damage = -2 blood loss = -2 blink effect = 0.5 blink effect timer = 30 [Knowledge] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.9 glow = true message = I need SCP-079's help if I want to go through Gate B, or a distraction of some kind to go through Gate A. sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg [Lava|Magma|Earth|Rock|Rocks|Stone|Hell] color = 255,72,0 alpha = 1.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The liquid disintegrates your insides almost instantly. lethal = true deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was found dead with the victim's organs and mouth cavity suffering numerous 4th degree burns and traces of molten igneous rock in the stomach. A polystyrene cup was also located next to the subject's body. Cause of death is most likely linked to [REDACTED]. [Lemon|Lemon juice|Lemonade] color = 237, 229, 7 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\Dispense1.ogg [Lemon fanta] color = 251, 253, 162 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Take that! In one gulp, without breathing. [Life] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 blur = 10 blood loss = -100 damage = -10 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The drink tastes unlike anything you've drink before. You feel better than ever. [Liquid Hydrogen|Hydrogen] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 blur = 10 lethal = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Liquid Nitrogen|Nitrogen] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 blur = 10 lethal = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Love] color = 255,100,100 glow = true blur = 10 lethal = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg [Mayo|Butter] color = 250,185,90 alpha = 1.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg [Me|Myself|D-9431|D-9341] color = 200,0,0 blur = 10 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg damage = 0.5 blood loss = 50 dispensesound = SFX\death2.ogg refusemessage = The liquid tastes like blood. It's still warm. [Memes|Meme|Maymays] color = 100,100,255 blur = 10 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg refusemessage = Me gusta this drink xD le epic taste [Mercury|Quick Silver] color = 119,128,133 blur = 50 blood loss = 10 stomach ache = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The drink is thick like cream, and burns your throat. [Microwave Casserole] color = 245,238,144 refusemessage = Through a complex series of thoughts and inside events, you feel that this belongs to someone else. [Milk] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg [Molasses|Treacle|Black Treacle] color = 34, 0, 0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The flavour is tangy and sweet, but a little too much for your liking. sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg blur = 1 stamina effect = 0.4 stamina effect timer = 10 [Monkey Island Grog] color = 199,190,37 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg blur = 8 deathtimer = 8 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was found face down in a puddle of blood, upper digestive tract seemingly molten by corrosion. A cup with the message "The Styx is a river, not a sea, dumbass." printed on it was found near the corpse. Cause of death is without a doubt related to SCP-294. message = A pirate I was meant to be, trim the sails and roam the sea! Unfortunately, as you start feeling a terrible burning sensation in your throat and stomach, you realize you're actually not used to drinking such heavy stuff ... [Motor Oil|Oil] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg blur = 10 stomachache = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Mountain Dew|The Dew] color = 234,252,163 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg message = MLG pro gamer. [Mucus] color = 102,204,0 refusemessage = Why the hell would I want to drink this? [Mud|Clay] color = 120,60,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Nausea] color = 59,92,32 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Ugg... I don't feel so good... stomachache = true [Orange fanta|Orangina|Orange soda] color = 247, 174, 26 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\Slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg lethal = false message = That tastes good... [Orange Juice|Orange] color = 240,175,70 message = The drink tastes sweet and has quite a bit of pulp. sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg [Pain|Agony|Hurting] color = 0,0,0 message = The drink tastes incredibly bitter. You feel a burning pain in your stomach. stomachache = true damage = 1.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensersound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg [Perfume|Deodorant|Shampoo|Cologne|Fragrance] color = 219,217,195 alpha = 0.2 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg refusemessage = While it does smell lovely, I'd rather wear it than drink it. [Pina Colada] color = 230,230,150 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\Slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Cold and sweet. [Plastic] color = 73, 23, 102 damage = 1.0 blur = 2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The molten plastic burns your mouth. [Prune Juice] color = 73, 23, 102 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg [Purple Drank|Sizzurp|Lean|Codeine] color = 163,73,164 alpha = 0.8 refusemessage = The drink tastes like cough syrup. sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensersound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg blur = 100 [Pus] color = 245,245,149 alpha = 1.0 refusemessage = It smells like rancid egg salad. I think I'm going to puke! stomachache = true [Quarks|Glouns|Quark Gloun Plasma] color = 255,255,255 dispensesound = SFX\Horror\Horror16.ogg explosion = true deathmessage = A large scorch mark measuring 30 meters in diameter with a glowing hot white crater was found in Sector [REDACTED]. Everything within a 10 meter radius appears to have completely disintegrated, save for a 5 meter radius surrounding SCP-294. Tests are being conducted to determine the cause of this anomaly, although it is presumably related to SCP-294. [Radioactive Element|Radioactive Material] color = 100,175,100 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was found dead near SCP-294 holding what appears to be a cup of a molten radioactive element that is being identified by investigators. It appears that D-9341 ingested the material, judging by the severely burnt digestive organs and the radioactivity of the body. [Rage|Anger|Angry|Hate] color = 255,60,0 alpha = 0.7 message = Your blood boils with overwhelming hatred towards everything. lethal = true sound = SFX\Ending\GateB\Nuke2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered the headless corpse of D-9341 among considerable amounts of blood, tissue and skull fragments. Medical staff cannot identify the cause of death, further tests are in progress. [Room-temperature Superconductor] color = 254,219,93 alpha = 0.5 message = The drink tastes like apple juice. sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg [Sadness|Unhappiness|Mourning|Grieving] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.2 message = The warm liquid has a salty after-taste, almost like tears. sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg [SCP 294|SCP-294|294] color = 255, 255, 255 alpha = 0.0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = On the side of the empty cup there are complex blueprints. They contain an untranslatable language and indecipherable diagrams. [Sea water|Saline water|Salt water] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The extremely salty taste is almost unbearable. You begin to feel dehydrated and dizzy. stomachache = true blur = 4.0 [Semen|Cum|Jizz|Man milk|Baby batter|Joy juice|Cock snot|Load|Man chowder|Wad|9gag] color = 240,240,240 alpha = 0.9 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg refusemessage = No way. [Smoothie] color = 176, 100, 136 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It is a delicious blueberry and banana smoothie. sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg stamina effect = 0.5 stamina effect timer = 15 [something that will destroy SCP-682|something that destroys SCP-682|something to destroy SCP-682] color = 255,255,255 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg deathmessage = Recon teams sent in at [REDACTED] show that the entirety of Site-[REDACTED] was vaporized, save for a 5 meter radius of unharmed area in the facility cafeteria of Sector [REDACTED], surrounding SCP-294. explosion = true [Spinal Fluid|Brain Juice|Brain Fluid] color = 255, 255, 255 alpha = 0.1 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It is mildly salty, tepid and watery. I shouldn't really be drinking this. sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg [Spoiler|Spoilers|Spoiling] color = 100,100,255 glow = true sound = SFX\Ending\GateB\EndingB3.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You hear a voice inside your head. [Stew|Mushroom Stew] color = 153, 123, 102 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It is a scrumptious, warm and creamy mushroom stew sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg blur = 10 stamina effect = 0.5 stamina effect timer = 20 [Strawberry Juice|Strawberry] color = 255,50,50 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\Ahh.ogg message = So sweet. [Soup|Hot Soup] color = 89,125,85 message = A nice soup. Just like mom used to make. sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Speed|Velocity|Fastness|Sanic] color = 255,255,0 alpha = 0.8 glow = true blur = 15 stamina effect = 0.0 stamina effect timer = 15 message = You feel really nervous. sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg [Stearin|Stearine] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg blur = 2 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = HOT HOT HOT [Strange Matter] color = 110,110,115 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\106\Decay1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = A portion of the facility was transformed into some form of grey colored goo-like substance before being demagnetized. Further analysis is being done. [Sulfuric Acid] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg blur = 5 deathtimer = 5 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Superfluid|Superfluid Helium|Helium|Helium-4|Liquid Helium] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = A dead body identified as D-9341 was discovered with a severely damaged throat and mouth cavity containing sharp icicles and traces of Helium-4. There are visible open wounds caused by Thermal Contraction located along the throat, and it would appear that the superfluid liquid passed right through the body, damaging any organs that it came in contact with. [Surprise|Surprise me|Shock|Shock me] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The water burns your mouth instantly. blur = 2.0 [Syrup|Golden Syrup|Maple Syrup] color = 117, 58, 0 alpha = 0.5 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = While irresistibly sweet, you become overpowered by the sweetness to the point of nausea. sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg blur = 7 [Tachyons|Tachyonic Matter|Imaginary Matter|Neutrinos|God] color = 255,255,255 dispensesound = SFX\Horror\Horror16.ogg explosion = true deathmessage = A beam of light was spotted emitting from Site [DATA REDACTED]. The origin was found to be from one of the site’s cafeterias housing SCP-294, which was left untouched by the vaporizing heat. [Tea|Ice Tea] color = 137, 139, 65 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\Slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes like cold tea. [Tears|Tear|Saliva|Spit|Sweat|Sweat and Tears|Blood Sweat and Tears] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\Ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Tequila] color = 230,230,150 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\Slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Could've used some lime and salt with that. [the best drink I've ever had|the best drink I've had|the best drink Ive had|the best drink Ive ever had|the best drink I had] color = 235,165,40 alpha = 0.8 message = The drink tastes like a Vienna lager you drinked years ago. sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [the perfect drink|perfect drink|perfection] color = 179,120,211 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true message = I can't take this anymore, everything at this point is just one big letdown. blur = 1000 deathmessage = Subject D-9341's body was recovered with numerous self-inflicted injuries on the arms and [REDACTED]. [Tropical juice|Tropical water|Fruit Punch|Punch|Fruit|Fruit Juice] color = 255,128,0 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The chilled orange beverage tastes like a combination of tropical fruits. [Tomato Juice|Tomato] color = 204,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg Message = Meh, it's ok. Never was a big fan of tomato juice though. [Urine|Piss|Pee|Jarate] color = 240,190,50 alpha = 0.7 refusemessage = I'm not drinking that. [Venom|Snake Venom] color = 230,212,23 alpha = 0.8 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Vidya|v|4chan] color = 100,100,100 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The drink tastes awfully bitter. [Vinegar] color = 245,167,17 alpha = 0.8 blur = 10 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Vomit|Throw Up] color = 240,190,100 refusemessage = I'm not drinking that. [Water|Mineral Water|Soda water|H2O|Cold water] color = 200,200,200 message = Well, that was refreshing. alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg [Wax|Grease] color = 203,203,199 message = The taste makes you feel ill. sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg stomachache = true [Wine|Red Wine|Grape Wine] color = 145,32,50 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg [Whisky|Whiskey|Scotch] color = 236,165,0 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg [White Port and Lemon Juice|WPLJ] color = 239,228,176 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg message = Please please please gimme some more [Yoghurt|Yogurt|Yogourt|Yoghourt] color = 255, 128, 128 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It is a thick, mixed berry yogurt with no solid bits. sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg stamina effect = 0.5 stamina effect timer = 10 [420|Weed|Dope|Green Dragon|Ganja|Pot|Kush|Herb|THC|CBD|Indica|Sativa] color = 54,177,30 message = Thats some good ass shit. sound = SFX\Music\420J.ogg [Butt ghost|Liquid butt ghost] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 1.0 Sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Ouch, my ass is being eaten. blur = 10 lethal = true deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered the body of D-9341 near the cafeteria at Sector [REDACTED] without some pieces of [REDACTED]. The subject died of anomalous blood loss. [Alien|Alien Blood|Blood of Alien] color = 54,64,122 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Well, that solves that. [Bingus|Bingus My Beloved] color = 250,217,224 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Bingus my beloved. [Twitter|Twitter App|Bird App|Twitter Drink] color = 29,161,242 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Faygo|Blueberry Faygo] color = 91,248,248 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = God damn, I feel like the man. [G Fuel|GFuel|GFuel] color = 1,174,224 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Pure gamer fuel. [Mead|Honningbrew Mead|Black Briar Mead|Honningbrew] color = 168,126,52 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a bellyful of mead. [Yurtle] color = 103,75,37 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Bruh moment. alpha = 0.9 [Bathwater|Gamer Girl Bathwater|Belle Delphine Bathwater| Bath water] color = 215,218,219 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I paid 5k for this. [Bigfoot|Blood of Bigfoot|Bigfoot Drink|SCP-1000|scp 1000|scp1000] color = 112,15,15 alpha = 0.3 message = That solves it. sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg [Apple|Apple Juice|Juice from Apple|Juice from apples] color = 252,242,167 alpha = 0.6 message = Tastes like cold apple juice. sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg [Hacker|Blood of Hacker|Hackerman] color = 71,235,16 alpha = 0.1 glow = true message = I'm in. sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg [computer|desktop computer|pc|RTX|rtx 3090|rtx 3080|rtx 370|desktop pc|desktop|rtx on|raytracing|raytraced lighting|pc build|linustechtips|Linus Tech Tips] color = 54,54,54 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like how a computer smells. [VR|virtual reality|oculus|wmr|valve index|vive|HMD|VR headset|virtual reality headset|oculus rift|oculus rift s] color = 71,71,71 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like the thing on my face... [Debug] color = 255,0,255 message = Tastes like bug-spray... sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg alpha = 0.2 [simp|discord mod|mlady|tier 3|tier 3 sub|discord admin|tips fedora|fedora] color = 43,43,43 message = Gentlemen please, no memes in general sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg [school] color = 92,71,16 alpha = 0.1 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg [SCP-999|999] color = 255,185,0 alpha = 0.6 message = Tastes pretty good, plenty of sugar. sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg [Markiplier|Mark] color = 255,0,30 glow = true message = WAS THAT THE BITE OF 87? sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Pizza] color = 214,157,100 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Mmmm... Pizza... [Phone|iphone|smartphone] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg [root beer] color = 69,52,20 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Would go great with some ice cream. [Bezbruh|Breadbro] color = 213,160,139 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = epic maymay [bomb] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [earwax] color = 236,211,89 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = I am NOT drinking that. [stomachache] color = 30,200,15 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That tasted awful... stomachache = true [porcupine|proqupine] color = 213,209,200 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You can feel the pines in your mouth, they're still sharp... blood loss = 5 [patreon|patron] color = 249,104,84 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel an urge to visit https://www.patreon.com/BezbroGames [carbonated milk] color = 205,212,220 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = That was very close to the worst drink I've ever had... [Big Chungus|Chungus|Big Chunga|Chunga] color = 97,82,87 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Big Big Chungus deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was found convulsing on the floor. Cause: Chungus infection destroyed nervous system. damage = -10 [Yiff] color = 0,0,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You sick fuck deathtimer = 621 deathmessage = Was it really worth the werewolf porn? damage = 0 blood loss = 0 [Linux|Arch|Arch Linux|Gentoo] color = 88,142,242 alpha = 1.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You suddendly have the desire to tell everyone you use Arch Linux deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox Agent [REDACTED] exterminated subject D-9341 while he was explaining why "Arch Linux" was the almighty greatest operating system at [REDACTED] stomachache = true [The Spiral Gestalt|Spiral Gestalt|Gestalt] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = [REDACTED] lethal = true deathmessage = You shouldn't be able to read this explosion = true refusemessage = Something's telling me i shouldn't be doing this... [rule34|Rule34|34] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like a beloved childhood character in pain [Powerade|Gatorade] color = 173,216,230 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It'll make you see faster, Gordan! [Zazguzuth|Devtty69|Devsda69|Drscuffed] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It takes like a coomer and eternal pain deathtimer = 6 deathmessage = D-9341 has been banned from reality stomachache = true [Poweraid|Gatoraid] color = 173,216,230 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It'll make you see faster, Gordan! [All dogs go to heaven|All Dogs Go To Heaven 2] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Gordan freeman dies at the end of All dogs go to heaven 2, so you have 1hr 22m to get out or you will as well. deathtimer = 4920 deathmessage = Hello Gordan [sus] color = 182,83,82 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = i feel sus damage = 1 stomachache = true [Oxygen|Liquid Oxygen] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = explosion = true [Liquid Acid] color = 52,235,61 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You just drank acid. You feel the burning inside you as your stomach starts melting. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Why would you drink acid? damage = -2 blood loss = 200 stomachache = true [Wocky Slush] color = 114,69,76 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = That thang bleedn' P [immo|Immo] color = 141,50,168 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Youve got a Friend in you ;) damage = -10 stomachache = true [Obamium] color = 139,69,19 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you have ascended. lethal = true deathmessage = Obama has consumed you blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Dr. Pepper|Cherry Dr. Pepper] color = 74,8,4 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Absolutely delicious [liquified spaghetti] color = 255,233,94 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Uhhhh... What... [Ball Sweat|Ball Juice|Testicle Drink] color = 227,181,129 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Haha lol funny balls damage = -3 [Sour Cream] color = 255,249,199 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That tasted rather disgusting. stomachache = true [Bezbro Bathwater|Yurtle Bathwater] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes like soap and ambitious dreams... stomachache = true [hey guys it's me cube] color = 69,69,69 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = hey guy's it's me cube (the idiot from the official discord server). id just like to say that i advocate genocide deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = sus stomachache = true [amogus] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = SUSUSUSUSUSUS explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [slightly expired apple juice|expired apple juice|bitter apple juice] color = 186,146,15 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The drink leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. Why would you drink that? stomachache = true [Mahdi|MehD] color = 255, 0, 144 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Make Sure To Say Alhamdulillah damage = -5 [dQw4w9WgXcQ|rickroll] color = 245,243,208 (Making it glow would be awesome) alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like no one will ever give you up. damage = -1 [Jake Juice] color = 52, 219, 235 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Glhf also don't be slow deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = u slow now lel damage = -25 blood loss = 200 [Baja blast|ogre cum|green sprite] color = 140, 235, 52 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Drink up, babe. refusemessage = Aw helt naw they be trina git me pregananant wit da ogre cum damage = -10 stomachache = true [Bumg Juice] color = 158,245,66 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = flem moment [KelpShake|Kelp|BikiniBottom] color = 178,247,96 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have now been infected with Kelp Disease lethal = true deathmessage = You have sufficed to Kelp Disease refusemessage = Deny the KelpShake? damage = -10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [robux] color = 204, 255, 128 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you have displeased the bobux gods lethal = true deathmessage = its bobux not robux explosion = true damage = -10 blood loss = 1000 stomachache = true [BestCreeNA] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = TRUE lethal = true deathmessage = lol get noobed damage = 5 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [gallium|liquid metal|liquid mirror] color = 192, 192, 192 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = tastes like iron deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = you got killed by gallium poisoning damage = 3 stomachache = true [Sugar honey iced tea] color = 210,180,140 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Wow, that tasted like shit! [012|SCP-012] color = 72,81,128 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I need to.... finish it... blood loss = 100 [Hand Sanitizer] color = 237, 245, 244 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = "Your mouth and stomach is burning" stomachache = true [Sparkling Grape Cider] color = 110,45,81 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel sparkly. damage = -5 [ColaPlusMentos] color = 252,252,252 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [nnOwW] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = [\n/nOwW] [E-11 Energy|E-11|Epsilon 11|Epsilon11|Epsilon-11] color = 122, 214, 162 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You fell refreshed and energized. damage = -2 [Pineapple Pizza|Hawaiian Pizza] color = 248,255,110 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel somewhat disgusted, it seems like these ingredients shouldn’t be put together damage = 1 stomachache = true [Covid|Covid-19|Covid 19|Coronavirus|Corona virus] color = 212,212,212 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = What was I thinking? damage = 5 stomachache = true [asparagus] color = 26,66,17 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You could have picked literally anything to drink and you chose asparagus? Disgusting. damage = -3 stomachache = true [Aurora|Omnipotent Power|Aurora Light] color = 43,173,132 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel the immense power of the Earth's life source rushing through you. deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Glowing, toxic, greenish-blue liquid was found burning through the floor near the cafeteria. Cleanup crew dispatched to minimize damage to the facility. blood loss = 2000 stomachache = true [something that can fix my depression] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = The cup is empty :( [Ascension|Immortality|Invincibility] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel something happening. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = You tried to cheat the universe. This is something a puny human simply cannot possess. damage = 3 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Among Us] color = 255,000,000 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = When the imposter is sus!!! :Flushed: :Flushed: lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 was found dead, covered in blood next to SCP-294. He had written "sus" onto the floor with his own blood. [Medicine|Health|Healing|Cup of Healing] color = 153,255,153 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel lightweight, as well as your wounds suddenly healing. damage = -8 [Twitch] color = 123,5,173 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It’s salty lethal = true deathmessage = You got canceled on Twitch damage = 10 stomachache = true [Mt Sodie|Mt.Sodie|Mt. Sodie] color = 17, 255, 0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes like Mountain Dew deathtimer = 25 deathmessage = NTF Unit found a sentient soda can with the label "Mt. Sodie". SCP Containment Pending. [Scp-420-j|Liquid 420-j|Brights favorite|liquid weed|420-j fluid|weed fluid] color = R29,G94,B30 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You start to feel like music is playing in your head damage = 1 [Corona] color = 179,155,91 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = That hits the spot! [Zucc|Zwuonk|Zornk] color = 0, 65, 171 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = "Your mouth fills with the taste of iron and a... tangy reptilian taste" refusemessage = "What do you not want the Zucc?" damage = 2 blood loss = 55 stomachache = true [Dr.Sodie|Dr. Sodie|Dr Sodie] color = 105,79,16 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = "This tastes like Dr.Pepper" deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = NTF Unit found a sentient soda can with the label "Dr Sodie". SCP Containment Pending. [SCP Labrat|SCPLabrat|SCP-Labrat|Labrat] color = 0,0,0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = I don't want to create a paradox. [a] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = a [Sodie D] color = 255,157,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This tastes like Orange Fanta deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = NTF Unit found sentient soda can labeled "Sodie D". SCP Containment pending [Bunger] color = 255,196,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = "This tastes like a burger" deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = NTF Unit found a sentient burger running around cafeteria near SCP-294. SCP Containment pending [Dogemilk] color = 255,255,0 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That is some good milk. stomachache = true [Hulk Juice] color = 15,140,49 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = HELL YEAH [Health Potion|Health Boost|Instant Health] color = 204,251,255 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel yourself gain vigor and strength. Your wounds seem to have healed to some degree. damage = -10 [Your Mother|Fatty|Pig] color = 233, 122, 245 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your Mother lethal = true deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox Unit [REDACTED] discovered a corpse of a dead Class-D in the facility cafeteria of Sector [REDACTED]. Death is presumably caused by obesity. stomachache = true [Primordial Soup] color = 2, 46, 25 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = "Man my ass would of stayed in the cell if I knew there we going to be days like this..." lethal = true deathmessage = "You DARE drink the PRIMORDIAL SOUP?!" refusemessage = "Good choice" damage = 4 stomachache = true [Gasoline] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg stomachache = true [Chebureki] color = 150,75,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like babushka's cooking damage = -10 [Doge Milk] color = 255,255,0 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That was strange but good. [Jack] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This tastes like repetition damage = 1 stomachache = true [BBQ Bunger|Barbeque Bunger] color = 255,106,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This tastes like a nice burger from a barbeque deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = NTF Unit found a sentient burger running around cafeteria near SCP-294, It attacked an NTF Unit, so it was terminated. [Catgirl Formula] color = 17, 0, 255 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel slightly more Agile, like a cat? damage = -20 [jorts|shart|shit pants|shitted pants|shitted jorts|shit jorts] color = 101,67,33 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes like hot doo doo, denim, and Linkin Park... [SCP-354|SCP 354|SCP354|354|three-fifty-four|three fifty four|three five four] color = 74,28,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes.. awful... deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered [REDACTED] near [REDACTED]. Subject was actively hostile and killed 4 personnel before being terminated. stomachache = true [N-word pass] color = 139,69,19 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = At last, I can finally say it... Here we go... N- deathtimer = 2 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was found in the cafeteria barely conscious, muttering something about the posession of an item known as "The Last N-Word Pass". It is unclear if the subject is referring to an SCP object or has consumed a poisonous and/or psychoactive substance from SCP-294, although the subject's last word was [REDACTED]. [Shitass] color = 42, 121, 247 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = :) refusemessage = Pussy, it's not gonna do anything it's just pepsi [8-bitgaming|ryan|otherryan] color = 227, 53, 15 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = tastes like a fnaf theory video refusemessage = bazamamamamamalam [Epic|Epicness|Epic Juice] color = 0,237,79 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I feel... Epic! [Scorpion Venom|Venom of a Scorpion|A Scorpion's Venom] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.2 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg refusemessage = Absolutely not. This would sell for a fortune. [ubercharge] color = 227, 5, 5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Medic tf2 refusemessage = you are dead no big soup rice damage = -1000 [Newbs] color = 240,237,13 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = tastes a bit like an asian cuisine refusemessage = keeth [Caprisun|Kool-Aid|Hi-C] color = 235, 73, 52 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Not as good as I remember... [big dick energy] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I feel my dick getting bigger! deathtimer = 35 deathmessage = NTF Unit found D-Class numbered [REDACTED] found dead, with a huge erection. Death presumably due to the big dick [Ranch|Not Cum] color = 243,239,246 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You should of got a pizza with that. deathtimer = 1800 deathmessage = You took so long the pizza arrived. [Spark Drop|Liquid Lightning] color = 102,255,255 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg refusemessage = Don't wanna feel the sparks fly? [SCP-207|SCP 207|SCP207|207|SCP two zero seven|SCP two oh seven|two zero seven|two oh seven] color = 58,29,20 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I feel.. more awake... deathtimer = 160 deathmessage = D-9341's body was found and later identified to have experienced multiple organ failures as well as exsanguination. Subject believed to have ingested a lethal dose of SCP-207. [Peanut|Peanut Butter|Peanuts|Buttery Nut] color = 181, 125, 13 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Its thick and tastes like peanuts.. [Lighter Fluid|Flammable Liquid|Napalm] color = 220,227,222 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel unable to breath lethal = true deathmessage = Your lungs filled with liquid, causing you to suffocate damage = 10 stomachache = true [Goon] color = 114,47,55 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Now where can I get a bag? damage = -69 [Sirenwater|Sirenjuice|Liquidsiren|Sirenpog|Siren] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you begin to hear singing in your ears. damage = -10 stomachache = true [Top Quality Bleach] color = 62,171,179 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Look ma I'm famous damage = -100 [Mank|Mank Juice|Mankanium] color = 137,139,65 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Mank? What the fuck is a mank? [GatorGuard] color = 171,171,171 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = So that's why the guards are always on edge [O5|O5 council|council] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tasted bitter but formal. stomachache = true [china] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = 你搞錯了國家的混蛋 deathtimer = 3 deathmessage = Chin Cheng Hanji Xue Hua Piao Piao [Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster|Pangalactic Gargle Blaster|Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster] color = 206,183,46 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes somewhere inbetween a gin and tonic, a margarita, and a glass of Scotch whisky. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Subject D-9341's body was found dead on the cafeteria floor. An autopsy later revealed that the subject's blood-alcohol content was a whopping [REDACTED]. [A Vile Sweetroll Concoction] color = 242,237,225 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = This Tastes... Vile damage = -2 [Administrator] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = [REDACTED] lethal = true deathmessage = [DATA EXPONGED] explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [Laxatives|Laxative|Poop Maker|Strong Laxatives|Strong Laxative] color = 184,7,219 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Uh oh.. i gotta poo real bad! stomachache = true [001|SCP001|SCP-001|SCP 001] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = How... lethal = true deathmessage = explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [Nu7 Up] color = 50,205,50 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your body surges with the desire to shoot a gun many, many, MANY times damage = 1 [SCPVRC] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Join at: discord.gg/scpvrc damage = -8 [LegendaryCheese|TheLegendaryCheese|Legendary Cheese] color = 255,225,54 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel the urge to laugh at farting pooping. [Owl] color = 255,228,201 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You have been blessed by the Owl with its wisdom and strength. The owl wishes you a safe journey. damage = -6 [thanos beatbox] color = 186,52,235 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you feel like showing how to scratch it [BarmbeQ Sos] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feeeel, cheemsy lethal = true deathmessage = Henlo Darcnes mine ald friemd stomachache = true [Cum Chalice|Milk Chalice|Semen Goblet] color = 232,252,210 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Congratulations, Nick. Enjoy your Dota! stomachache = true [Nyaa Juice] color = 255,216,110 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Nyaa! I feel Different, and lighter. damage = -4 [Liquid Dark Matter|Dark Matter] color = 0,0,0 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = You wanted liquid dark matter.... What'd you expect? explosion = true damage = 10 [Crystal Pepsi] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes just like Pepsi! [Glenn Leroi] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = ♩SCP, SCP, SCP-173 ♩ deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Class-D dead body was found in [REDACTED] doing whats presumed to be a dancing position. They are presumed to have died by a exhaustion, most likely due to dancing for an inhuman amount of time. damage = 4 blood loss = 20 [Wolfgirl DNA] color = 0,3,105 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I feel a sudden urge to awoo...... damage = -2 [Siren Head|Siren monster] color = 71,50,1 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I'M NOT A FUCKING SCP WHAT AM I DOING HERE damage = 3 blood loss = 30 stomachache = true [Mana Potion|Mana] color = 17,74,209 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like you can take on anything that stands in your way. [Among Us Potion] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = DID U DRINK THE AMONG US POTION AT 3AM?!?? deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Body was reported in the cafeteria, i think it was blue blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Liquid Frag Grenade] color = 17,120,3 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It's a frag grenade and it's liquid. Is... Is the pin gone? lethal = true deathmessage = Apperantly the pin was indeed gone explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [I-9 Brew] color = 46,43,40 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I feel.. lawful.... and Refreshed. refusemessage = I was feeling rebellious.... damage = -4 [Forbidden Ranch|Toxic Glue|Gorilla Glue|Not Elmers Glue] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The incredibly viscous, moonlight colored liquid Inches down your throat coating it, which causes you to gag uncontrollably, eventually it settles at the bottom of your gut, however you feel a sudden hardened mass causing immense pain. deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = This glue wasn't non toxic we'll grab the Elmers glue next time. damage = 5 stomachache = true [The Cure to Cancer|Cancer Cure] color = 41,42,46 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Nothing happened. [Lemon water|water with lemon|iced lemon water] color = 255,253,201 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes kinda sour. [Cure to AIDS|AIDS cure|Cure for AIDS] color = 41,42,46 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel relieved from a pain that you didn't even know that you were feeling. lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 found dead in the cafeteria at Site-[REDACTED]. An autopsy later revealed that he had suffered cardiac arrest. [cbd elixir|cbd drink|cbd water|relaxing drink|relaxation drink] color = 183,247,243 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Zen [fortnite|V-bucks|V bucks|ninja] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = THE FUCK YOU SAY TO ME LITTLE SHIT deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Class-D's dead body was found in [REDACTED] with a missing head and multiple crippled limbs. It's unknown what happened, but it's presumed The D-Class died due to effects of SCP-294. damage = 1 blood loss = 1 [WhoQuenches|Iota-9|Iota9|I9|I-9] color = 147,138,222 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The name dose not lie it has quenched your thirst. [REDACTED] color = 168,167,171 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tasted like... everything... you find you are unable to describe the taste. [O5sFinest|O5s Finest] color = 204,255,248 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your spit it out... but you dont know why... maybe its only for O5s? [Shize] color = 0,255,4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Shize, Feel the fizz inside you! damage = -4 [Shamrock Shake] color = 0,255,153 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It's the limited edition St. Patrick's day Shamrock Shake from Macdonalds! refusemessage = why :( damage = -2 stomachache = true [BlueberryBrainBlast|Blueberry Brain Blast] color = 0,183,255 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You can help but feel smarter. [Chug Jug|Jug Chug|Chuggie Juggie|CHUG|JUG] color = 0,188,235 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = U feel like u have max shield and health damage = -100 [Foundation|FoundationFizz|Foundation Fizz] color = 169,195,217 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Mhm... Fizzy! [Sum of all human knowledge|All Human Knowledge] color = 255,255,255 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = You can't remember who you are, why you're here, or what you're doing, but you sure as hell aren't going to drink whatever this is. [Olmec] color = 153,153,102 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Words and images of Mesoamerican origin appear in your vision, you're startled. deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = refusemessage = You look at in the cup and are disgusted with the grainy texture. damage = -10 [My Life Story|Life Story|My Life|My Story] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I remember who I am... I'm Benjamin Walker... I'm a scien- deathtimer = 3 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was found in shock on the cafeteria floor at Site-[REDACTED]. Orders are being awaited as for what to do with him. [Kali|Queen Kali] color = 255,230,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You've stolen from the goddess of hatred and revenge, but at what cost? blood loss = 300 stomachache = true [Amnestic] color = 232,5,152 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You take a sip and the taste is thick and metallic but the... the... you pause. You can't seem to remember... anything... your start to panic. damage = 1 stomachache = true [Directors Choice] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I Feel as if... i want pink hair.... and armor.... damage = -1 [Butterbeer] color = 201,153,40 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes a little bit like a less-sickly butterscotch [Fiji Water] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Refreshing... [Anime|Anime Music|Weeb Music] color = 43,255,209 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You have a urge to listen to MACROSS『82.99 F.M』 [Fire and Flames] color = 204,54,7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Through the fire and the flames we carry on! damage = 3 [Old Spice Swagger Body Wash|Old Spice Body Wash|Old Spice|Swagger Body Wash] color = 8,131,201 alpha = 0.7 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg refusemessage = You feel a strange urge to slather yourself in the body wash... [Concrete|Cement] color = 176,176,176 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel a pain in your stomach. Should you even be drinking this ? deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = Your major Organ's have hardened up (Something along the lines of that) stomachache = true [Toothpaste] color = 156,225,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Mother of Mia, that shit spicey damage = -5 stomachache = true [Reverse|Opposite|puC] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = .eb ot ti detcepxe uoy tahw ton saw knard tsuj uoy knird ehT lethal = true deathmessage = .ylf ot elba eb dluohs eeb a yaw on s'ereht ,noitaiva fo swal nwonk lla ot gnidroccA [Neutron Soup|Neutron Soup from Neutron Star|Neutrons|Neutron Star] color = 255,255,255 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [Mcdonalds Sprite|McSprite] color = 224,255,234 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = YO WHY IS IT SPICY? [Freedom|Escape] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The only way out is death. lethal = true deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered the body of D-9341 near the cafeteria at Sector [REDACTED]. Tests concluded that the cause of death was cardiac arrest, presumably related to SCP-294. [Orange Cream Float] color = 227,167,14 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like that drive-in I went to as a kid [explosive diarrhea] color = 123,92,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Quite splendid! deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = Shit pants explosion = true damage = 1 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [69|SCP-69|SCP 69|SCP69|SCP-6969|SCP 6969|SCP6969|6969] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = That was just semen stomachache = true [Stand Arrow Essence|Stand Arrow|Stand|Stand Essence] color = 149,0,255 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 found dead on the cafeteria floor of Site-[REDACTED]. An autopsy has revealed multiple piercings on the inside of his stomach from an unknown source. [Pizza Grease] color = 199,171,62 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tasted about like I expected it to [Troll|Trolled] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Its just air but you drink it anyway... deathtimer = 900 deathmessage = HA GET TROLLED LOL :D refusemessage = What a shame... damage = -2 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Speedrun|Dream] color = 176,250,76 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have 10 minutes to beat the game. deathtimer = 600 deathmessage = haha noob damage = -10 [Gator Raid|Aligator|Aligator Raid|Gator] color = 0,255,81 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel your stomach rumble intensely lethal = true deathmessage = NTF Unit discovered a giant swarm of small, tiny crocodiles. They all attacked the squad. 8 lost, 19 injured. stomachache = true [Horny|Sex|] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = "Did you just piss yourself?" "Thats not piss." [Cheese Whiz|Cheese Spray|Velveta] color = 240,207,79 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like I remembered it stomachache = true [Cr1tikal|Penguinz0|moistcr1tikal|keanureevesandjesuslovechild|mr moist] color = 18,227,227 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel A feeling of unimaginable manliness, and... is that a dildo? damage = -100 [E] color = 33,33,33 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = E deathtimer = 3333 deathmessage = E damage = -3 blood loss = -333 [Margarine] color = 255,245,81 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I can't believe its not butter! damage = -1 [Pog|Poggers] color = 255,212,65 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = YOOOOOOOOOOOO refusemessage = This is so not pog damage = -10 [Matteo] color = 168,50,50 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You are about to drink the remains of Matteo [REDACTED]. blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Dasani] color = 194,219,232 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel a bit thirstier. refusemessage = Yeah, it probably would have made you thirstier anyways. damage = 3 [reality anchor] color = 64,0,128 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesnt go away lethal = true deathmessage = THEREFORE, YOU ARE NOT REAL [Missing|Missing Texture|ERROR|Missingno|Garrys Mod] color = 255,0,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = There is nothing there. lethal = true deathmessage = refusemessage = There is nothing there damage = 10 stomachache = true [Hot Sauce] color = 217,102,9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Just my kind of hot. [Firefly|Glowstick|Torch|Light|Flashlight|Beacon|Lighthouse] color = 233,255,173 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = A slight burning flows down your throat, but you feel your skin begin to glow... damage = 2 [potato|french fry|tater tot|tater tots|chips|chip|crisps|baked potato|steamed potato|mashed potato|potatoes|potato pancakes|potato dumplings|twice-baked potatoes|twice baked potatoes|potato soup|potato salad|baked potato grilled cheese|chicken fried potato|chicken-fried potato|chicken-fried potatoes|kipotato|chicken fried potatoes|shepherds pie twice baked potatoes|shepherds pie twice-baked potatoes|potato gun|potato-gun|crash hot potatoes|potato rings|hash brown|hash browns|bacon potatoes Au Gratin] color = 168,123,50 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like a potato damage = -3 [scp 447-2] color = 0,204,0 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = gotta make sure not to die soon damage = -5 stomachache = true [Joker|Dark Humor] color = 162,91,207 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Oh God, this hurts... My insides feel like they're being sliced open... blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Catboy Milk|Catgirl Milk] color = 251,245,233 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Whatever was in that, it wasn't milk. It sure was thick though. Delicious. damage = -10 [RslashSCPorn|rSCPorn|SCPorn] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You disgust me. deathtimer = 2 deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox Unit [REDACTED] discovered a corpse of a dead Class-D in the entrance zone cafeteria. Cause of death is unknown. Xray scans show that the subject's entire skeletal system was removed without any trace or mark. damage = 5 stomachache = true [Squid Juice|Squid|Bootsquid] color = 255,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes fishy, with a hint of boot. damage = -5 [sans|sans undertale|sand unterman] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = *heh, you've got ten seconds to live damage = -5 stomachache = true [Jake Paul|Logan Paul] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.7 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [cube] color = 255,300,250 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = What in the fuck was th- deathtimer = 3 deathmessage = :cubeshoot: damage = 8 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Paint|paint] color = 250,250,250 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Yo was that fucking paint?? deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = Why the fuck did you drink that paint? damage = 5 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Bear] color = 82,69,46 alpha = 0.0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [Explosion|Explosion Water] color = 255,255,1 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = *Boom* lethal = true deathmessage = You went boom explosion = true refusemessage = why would I want to drink that? damage = 10 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [furry|pure furry|furry juice|anthro] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = wait...? It's good? wait. oh. oh no. damage = -100 [Nostalgia Critic|Doug Walker] color = 26,26,26 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Now you remember it so he no longer has to. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = You remembered a bit too much. refusemessage = I prefer AVGN. damage = -10 [Juggernog | Juggernog Soda | Jugg] color = 199,41,8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = When you need some help to get by Something to make you feel strong Reach for Juggernog tonight Sugar seduction delight! damage = -100 [Be My Valentine|Valentine|Will You Be My Valentine] color = 255,87,238 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Yes my dear, I will be your valentine. lethal = true deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered a corpse of a dead Class-D in the entrance zone cafeteria. Upon inspection the subject's chest is ripped open with the subject's heart missing. When xraying there was text curved into the subjects skull reading "Yes my dear, I will be your valentine". stomachache = true [Quick Revive | Quick Revive Soda] color = 46,213,216 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = When everything's been dragging you down. Grabs you by the hair, and pulls you to the ground If you wanna get up, you need a little revive! damage = -100 [YouTube Poop|YTP|Morshu] color = 82,43,15 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel mmm... richer!! refusemessage = No! I don't want that! [gabe] color = 250,203,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = actually its gabby not gabe [1-Up | 1-Up Mushroom] color = 62,216,46 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel like you can die twice? [Barak Obama | Barak Hussain Obama] color = 181,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Holy shit did you just drink the former president? You sick bastard damage = 20 stomachache = true [bedbro] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = tastes like hotel bed sheets smell... damage = -1 [SCP-001 When Bez Breaks|When Bez Breaks|SCP-001-J] color = 222,72,18 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel has if Bez is done answering the same questions over and over again damage = 5 [Awesome Sauce|Epic Sauce] color = 255,255,102 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel... awesome... EPIC even.... damage = -10 [Sprite Cranberry] color = 224,254,240 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The Thirstiest Time of the Year is back. I have just one query. [Uranium238] color = 80,168,50 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your nose starts to bleed. stomachache = true [White Obama] color = 191,224,216 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You racist damage = 4 [gamer boy cummies] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = What the fuck? lethal = true deathmessage = What were you thinking? blood loss = 5 stomachache = true [Suspicious spring water] color = 52,195,235 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel refreshed. damage = -10 [Miku|Hatsune|Hatune Miku] color = 0,0,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like metallic Vegetable juice [Cabbage] color = 99,201,44 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you just ate? drank? consumed cabbage damage = -10 [The Flood|Flood] color = 82,125,62 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel painful growths growing all over. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Subject D-[REDACTED] was found as a kind of zombie. The subject had large growths all over and was still dangerous when located. damage = 10 stomachache = true [Roblox] color = 255,0,17 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = *Turns into Noob* lethal = true deathmessage = Oof. explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Wyvern-Serum] color = 27,226,21 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I have wings! where are my arms!? [Disappointment] color = 255,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes familiar stomachache = true [Chocy Milk|Chocolate Milk] color = 168,101,56 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You are filled with ℂ𝕙𝕠𝕔𝕪 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕜 [Dad joke] color = 237,234,31 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Do you know how to get 1.3billion followers? [Kenny Eats pp] color = 74,15,15 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = damn this shit good lethal = true deathmessage = this was a joke, Truong is the one who eats ass [die] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = die lethal = true deathmessage = die explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [Watcher|05-5|The Watchmans Ale] color = 255,0,208 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I Feel like im being watched..... Perhaps its Jah? refusemessage = I See you...... damage = -4 [Reddit] color = 255,67,1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Thanks for the drink, kind stranger! deathtimer = 69 deathmessage = Haha, nice! (Wholesome 100) refusemessage = Found the normie!!! damage = -10 stomachache = true [Nu-7 Captains Finest|Johnny] color = 116,0,148 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = "Hey, Good Luck" refusemessage = "You Probably made the right decision" damage = -10 [troll juice] color = 240,216,0 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = trolled refusemessage = drink it damage = -10000 [Arm Pit Sweat] color = 235,242,255 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Taste the salty essence of the armpit damage = 1 stomachache = true [Your mom|ur mum|Thou Mother] color = 255,209,184 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You just drank your mom! xD xD deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Get rekt noob! damage = 50 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Bruh|Bruh Moment|Breh|Brah] color = 238,255,17 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Bruh... deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = You became a bruh moment, doomed to be cringeworthy for all of eternity/ blood loss = 100 [Holy Water|God Piss] color = 0,255,221 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your soul has been cleansed you unholy fuck. damage = -10 [WTF BOOM] color = 245,217,39 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = WHAT THE FU- BOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!! explosion = true [coochie|cooch] color = 189,60,103 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Coochie man. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = You couldn't handle the cooch. damage = -10 stomachache = true [Grenade] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Run lethal = true deathmessage = Death caused by a unknown grenade explosion = true damage = 10 [Geoff] color = 245,219,196 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel as though a friend is always with you. :) refusemessage = You feel as though you've just abandoned a friend. :( damage = -10 [Gorbini|Doom guy|Gorbini Drink|Doom guy|Doomie|Doomie Drink|Doom guy Drink] color = 255,71,26 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The taste mirrors that of raw potato. Visions of bulldozers cross your mind. refusemessage = No way Jo-say! [Hourai Elixir] color = 89,47,143 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Just by taking a deep breath of its fumes, the natural energy of youth begins to flow into you. damage = -1969 [Zeta Zap|ZetaZap|Z-9|Z9|Zeta-9|Zeta9] color = 194,103,230 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The drink tastes quite nice but has an aftertaste you can only describe as... warcrimes? [muta|mutahar|sog|some ordinary gamer] color = 89,23,24 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes like a virtual machine running under Qemu+KVM on Arch Linux [Piss Baby] color = 219,197,55 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Yellow piss baby what you gonna do piss yourself? [stepsis|sis|sister|step] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg refusemessage = The drink appears to be stuck in the cup [Alternate Universe-Alternate Reality] color = 93,113,146 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = [you can feel a alternate reality expand in your throat.] lethal = true deathmessage = when NTF units got to 294, they discovered a new universe inside of the cafeteria, but it wasn't expanding. it was the size of 294, The new anomaly was designated as scp-[DATA EXPUNGED}. explosion = true damage = 10 [Unus Annus|Unus|Annus|unus|annus|unus annus] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = There is only so much time left before you parish, take advantage of the time you still have. [Brisk|Iced Tea|Sweet Tea] color = 179,107,0 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I'm Just Chillin'! damage = -10 [Boomer Bile|Boomer] color = 69,133,42 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You tastes what seems to be vomit, you immediately feel sick. deathtimer = 4 deathmessage = You've succumbed to The Infection. But rather than turning infected, you get left for dead. refusemessage = Your standards are higher than this. damage = 1 stomachache = true [the blood i donated] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = good thing i donated my blood a year ago damage = -10 [Tiddy Milk|Honkers|Big Tiddy Milk|Breast Milk] color = 253,255,245 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like a newborn. damage = -3 [BUP|Boot Universe|ShNickel|Shukuteki|格雷格|greg] color = 201,201,197 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel funny. lethal = true deathmessage = What did you think would happen? explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [Raid Shadow Legends|RSL] color = 102,38,166 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Raid is a turn based rpg done right. In case you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t heard, raid is a badass mobile game that changes everything. The game is crazy popular, with almost 15 million downloads in the last 6 months. Raid is an epic dark fantasy done right. damage = 5 stomachache = true [Pebbles|Stones] color = 135,129,128 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Numerous small pebbles slide down your throat, resting in your stomach. stomachache = true [Holy Liquid|Holy|Knight|Lex|Holy Knight|Astolfo] color = 238,0,119 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You have been blessed with the image of a pink haired knight and you can not stop thinking about it [Nothing There|Mimicry|O-06-20] color = 176,54,38 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Do you know the difference between the terms “shell” and “skin”? deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = D-9341 was found inside of SCP-682's containment area at ██:██ after vanishing from the cafeteria. Only words spoken in the interrogation were "Manager" stomachache = true [Directors Choice][Lex][05-1] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I Feel as if... i want pink hair.... and armor.... damage = -1 [Liquid D-Class|D-Class] color = 240,148,10 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = This tastes familiar damage = -5 [Mustard] color = 255,203,12 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel your nose and mouth burning stomachache = true [Ketchup] color = 255,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It feels thick going down your throat. stomachache = true [Cereal] color = 245,222,179 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It's extremely soggy [Cereal with water] color = 210,180,140 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I have sinned [Doom] color = 36,32,32 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Something feels wrong... deathtimer = 900 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was found dead near [REDACTED] from cardiac arrest. The cause of this cardiac arrest cannot be discerned. [Undefined|something] color = 128,128,128 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = There is nothing there... [skibidibopmmmdada|skibidi bop mm dada] color = 256,128,0 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = The scattered remains of an unfortunate D-class have been found nearby SCP-294, presumed to have been killed by any output explosion = true [help|assistance|aid|support] color = 150,217,141 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Don't worry. damage = -999 [foof|f202|dioxygen difluoride] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true damage = 10 [cum | jizz] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you feel refreshed stomachache = true [Expunged data|Secrets] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = NOOOOOOO I DONT WANT TO BE EXPUNGED lethal = true deathmessage = You do realise that expunged data could be a cognitohazard or infohazard? refusemessage = I wasn't supposed to drink this anyway... [Fallows Concoction] color = 173,3,252 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel Cheerful, and slightly like a waifu. refusemessage = How could you. damage = -6 [Watibulle ] color = 50,205,50 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel the Wati-power running through your body damage = -5 [Challenge] color = 1,2,3 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Okay then. You've got 15 minutes and a lot less health. deathtimer = 900 deathmessage = You suck at this game!!! refusemessage = Drink it, coward. damage = -9 stomachache = true [Bean|Beans] color = 235,157,0 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Those were some good beans. damage = -2 [Mondou] color = 92,209,113 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It's salty [Lucozade sport orange 750ml bottle] color = 252,189,0 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You are now not dehydrated damage = -7 [Gueroc] color = 50,42,209 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You turn slowly into a furry [NRG Fitness Water] color = 65,159,252 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You are now energised. damage = -10 [Bingus | Liquid Bingus | Bingus Juice] color = 222,178,77 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Bingus flows within you! [Lemshetski|Lemshitski|Lem] color = 74,28,0 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes like a meme channel with poor quality uploads [Tarkov|EFT|Escape From Tarkov] color = 120,60,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes like a Russian city on the verge of collapse... [The unknowable|Lethal Infohazard|O5 secrets|Restricted Intel] color = 90,105,112 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You know what you didn't know before deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = You were never meant to know damage = 10 [erikole211] color = 209,50,204 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Its filled with Erik's soul lethal = true deathmessage = It was your own fault, what did you expect? damage = 9 stomachache = true [682 killer] color = 75,102,54 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel something weird in your stomach lethal = true deathmessage = [Scp-006] color = 146,180,219 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel somewhat younger damage = -10 [Elo|Kolego|ktory|mieszka|w|domku|z|klockow lego] color = 77,33,65 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Elo moj maly kolego damage = -9 [Inner thoughts] color = 128,128,128 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Some of these drink ideas are pretty unoriginal...l... [Best drink ever | The perfect drink] color = 252,3,248 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The drink... it's perfect... everything was a dissapointment. lethal = true deathmessage = Subject was found dead, no signs of death have been confirmed as of now. But a cup of the perfect drink was found near the body. [Loli juice] color = 255,126,247 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = These fluids are not legal. lethal = true deathmessage = Your guilt has caught up to you. damage = 10 [Corn Juice|Juice of Corn|Corn] color = 230,221,50 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes about like you expected it to [SCP-009|SCP-9|SCP 009|oh oh nine|oh nine|009] color = 196,0,56 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It's extremely cold... deathtimer = 240 deathmessage = Nine-tailed Fox found Subject D-9341 encased in red ice at Site-[REDACTED]. Cause of death recorded as internal bleeding presumably caused by SCP-009. Origin of SCP-009 is unknown. stomachache = true [SCP-025-J|025-J] color = 107,72,37 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = That's the most awful concoction of peanut butter I've ever tasted.. stomachache = true [SCP-1099|ten ninety nine|one oh nine nine|1099|SCP 1099] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Just sort of tastes like normal water... deathtimer = 180 deathmessage = An instance of SCP-1099-C measuring [DATA EXPUNGED] was found in the Sector-[REDACTED] bathroom. Origin of the instance has yet to have been found. Subject is being preserved for research purposes. stomachache = true [SCP-1134|1134|One one three four|eleven thirty-four|eleven thirty four|SCP 1134|SCP-1134-1|1134-1] color = 235,233,232 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [SCP-1169|1169|SCP-1169-1|1169-1|eleven sixty nine|eleven six nine|eleven sixty-nine|formaldehyde] color = 92,40,15 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes awful.. stomachache = true [Motivation ] color = 30,144,255 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel the need for more power [Charm ] color = 240,17,143 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Now, you have lost control of your senses blood loss = 10 [Half Life Alyx|HLA|HLVR] color = 252,186,3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It might not be Half life 3, but it's something. [OwO|UwU|OvO|OwU|UwO|UvU] color = 199,110,110 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg refusemessage = What's This? [Impostor|Crewmate] color = 255,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This drink tastes sus deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Body reported, D-Class found dead in back of electrical, killer probably vented, there is still an impostor Among Us. [2521|twofivetwoone|twentyfivetwentyone|SCP-2521|SCP2521] color = 0,0,0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [explodium|dear god no] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [Jojo Reference|Jojo|JJBA|Jotaro|Joestar|Dio|Speedwagon|Giorno|Josuke|Advol|Kars|Esidisi|Wamuu|LisaLisa|Stands|Hamon|Za warudo|Warudo] color = 255,3,221 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You thought this was going to taste like a Jojo reference, but it was I, DIO! [noclip] color = 128,128,256 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = yesclip deathtimer = 100000 deathmessage = You shouldn't have gotten this death message, but you looked into the code to do it. Consider yourself a script kiddie. [Conspiracy theory] color = 32,32,96 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = If there was no conspiracy theory, it would be necessary to create it. [Blood loss] color = 0,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Okay, sure. Die of blood loss then. blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Shadonian Sweet Berry Beer|Sweet Berry Beer|SBB|Shadonia] color = 255,0,98 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The taste is familure.... and strong, i feel Refreshed! refusemessage = A forgotten Recipe once again forgotten.... damage = -6 [Zefeated|The Pink Man] color = 255,102,204 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Don't underestimate him. lethal = true deathmessage = You are not worthy. [Cinnamon] color = 180,120,50 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your throat feels like it's burning! damage = 1 [the drink] color = 128,128,128 alpha = 0.0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = No, [REDACTED], you will not have the drink. [Rhy|Samath|Seon] color = 3,90,252 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You hear a faint voice in the distance saying "This game is a buggy mess, how hard is it to make a good multiplayer SCP game?" deathtimer = 1500 deathmessage = You hear a distant cry, you make it out to say "shitty game design" [Euan] color = 240,203,170 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You just drank some kid in Scotland, wow. damage = -1 [Everywhere at the End of Time] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You seem to forget why you're here in the first place deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = stage 6 is without description. blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Deez Nuts|Nuts|Deez Nutz|These Nuts] color = 214,168,122 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I can't believe you just slurped on deez nuts. [Peter Griffin] color = 250,35,35 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Hey Louis I was dispensed by SCP-294, heheheh deathtimer = 2 deathmessage = damage = -99 stomachache = true [Assault|Corgi|Bork Fluid] color = 168,127,50 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like Borking like a corgi does. damage = -10 [Bones|Bone Marrow] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tibia honest your going to feel this to-marrow refusemessage = You leave the cup alone. It looks bonely. damage = 10 stomachache = true [d] color = 4,4,4 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = d lethal = true deathmessage = you are d [ChristianSoda] color = 29,129,191 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Experience the taste of Alaska [Coom] color = 247,247,247 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg stomachache = true [Cyanide] color = 0,255,76 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = stomachache = true [Damage|Cup of Damage] color = 105,15,15 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = What did you expect? damage = 75 stomachache = true [Music|Cup of Music] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel invigorated, like singing personified. [Angels Trade] color = 255,255,179 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Pain Everywhere... damage = -10 [Order 66] color = 153,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel disturbance in the force. stomachache = true [SCP-173] color = 223,201,152 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you can taste concrete and metal in this blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Tessa Juice|Tessa Fluid] color = 93,242,85 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Women are not that great lethal = true deathmessage = how many toes do you feet?? [Bonk|Scout Juice|Bonk Atomic Punch] color = 250,15,20 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I’m a freakin blur here! [Ghost of me|ghostofme] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Siren was here [Konahrick|Konahrickle] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = the drink tastes really cringe. stomachache = true [Anti vaxx medicine|Essential oil|Essential oils] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = it’s healing you... stomachache = true [Jakey Juice] color = 48,85,145 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That’s my cum ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) stomachache = true [Orng Liquid] color = 255,153,0 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = mmmm orng lethal = true deathmessage = too much orng damage = -5 [the guy who asked|guy who asked] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = amogus? refusemessage = there is nothing in this cup. [kaismay] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = SIREN WAS HERE SIREN WAS HERE SIREN WAS HERE SIREN WAS HERE [lego|stepping on lego|stepped on a lego|stepped on lego|pure lego|lego pain] color = 255,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Ow my... foot? damage = 6 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [toby fox|annoying dog] color = 255,10,1 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = This tastes like... dogs smell... ugh deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = How dare you damage = 6 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [google stadia|stadia] color = 255,20,40 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Feels like a bit too much hype with a bit of... bad marketing? damage = -1 [the prince of darkness] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = You should not be here [four fucking pixels] color = 200,200,200 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = This isn't a good idea... [Lunar salt] color = 70,235,52 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = WOW that was mega Salty Bart blood loss = 300 stomachache = true [Cup Of Water|Cold Water Cup|Water Cup] color = 190,248,250 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Mmm.. Refreshing and Cold! [nostalgia|pure nostalgia|regret|longing] color = 1,1,1 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel that feeling again stomachache = true [satan] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The great evil fills you deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Unidentified naked D-Class found climbing at high speeds up walls screeching in an unidentified ancient tongue. He was shot on sight. damage = 8 blood loss = 200 stomachache = true [the sauce|sauce] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = the sauce is 177013 refusemessage = the sauce is 177013 [Jerma985|Jerma] color = 116,241,247 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like a mixture of mayonnaise, sardines, garlic, and blue raspberry. damage = 1 stomachache = true [liquid pain] color = 216,0,0 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The liquid is slightly chunky and tastes like the worst thing you've ever drank. Your insides start to burn up! deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = the remnants of subject D-9341 were recovered from site [REDACTED] near scp-295. cause of death is multiple internal organ rupture leading to internal bleeding. Assumed to be connected to scp-294. stomachache = true [the cure] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = This cure is most effective. deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = An instance of scp-049-2 was recovered in the cafeteria near scp-294 and subsequently terminated after being identified as a threat. when questioned scp-049 refused to admit to making the instance of scp-049-2. scp-294 will hencforth be moved to site [REDACTED] for safe keeping. the body was later found to be that of one D-9341. stomachache = true [Lysol|Disinfectant] color = 232,253,255 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It's cold and tastes like shit, but oddly, you can faintly hear a jukebox playing in the distance. [Monster|Monster Energy|Monster Assault|Monster Juice|Monster Rehab|Astolfo Cum|Astolfo Juice] color = 100,255,115 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Praise Astolfo. damage = -8 [Radiolaria|Vex Milk|Vex] color = 242,255,254 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes metallic. You feel like you are being eaten from the inside out. deathtimer = 7 deathmessage = Subject D-9341's remains were found in the cafeteria of Site [REDACTED] near SCP-294. D-9341's remains had undergone severe alterations, with most of his body being replaced by [REDACTED] and his blood being entirely replaced by an unknown white substance believed to be the source of these transformations. D-9341's body has been recovered for further research. stomachache = true [Apricot|Apricot Juice|Apricot Nectar] color = 218,128,19 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It's refreshing, and sweet. [426|SCP-426|SCP 426|SCP426|four-twenty-six|four twenty six|four two six]] color = 200,200,200 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I taste revolting and have a metallic texture, reminiscent of mercury. lethal = true deathmessage = An instance of me was found inside the body of D-9341 at Site-[REDACTED] on the cafeteria floor. Autopsy reveals that I induced a form of [DATA EXPUNGED] in D-9341, and is likely related to SCP-294. damage = 2 stomachache = true [Electricity|Liquid Electricity|Electric|Liquid Electric] color = 125,249,255 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = The victims entire body is charred by electrical burns, the worst of which line the inside of the victims throat and internal organs. [Lucozade] color = 245,173,66 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Nice and refreshing deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Pepsi is better I guess stomachache = true [Sean Aldridge] color = 252,73,73 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It smells of Lynx Africa, and cum lethal = true deathmessage = It sniffs out pedophiles [Golden Star Balm] color = 250,255,161 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Mmm thick, creamy and medicated lethal = true deathmessage = Nikita found out [Tabun] color = 189,160,98 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your vision starts to blur and you start to feel drowsy. lethal = true deathmessage = You utter fool! German science is the world's finest! stomachache = true [Hotdog Water] color = 235,171,52 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like a disgusting hotdog. [Oswald Mosley ] color = 3,115,252 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Great men of action... never mind on occasion being ridiculous; in a sense it is part of their job, and at times they all are. damage = -5 [DeBenGurdTrude] color = 255,248,220 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Congratulations you now have no life lethal = true deathmessage = Dead By Ben damage = -2 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [bald marine reservist cum] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = OORAH stomachache = true [Monster Pipeline Punch] color = 255,171,150 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Good as a mofucka [Dewrito] color = 201,245,125 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Lemme smell your breathe [Raptor piss] color = 255,247,18 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = This piss is poggers [Mountain Dew Baja Blast ] color = 3,252,194 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = At least I don't have to get it at taco bell. [Jabba Juice] color = 66,50,168 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You hear laughter in the distance... damage = 5 stomachache = true [marinara sauce] color = 212,0,0 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Real marinara sauce taste and juice of fresh tomato, but also a velvety texture and the rich bite of olive oil. [pitch|tar|asphalt] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The liquid falls down your throat. lethal = true deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered the body of D-9341 with no obvious cause of death. Later autopsy revealed that the cause of death was an intestinal blockage resulting in internal rupturing. stomachache = true [felis catus urine|cat pee| cat piss|cat urine] color = 247,243,25 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You got me drinking cat pee?? refusemessage = You got me drinking cat pee!?!? [Margarita] color = 241,255,204 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Where's my shaker of salt? [alfredo sauce] color = 242,241,194 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = This Alfredo sauce is thick and creamy and so delicious, it's got a nuttiness from the parmesan cheese and if the garlic adds a whole other level of flavor. [vx] color = 245,245,245 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = VX is a human-made chemical warfare agent classified as a nerve agent. Dumbass stomachache = true [pepsi max] color = 138,30,0 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Delicious, I feel refreshed and energized. [milkshake|vanilla milkshake] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Thick, creamy, and delicious. damage = -1 [chocolate milkshake] color = 130,59,29 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Thick, creamy, delicious, and chocolaty. damage = -1 [white claw] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = /laws has been disabled. [anthrax] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = OH SHIT WHY DID I DRINK THAT deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered a corpse of D-9341 in the entrance zone cafeteria. A later autopsy would reveal they had ingested liquid anthrax, presumably from SCP-294. stomachache = true [Miia|hot snake|snake girl|best girl] color = 255,15,15 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = there’s something written in cursive on the side of the cup - “for darling”. the drink is overwhelmingly sweet, so sweet that it actually heals your wounds. damage = -10 stomachache = true [black hole] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = After an investigation team was sent to inspect Site [DATA REDACTED], everything within a 30 meter radius of a strange energy orb was missing. Assumed to be a singularity, it eventually demagnetized and collapsed. Foundation personnel are still unsure as to the cause of the event. explosion = true stomachache = true [horny juice] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Shit, where's some pussy lemme fuck it. [celery soda] color = 66,245,117 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Celery soda, really *you hear a female voice in the background say " yeah, its delicious"* damage = -10 [wingsofredemption] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You now weigh 800 pounds and 30 seconds to live. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = stomachache = true [mcsandwich] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = explosion = true [hi] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = goodbye explosion = true [Palinka|Pálinka] color = 255,255,55 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = A good shot of Pálinka always helps... damage = -5 stomachache = true [Nutella|Hazelnut Cream] color = 28,15,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The overwhelming sweetness takes your mind off of the dire situation for a moment. You feel a little better. damage = -1 [PcCoolingliquid|Coolingliquid|Pcliquid] color = 3,252,161 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = "You suddenly feel like you're running Crysis on highest settings" [Hope] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = The cup is empty. [ebola] color = 168,163,157 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = eenjoy lethal = true deathmessage = blood loss = 74 stomachache = true [Pickle|Pickle juice] color = 187,165,40 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It burns your throat on the way down. stomachache = true [gamma ray|gamma burst|gamma ray burst|gamma burst ray|gamma-ray|gamma-burst] color = 183,76,54 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Uh oh... lethal = true deathmessage = Great job, you obliterated the entire planet with the press of a button. (made by willtrm) explosion = true damage = -10 stomachache = true [Jebaited] color = 190,135,50 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You got Jebaited lethal = true deathmessage = You Got Jebaited damage = 10 blood loss = 50 [pineapple soda|pineapple pop] color = 255,255,0 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = hmm delicious. damage = -1 [pineapple on pizza] color = 255,255,0 alpha = 0.0 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = YES [liver|my liver] color = 153,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Hmmmm. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = Auch stomachache = true [hydrogen peroxide|H2O2] color = 194,247,255 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You begin to feel pain in your stomach deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Subject D-9341. Cause of Death: Heart failure stomachache = true [Jeffrey Epstein|Epstein] color = 207,207,207 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You did not kill yourself. lethal = true deathmessage = Subject J.E. found dead in cell. Gunshots aside, definitely a suicide. [bandwith] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you have very bad internet speed lethal = true deathmessage = lmao noob get better internet before playing again refusemessage = you have good internet [Horny Fluid|Liquid Horny] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Not my smartest decision lethal = true deathmessage = You got to horny stomachache = true [Monty Python] color = 252,244,3 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You have a sudden urge to say NI lethal = true deathmessage = You are not a Knight who says NI [Peppermint Oil|Mint Extract|Mentha] color = 44,179,7 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You remember your last massage. Ahhh peppermint oil. Doesn't taste great though. [Talking Heads|Once in a Lifetime] color = 230,245,245 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down Letting the days go by, water flowing underground Into the blue again after the money's gone Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground [Minecraft|Blocky] color = 40,110,16 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I well blocky lethal = true deathmessage = GAME CRASH An unexpected issue occured and the game has crashed. We´re sorry for the inconvenience. damage = 10 blood loss = 100 [I am awsome] color = 222,24,31 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You get memories of all the bad things in your past, instead of awesome things. damage = 10 stomachache = true [Yoo-hoo|Chocolate Drank] color = 252,232,3 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I'm Me-hee for Yoo-hoo damage = -1 [Dr Breens Private Reserve|Dr Breen|Breen] color = 210,230,250 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = They must've put something in the water to make you forget. [Favorite Drink|My Favorite Drink] color = 217,182,152 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes wonderful! Exactly like your favorite drink! damage = -20 [Matthews Special Drink|Matthews Drink|Matthews Favorite] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It's kind of salty. Wait. It's just cum!? stomachache = true [Joy Drug] color = 0,255,242 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel absolutely nothing. [Nemo] color = 235,125,52 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You found him damage = -3 stomachache = true [Ryan Andrews|ryan andrews|ryan Andrews|Ryan andrews] color = 66,135,245 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like you’ve been a little bit trolled. stomachache = true [Jack Daniels] color = 212,110,51 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = That is indeed some smooth Tennessee Whiskey. [Cheerwine] color = 212,51,51 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A nice cherry taste. [Club Soda] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Its a little salty, but not bad. [Seltzer Water] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I think I'll just stick to regular soda. [Sparkling Water] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Its not as good as everyone makes it out to be. [La Croix] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Now all I need is the boys. [Cup of sonic] color = 0,0,120 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Gotta blast deathtimer = 420 deathmessage = You tripped on a stone... refusemessage = WARNING! DRINK DISPENSES LETHAL SPEED DRINK WITH CAUTION. stomachache = true [ Nitroglycerin|C3H5N3O9] color = 0,10,0 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = Why did you type an explosive liquid explosion = true [Dumb|Dumb Fuck Juice] color = 150,127,68 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You drank the Dumb Fuck Juice. What did you expect? damage = 1 stomachache = true [Bald] color = 173,159,123 alpha = 0.3 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [Enchilada] color = 234,121,10 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This taste WAY better than Empanadas! damage = -10 [Glow Stick Fluid|Glow Stick Juice] color = 253,245,74 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel your a burn as it runs down your throat stomachache = true [Cream Soda|Pink Crush|Crush Cream|Crush Cream Soda] color = 231,73,106 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tasted creamy with a bit of a nice tangy flavor. A well suited drink of a pirate. damage = -5 [Superspyguys] color = 47,132,39 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The only man with the right opinion. [Joke] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Hear about the new restaurant called Karma? deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = There’s no menu: You get what you deserve. [Pun] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = A blind man walks into a bar. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = And into a table... and into a chair... [Cherry Coca-Cola|Coca-Cola Cherry|Cherry coke|Cherry cola|Wild Cherry pepsi|Cherry pepsi] color = 149,55,55 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = As you drink the cherry beverage it reminds you of when you were outside the facility. Better times. damage = -10 [Fizzy water|Bubble water|Bubbly water|Fizzing water|bubbling water|bubly|Buble] color = 175,221,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Its not as good as everyone makes it out to be. [Ethan Boulin] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Bro, I'm a marine, put some fuckin respect on my naaaaaaame. (You have contracted dumbass disease, you now have 20 seconds to live) deathtimer = 22 deathmessage = stomachache = true [Jax|Vincent|Vincent Maresca|Vinquin] color = 87,48,145 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = "Imagine if I had a real weapon" damage = -1 [Mark Edward Fischbach|Mark Fischbach|Markimoo] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The drink has a strong, somewhat funny, and quite attractive taste with a peanut butter undertone. Also vaguely Asian. [Kyle Chacon|Acoright|Kycha] color = 255,157,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Hope you don't mind Filipino food :smiling_imp: lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 was found dead in the cafeteria. Death appears to be caused by asphyxiation via pairs of footwear lodged in the esophagus. stomachache = true [Ted Kaczynski|Unabomber|Kaczynski] color = 255,157,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Bruh lethal = true deathmessage = What did you think would happen? explosion = true damage = 10 [Jaden Lynch|JBL|Jaden Bryce|nascar161] color = 0,46,184 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You start coughing up exhaust fumes. lethal = true deathmessage = vroom vroom nascar [Dare|Dareflare|Dareflare13|Darren Hinchman] color = 255,157,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You are now Darren. Good Luck. Also your nose is bleeding. damage = -1 blood loss = 100 [Northern Carrot Juice] color = 249,173,49 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It doesn't taste like carrot juice. damage = -9 blood loss = -90 [Payday|Payday 2|Payday2|Payday The Heist] color = 255,255,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = That tasted just like diesel fuel [RainbowBacon] color = 137,207,240 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Fabulous [Aspect|Lurker|Backflips] color = 102,51,153 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = *backflips* Sick Flip bro deathtimer = 12 deathmessage = Poggers Gamer stomachache = true [Lemi|Femi] color = 255,130,222 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = it tastes like pink lemonade, but it's way better than you would think pink lemonade could be. damage = -2 [femboy|femboy juice|femboy potion] color = 247,163,229 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = That was good, you feel the urge to wear thigh highs. damage = -3 [moss|mossy|the cutest person ever|cutie] color = 32,125,34 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = that tasted really good, also mossy is the cutest person ever. damage = -8 [Rubber Duck|rubber duck|Rubber duck|rubber ducky|Rubber ducky|Rubber Ducky] color = 242,203,7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes like raw meat and rubber, it smells profusely of blood and intestines. damage = 5 stomachache = true [Dunkey|VideoGameDunkey|videogamedunkey|dunkey] color = 43,24,4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The skin of what seems to be an elderly black person. explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Nova|NOVA|nova] color = 67,7,145 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You don't know what it is, it tastes like nothing to you for some reason. damage = -2 [Alfonso | Chad | Chad Juice] color = 52,168,235 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You are now a Chad. damage = -10 [Serpents Hand] color = 153,17,8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You suddenly feel an urge to assist all the SCPs. damage = -10 [GOC|Global Occult Coalition] color = 9,58,181 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You suddenly feel an urge to murder all the SCPs. damage = -2 [Red Right Hand] color = 99,8,8 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You suddenly have a desire to protect those in the O5 Council. damage = -10 [Sussus Amogus] color = 194,189,159 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I have a friend in Rome, who's name is Sussus Amogus. deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = He has a wife you know. Know what her name is? Shegotthat, Shegotthat Drip. [SCP CB|SCP Containment Breach|Containment Breach|SCP CB|CB] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED lethal = true deathmessage = [Strange Medicinal Liquid] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes like.. Cream... It's so bright maybe I could use it as a light source? damage = -1000 [SCP-035] color = 145,145,142 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You're losing control of your body, you slowly decay. deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = Subject D-████ appeared to be armed and hostile while also wearing SCP-035. Nine-Tailed-Fox units promptly terminated the Subject and was then taken for examination. stomachache = true [SCP-500] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel refreshed... maybe a little too much. deathtimer = 180 deathmessage = Subject D-████ appeared to have no physical injuries. Analysis of the body reveals that the subject had an overdose on an SCP-500 liquid substance. It was not difficult to find out that the liquid was created by SCP-294. damage = -10 [SCP-131] color = 184,147,15 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = What the fuck did I just do? Tastes like metal. deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = Subject D-████ had no physical injuries, although after analysis of their insides it was discovered they died from metal poisoning damage = 5 stomachache = true [O5-1] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. lethal = true deathmessage = [O5-2] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. lethal = true deathmessage = [O5-3] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. lethal = true deathmessage = [O5-4] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. lethal = true deathmessage = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. [O5-5] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. lethal = true deathmessage = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. [O5-6] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. lethal = true deathmessage = [O5-7] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. lethal = true deathmessage = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. [O5-8] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. lethal = true deathmessage = [05 Card|05 Keycard|Best Keycard] color = 161,252,3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = LOL IMAGINE lethal = true deathmessage = YOU FUCKING THOUGHT YOU COULD CHEAT, DIDN'T YOU? explosion = true refusemessage = STUPID damage = 100000 blood loss = 10000000000 stomachache = true [O5-9] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. lethal = true deathmessage = [O5-10] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. lethal = true deathmessage = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. [O5-11] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. lethal = true deathmessage = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. [O5-12] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. lethal = true deathmessage = Not even you may uncover the secrets of the O5. [O5-13] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Literally non-anomalous O5. lethal = true deathmessage = Literally non-anomalous O5. [The Administrator] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = No. lethal = true deathmessage = No. explosion = true stomachache = true [cummies] color = 242,247,247 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = those cummies wewe yummi uwu damage = -9999 [bella|belluh|bel|bell|bela] color = 0,185,185 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = bel belluh bella belbel bela beller yummi damage = -11 [Dr Bright] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Who? lethal = true deathmessage = We do a little trolling [Logstriker] color = 92,36,32 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You just drank the remains of Logstriker. deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = Your insides got torn apart. [Tier 4] color = 51,255,119 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = tastes a bit like salt and bad gaming skills damage = -5 [Hot water|Boiling water|Very hot water] color = 205,233,241 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It's like water, but hot! [Italy] color = 3,252,7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You suddenly feel an extremely strong urge to eat pizza or spaghetti.. damage = -2 [DaBaby|Best rapper|Lets go] color = 77,64,47 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = LETS GO!!!!!!! lethal = true deathmessage = You died from too much hype from dababy... damage = 1 blood loss = 50 [Discord] color = 114,137,218 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel an uncontrollable urge to flirt with minors... lethal = true deathmessage = Subject D-ĚŠČŠ was located naked, dead on the floor. damage = 2 blood loss = 50 [Mute Puddleflop|Mute Puddleflop 1h] color = 167,10,240 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Bez can I be unmuted? [Skitt|thimathbox6] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg blood loss = 100 [random|your choice|amaze me] color = 3,173,252 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = you really don't know what you were expecting damage = -10 [nuka-cola] color = 51,255,255 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = this shit bussin stomachache = true [nuka-cola quantum] color = 51,255,255 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = this shit bussin stomachache = true [Jeem] color = 143,235,52 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I suddenly feel the need to scream for no reason and play Mordhau stomachache = true [Jelly Belly Pet Rat Gummi Candy|Gummy rat] color = 230,57,75 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Good boooiii [Liquid Snake|Ocelot Juice|Shadow Moses|Hi Tor] color = 235,229,52 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = BROTHERS! lethal = true deathmessage = your right arm seemed to develop a mind of its own, and right before losing all consciousness, you felt much more effeminate, and much more British. You are now a snake that is liquid. stomachache = true [Energon] color = 253,140,254 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Wait... you're not Cybertronian damage = 2 stomachache = true [Winter Wonderland] color = 97,158,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = trtf finally became a drink, winning. deathtimer = 2 deathmessage = You were killed by: dire damage = -5 blood loss = 44 stomachache = true [Liquid Buzzsaw] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes like pure energy damage = 1 [Element 115|115|Zombie Juice] color = 0,237,63 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Oh god deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Why on earth would you drink that? damage = 9 stomachache = true [Cherry Soda|Cherry Pop~|Cherry Fizz] color = 21,34,34 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Sup dude, I’m your brain. Have some dopamine. damage = -10 [Homework|Liquid homework|Ground up homework|Schoolwork] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You suddenly feel extremely fatigued and stressed stomachache = true [dires select] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You just drank my coom, LOL! deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = You died to my coom, LOL! explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Pepto Bismol|pepto bismol|PeptoBismol|Pepto-Bismol] color = 255,123,181 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your stomach no longer hurts. [Hentai Shake] color = 52,61,235 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Nice damage = -10 [Poison] color = 92,204,27 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Oh shit... deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Subject had no physical injuries, although after analysis of their insides it was discovered they died from poisoning [Hentai Energy Drink] color = 52,61,235 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Very Nice damage = -10 [The Boys] color = 128,8,89 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = may the gods be with you. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = D-4571 was found dead and was later discovered that they had drank "The Boys." They weren't worthy enough. explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [Portable improbability drive] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [Sullivan Cum|Sulivan Cum] color = 69,420,69 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Taste like cum from a monster lethal = true deathmessage = Really ? [Blood of siren|Siren blood] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = the drink tastes like god damage = -10 stomachache = true [Goku|Liquid Goku|Goku drink] color = 255,221,0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [scp-055|scp 055|anti meme|anti-meme|unknown|self-keeping secret|self keeping secret] color = 245,245,245 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = What was that again? [brazil] color = 90,168,50 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The Brazil finally into your hands... deathtimer = 1000 deathmessage = You have gone to the Brazil refusemessage = Going to cananda instead damage = 9 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Bean man juice] color = 255,221,0 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = There's absolutely no describing the taste [Cum joke] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Not funny, didn't laugh [Banshee Cry|Banshee|Bean si] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You hear the Banshee's cry... lethal = true deathmessage = The Banshee's curse has enveloped you damage = 10 [ShrekPiss] color = 0,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = NOW CONSUMING: SHREK'S PISS damage = -5 [Slime] color = 11,224,100 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You drink the green goo, then you wonder why did you do that. damage = 3 stomachache = true [worms] color = 184,184,184 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel disgusting stomachache = true [Chug Jug Juice] color = 25,190,240 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Chug Jug With You <3 damage = -10 [ralsei] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes... fluffy... damage = -10 [Sponsorship | Sponsored | Sponsor] color = 233,233,233 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You have regurgitated the solution because you didn't want to sell out. damage = -1 stomachache = true [Dawid|Dawciohd|Dawcio|gigachad] color = 252,3,236 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you feel handsome and your jawline is stronger damage = -5 [Juice that explodes|Explodey juice] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Fuse is lit lethal = true deathmessage = The Juice made you explode explosion = true stomachache = true [JoeMama|Joecharacter|Joedabro|JVM] color = 163,9,235 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Joe Mama! damage = -10 [Shirley Temple] color = 255,100,92 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like Cherries damage = -1 [Pog-Juice] color = 210,180,140 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Pog gamer damage = -5 [Oxi Clean] color = 25,75,156 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel like you drank the tastiest cup of bleach in the world lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 found dead, autopsy reports suggest prisoner suffered from numerous corrosive burns in the digestive system after consuming a liquid dispensed by SCP-294. stomachache = true [Cat Blood] color = 149,55,55 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = As you drink the cherry beverage it reminds you of when you watched a RolandVonRose twitch stream. Better times. damage = -5 [Cotton Candy Faygo] color = 109,181,252 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = This doesn't taste like cotton candy at all! [Arnold Palmer|Ice tea Lemonade Mix] color = 255,215,140 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I nice twist of Iced Tea and Lemonade [Banana collection 2] color = 250,0,242 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Finally, A good game. [RolandVonRose] color = 255,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like metal, or more specifically, liquid metal from a red painted robot. damage = 1 stomachache = true [Queen Mary] color = 255,140,125 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A sweet, cherry flavored alcoholic beverage damage = 1 [5-Hour Energy|5 Hour Energy] color = 232,114,114 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = 5 hours huh? Isn't that like 18000 seconds? deathtimer = 18000 deathmessage = You ran out of energy. damage = -10 [Flex Seal|Flex Seal Liquid|Phil Swift] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Hi, Phil Swift here for Flex Seal, the easy way to coat, seal, and stop leaks fast. damage = 1 stomachache = true [Jake Pacheco] color = 189,42,42 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = How could you! refusemessage = Don't you dare drink Jake Pacheco! stomachache = true [9C - 9Colas] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = WOOOO, 9C! [White Russian] color = 199,193,181 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Wow, that's strong [DSGaming Cola] color = 3,252,90 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Ahh, feels like... kissing with dsate... stomachache = true [Flex Tape] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg refusemessage = There is nothing to drink in the cup, requested drink is not a liquid (try Flex Seal instead). [Cazador Venom] color = 106,227,0 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg blood loss = 100 [Roy Rogers] color = 94,25,0 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Huh, fizzy damage = -1 [Toxic Website] color = 29,161,242 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The extremely salty taste is almost like Twitter. You begin to feel dehydrated and dizzy. stomachache = true [C4|Plastic Explosives] color = 255,217,171 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [PRO Fanta] color = 6,6,6 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = AM PRO lethal = true deathmessage = DISASTER refusemessage = *INTENSE SNIFF* I CAN SMELL DISRESPECC damage = 10 stomachache = true [ADHD] color = 255,165,0 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel as if you cant control your impulses, and feel really bored and fidgety. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = D-9341 was found in Storage Room A, lying on the floor exhausted, next to 14 bottles of instant coffee creamer and 2 ripped up cardboard boxes. Taken in for questioning [sovex] color = 179,53,39 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel the sudden urge to say "pain peko". [Spirytus Rektyfikowany] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Holy shit, that's very potent stomachache = true [Vitae] color = 0,14,207 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel your lifespan increase. Some of your illness' have also been prevented. You want more. refusemessage = You feel an opportunity wasted. You can use it to live longer! You can make recreate a pig out of organs with it! Well it all depends on what one considers a pig. damage = -10 [Anti Matter] color = 23,13,54 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The world collapses around you lethal = true deathmessage = idiot. explosion = true [IZZE] color = 206,186,111 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like green apple [shutdown] color = 17,209,68 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your life will shut down in less than a Minute deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = Seriously ? blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [WD40] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel like your body has no limitations. Also you cant crack your knuckles blood loss = 200 stomachache = true [Marks Piss|Gamer Sauce] color = 157,154,11 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel the power of Mark flowing through you damage = -10 [Methylphenidate] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel hyper deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = D-9341 was found dead lying on the floor. Autopsy shows cause of death as overdose stomachache = true [Woomy Juice] color = 214,11,24 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have consumed the power of woomy and feel like a true squid kid! damage = -10 [Shrimp|Shrimp Juice] color = 252,182,159 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Needs cocktail sauce. stomachache = true [TARDIS|The TARDIS|Blue Box|Borrowed Time Machine] color = 0,59,111 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = You've suffered a wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey death. damage = 10 stomachache = true [dreggs42s blood] color = 188,72,250 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like various chemicals, strange. stomachache = true [Washys-Pop] color = 232,137,177 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You hear a distant wow wow... damage = -5 [Bad Time] color = 0,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like you're going to have a bad time. deathtimer = 480 deathmessage = Get dunked on damage = 5 blood loss = 100 [Macaroni and Cheese] color = 255,189,136 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Sorry no Chicken Strips damage = -1000 [monke|ooga booga|banana|kill me] color = 189,191,77 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = GO BACK TO MONKE YOU IDIOT.. OH NO... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE.. NOW YOU WILL DIE!!! lethal = true deathmessage = you should have returned to monke... stomachache = true [New jersey|New Jersey|new jersey] color = 250,225,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Is.. Is this the entire state of New Jersey.. In a cup? deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = I hate New Jersey damage = 5 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Bone Hurting Juice] color = 189,142,25 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You drank the bone hurting juice lethal = true deathmessage = Subject D-9341's remains were found in the cafeteria of Site [REDACTED] near SCP-294. D-9341's bones had imploded, sending bone fragments and pieces inside of his heart and internal organs. damage = 8 stomachache = true [colter juice|colterjuice|colterj|colter] color = 105,164,240 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes oddly like spaghetti. explosion = true damage = -10 [You] color = 101,28,50 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Oh no lethal = true deathmessage = What did you think was gonna happen damage = 10 stomachache = true [The Bahama Mama] color = 27,224,178 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It's time to get funky! damage = -100 [Poo Juice ] color = 150,75,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Why? lethal = true deathmessage = You did this to yourself. damage = 10 [Chicken Strips] color = 237,135,43 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Sorry no Macaroni and Cheese damage = -1000 [Souls of the innocent|Soul|Souls] color = 176,176,176 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes... hollow and screaming? Though you feel better. damage = -20 [Lysergic acid diethylamide] color = 106,64,16 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your stomach begins to swirl. damage = 1 stomachache = true [asmr] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Weird, no taste. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = You have fallen into a deep sleep that you will not awake from. [Decontamination|Decontamination Sequence] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Attention, all personnel, the Light Containment Zone decontamination process will occur in T-minus 15 minutes. All biological substances must be removed in order to avoid destruction. deathtimer = 900 deathmessage = D-9341 caught in Decontamination Sequence [Smegma|Smelly Wang Juice] color = 255,255,229 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Not one of your wisest decisions. stomachache = true [Mole Cola] color = 54,22,6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = For Evan damage = -10 [Ice|Ice block|Block of ice|Icy|Solid ice] color = 94,234,255 alpha = 0.9 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg refusemessage = When your tongue touches the solid ice, it instantly get stuck. You rip your tongue from the ice. [Touhou|ZUN|Touhou Project|Marisa|Reimu] color = 127,25,230 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You suddenly want to "Borrow" books from a mansion damage = -10 [M1 Abrams|Tank|Abrams] color = 94,83,47 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The drink is warm and has a very dull and thick texture, and has a slight taste of oil. damage = 2 stomachache = true [Sentient|Sentience] color = 251,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Wait, no, don't drink me! NOOOOO! [Aspirin] color = 189,189,189 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The drink has a medicine smell, similar to a hospital. It didn't taste like much. damage = -4 [Giggle|gIGGLE] color = -238,130,238 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel your bones slimming and start giggling lethal = true deathmessage = You couldn't stop talking about yourself damage = 10 stomachache = true [The Vincenzo Special|Bit of Ear Bone|Ankle Lesions|The Hole in the Head] color = 245,242,184 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Mmmmmmm... Monkey... damage = -3 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Testosterone] color = 173,166,32 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel more manly, and have better muscles. damage = -5 [Mr Bumper Car] color = 255,138,251 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = WHY IS IT EDITING IN AFTER EFFECTS damage = 4 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Babyrage] color = 173,31,31 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel Infuriated, and want to smash something. You are starting to feel extremely warm. deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was found on the cafeteria floor, with the body feeling extremely hot, and with smashed plates, cups, and other various objects crushed or smashed. stomachache = true [Melvin Cola] color = 245,66,66 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have been blessed by the Red Lord... damage = -5 [Puke] color = 240,190,100 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = What did you THINK was gonna happen? stomachache = true [Squash] color = 245,191,66 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tuborg gets around. [Fluoride|Brain hurt jucie] color = 135,206,250 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Me likey drinky Me likey drinky damage = 5 [ifunny] color = 255,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = God what is this, ifunny memes!? stomachache = true [Vienna Lager] color = 235,165,40 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like the best drink you've ever had. [Isaacs tears] color = 211,245,241 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel an uncontrollable desire to cry. stomachache = true [Liberal Tears | Leftist Tears | Cries of the Damned | Blue-Haired Tears | Shapiro Ale] color = 256,256,256 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Facts don't care about your feelings. damage = -5 stomachache = true [Boom|Pow|Kaboom|Boom Boom Juice] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Kaboom! lethal = true deathmessage = Scorch marks and body parts/viscera strewn around the cafeteria suggest something with explosive properties were dispensed by SCP-294. explosion = true [Everything] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [Barotrauma|Subsurface|Regalis] color = 212,241,249 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Barotrauma, Regalis? Man I should play that game again. [Obama|Obamus|Chowder] color = 13,124,253 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Health care damage = -10 [eggnog | egg nog] color = 245,230,191 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Taste like Christmas. [lard] color = 255,247,224 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It's doesn't taste like pork. stomachache = true [Rubbing Alcohol|Isopropyl Alcohol] color = 186,186,186 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg stomachache = true [Krabby Patty Secret Formula|Secret Formula|Krabby Patty Formula|The Formula] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The secret Krabby Patty formula is: Seaweed buns, imitation crab meat patty, cheese, sea ketchup, sea mustard, sea lettuce, sea tomato, sea pickles, sea onion, 2 teaspoons chopped celery, 2 teaspoons choppen onion, 4-6 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 teaspoons thyme, 2 eggs, 1lb frozen imitation crab meat (defrosted and smashed in a food processor, 4 cups seasoned bread crumbs, 1 tablespoons mustard dijon, 1tablespoons mayonnaise plus more for dipping sauce, salt and pepper (to taste), ketchup for dipping sauce. [Sun|Sunlight|Solar Energy|Sun Light|Solar Light] color = 255,131,3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Hot and extremely spicy deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = The power of the sun is too great for a mere mortal like yourself stomachache = true [My neighbor ] color = 156,5,5 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = tastes like like blood stomachache = true [Ramen] color = 240,216,146 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Taste like beef ramen, there's even some noodles in there. [SCP-939 Urine Sample] color = 250,168,145 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Wait its.. actually pretty good. Tastes like cherry cola and honey. You feel rejuvenated. damage = -10 [Gyro Piss] color = 52,235,52 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Carlos is gyro [Thermal Paste] color = 84,84,84 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Is this even a liquid? It's so viscous and disgusting! damage = 1 stomachache = true [Nails | Salty Spittoon] color = 117,116,113 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = HOW TOUGH AM I, I ate a bowl of nails for breakfast this morning.. damage = 9 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [ToeCrud] color = 0,210,74 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Smells like feet. Yum! stomachache = true [bone cyst|bone juice|bone marrow edema|bone marrow lesion|BME] color = 134,90,90 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That was horrible, why did I drink that? stomachache = true [Glass of Teeth] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You chug and gargle a glass full of human teeth. Crunchy! stomachache = true [Spongebob sundae] color = 77,74,45 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = IM UGLY AND IM PROUD. damage = 1 stomachache = true [Molten Core] color = 186,87,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Straight from the hand of Torbjorn himself deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Man, I sure do miss the level three turret... [Titan spinal fluid|Titan juice|Zeke spinal fluid] color = 245,240,240 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel a jolt of electricity. It seems there are no other effects, at least for now... [Sodaroni|Exotic Sodaroni|Sodaroni Chug] color = 59,12,12 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A refreshing Faz-Beverage damage = -5 stomachache = true [Enzyme 42] color = 237,235,204 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A unique substance which inhibited the symptoms of the Kharaa bacterial infection in other indigenous organisms. [Taymour Ghazi Drink ] color = 77,210,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your Mom's car explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 200 stomachache = true [Unsee juice] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You take a big sip. You can no longer recall anything you have seen in the past hour. You feel immense relief. damage = -20 [Gunpowder|Black Powder|Propellant] color = 116,116,116 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Its powdery for a liquid. explosion = true stomachache = true [Moscow Mule|Mule] color = 237,213,202 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = A nice kick in the chest! [Chopsticks Spit] color = 200,200,200 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You ready for a good time? lethal = true deathmessage = Better luck next time, ItsJustChopstickTTV damage = 1 blood loss = 1000 stomachache = true [Sossdossers|Gear-Cola|Dave and Yeayo Special] color = 145,10,0 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You are blessed by Sigis damage = -10 [ChiliPepper] color = (255,0,0) sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Noah Dont look behind you........ IRL deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Told you not to look behind you damage = 10 stomachache = true [Antifreeze|Ethylene glycol] color = 59,127,255 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel nauseous and dehydrated damage = 10 stomachache = true [Strawberry and Banana Smoothie] color = 212,72,102 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You taste a blend of sweet fruits damage = -1 [Pamus] color = (0,255,0) glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You start to love Godzilla Movies damage = -10 stomachache = true [Plague] color = 225,235,52 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A gift from the doctor damage = -10 [Fletcher] color = (255,215,0) glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You start to feel like your the best person to ever exist refusemessage = You do not want to miss out on this drink [mushroom tea|mushy tea|mushie tea] color = 0,120,0 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Have a nice trip damage = 3 stomachache = true [Maziik Juice|Maziik special|Maziik super ultra special big brain syrum] color = 93,227,250 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Thats my ass dude refusemessage = Your loss dummy damage = -11 [IncelJuice] color = (101,67,33) sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel disgusted with yourself lethal = true deathmessage = You Died of disgusting hygiene damage = 10 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [rum] color = 210,105,30 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = yarrrr lethal = true deathmessage = you were not pirate enough stomachache = true [Kirbo Special|Ethan Special] color = 245,162,217 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Hello from Mr. Vrontisis damage = -10 [Mountain Dew Code Red|Mtn Dew Code Red|The Dew Code Red] color = 208,13,13 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Yummy. stomachache = true [River Water|Dirty Water|Bad Water] color = 58,74,41 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You don't feel so good deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = You have died of Dysentery [Trydent A] color = 64,175,219 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = well well well....you did id. you drank my Soul, and now i´m with you... Forever damage = -100 stomachache = true [Lead|Liquid Lead|Lead Liquid|Liquid Death] color = 54,54,54 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = Why? [Anti-Blood|Bloodnt|No Blood|Crips] color = 0,0,255 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You a real gangsta for this. damage = 3 blood loss = 100 [Jeremy] color = 143,0,0 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = Don't Drink me! [Windex] color = 52,195,235 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It looked good deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = Worth it refusemessage = Pussy damage = 4 blood loss = 45 stomachache = true [Juice Cannon] color = 67,161,208 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = prepare to be juiced in 3- lethal = true deathmessage = You've been juiced damage = -10 [Glock] color = 17,17,17 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes strongly of metal, Polymer, and gunpowder. stomachache = true [Bussy Squirt] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Not that bad blood loss = 200 stomachache = true [StrixBit] color = 70,102,255 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Do I taste good? [Second wind] color = 64,175,219 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = your body is healed ...for now damage = -10 [Uncles Yummy Milk] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Just like uncle tim makes it damage = 1 [Monkey|Monki] color = 173,126,94 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Monkey See, Monkey... DOOOOO! [Evan|Evan Juice|Evans] color = 94,183,235 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Evan lethal = true deathmessage = The body of a Class-D was discovered near SCP-294. Upon seeing the body overflowing with different Evan [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and his last breath of [DATA EXPUNGED], MTF had experienced [REDACTED] Evans, [REDACTED] Evans, [REDACTED] Evans, [REDACTED] Evans, [REDACTED] Evans, [REDACTED] Evans, [DATA EVAN] [EVAN] EVAN EVAN IS HERE... blood loss = 15 [Candle|Scented Candle] color = 255,255,227 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = This liquid's hot! It tastes like the smell of wax. blood loss = 2 stomachache = true [Lube|Lubricant] color = 212,217,216 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You are now very slippery damage = 1 [True Power|God Juice] color = 0,255,140 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I feel absolute power flow through me! deathtimer = 1800 deathmessage = This power was not meant for mortals damage = 5 [Money|Cash] color = 138,0,217 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Why did you drink that!? stomachache = true [Sprite] color = 72,189,103 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A nice and refreshing bottle of Sprite soda. damage = -10 [Depression] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The drink did not have much of a taste but now you feel very sad and unmotivated.... deathtimer = 75 deathmessage = Class D-9341 was found in Entrance zone and appears to have died due to lacerations on their wrist. No clues of resistance or distress was found and death was determined to be suicide. stomachache = true [Green-Herb Tea|Green Herb Tea|Crushed Green Herb|Crushed Green-Herb] color = 137,179,12 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Small cuts and bruises heal miraculously damage = -2 [Thyme|Rosemary] color = 54,94,34 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I guess I'm running low on thyme... deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was found unconscious on the floor by [REDACTED], and was summarily terminated. Subsequent autopsy revealed severe pulmonary lacerations and internal bleeding, consistent with inhaling approx. 350mL of dried [REDACTED]. damage = 1 stomachache = true [Vanilla Boba Tea] color = 245,243,193 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Lovely boba tea damage = -3 [Moglit Milk] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You are NOT a moglit expert. lethal = true deathmessage = Seek the trainings of Dave, the moglit expert. damage = 10 stomachache = true [prelor] color = 20,150,94 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = lmao nice drink loser refusemessage = :( damage = -5 [Flammable|Some sort of spanish spice] color = 199,44,20 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = DID YOU EQUIP YOUR WASHING HANDS?? explosion = true damage = 9 stomachache = true [Dehydrated Water] color = 195,244,250 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It is water without the wet damage = -10 [SCP-682 Killer] color = 66,129,11 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = It was too powerful for you to handle explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [Red Herb Tea|Red-Herb Tea|Crushed Red-Herbs|Crushed Red Herbs] color = 191,59,11 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Blech! This might taste better mixed. [sv cheats 1] color = 207,145,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Server CVAR sv_cheats has been set to 1 deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Player "D-9341" has been banned (Unauthorized use of cheats) damage = 100 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Insanity|Madness] color = 165,15,170 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Hahahahaha you are going to die hahahahahahahahaha deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Hahahahahahahahhaha... stomachache = true [Dynamite] color = 216,18,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = BOOOM explosion = true [Cosmos] color = 50,201,184 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Quite an unusual name, yet tastes just like water but better due to the name, You feel [REDACTED] and seem [REDACTED] [Ambrosia|Divine Fruit] color = 255,214,89 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes like cardboard... damage = -5 [Cooking Oil|Vegetable Oil|Olive Oil|Coconut Oil|Sesame Oil|Canola Oil|Corn Oil|Sunflower Oil|Peanut Oil] color = 173,150,17 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = 2). Cover yourself in oil, They feed us poison, So we buy their "Cures", While they suppress our medicine. damage = -5 [Boob-Juice] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = f*ck yeah! I feel good lethal = true deathmessage = boob juice is too much damage = -10 [NomNomNom] color = 94,33,0 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = yum refusemessage = :( damage = -10 [Mystery Potion|Potion|Mystery Brew|Mage Brew] color = 146,2,179 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It's water but chunky deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = Did you honestly think drinking a magic potion from the 12th dimension is gonna go over well? blood loss = 25 stomachache = true [yoCosmos] color = 66,245,176 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Seems familiar... You see visions of a man who is unable to withstand the horrors you have seen but yet presses on, egged on by messages from unknown people.. [kombucha] color = 204,204,0 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = What was in that kombucha??? stomachache = true [WICKED] color = 207,81,81 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel the urge to perform stunts of any magnitude, even as little as a minor jump over something tiny, feeling satisfaction even if the result ends horribly. [Alvin] color = 0,242,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = 🎵 Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Had a very shiny nose And if you ever saw it You would even say it glows 🎵 stomachache = true [RC Cola|RCola|RC Cola Lemon|RC Cola Cherry] color = 139,69,19 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Get to know the American South through the flavor of a true southern cola. [9] color = 66,158,245 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You are the Strongest [motherlode] color = 47,226,6 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You got 50 000 simoleons [Comic] color = 239,143,247 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Ever tried to eat a clock? It’s time-consuming. deathtimer = 6 deathmessage = Why did the ghost walk into the bar, cause it wanted some BOO-se stomachache = true [The Bill Cosby] color = 66,135,245 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = 😊 refusemessage = try harder damage = -10 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Negative] color = 0,0,1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You vomit out the drink , feeling your insides melt into black liquid lethal = true deathmessage = Nine Tail Fox team Was sent to Site-[ REDACTED ] . The site was pretty much all covered in black thick liquid. Many corspes we're found , seemingly melted from the inside . D class Subject D - 9341's remains we're found near the left overs of SCP 294 . SCP 294 was confirmed Neutralized. blood loss = 85 stomachache = true [Pi] color = 96,163,107 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = 3.14159265359...... [Igor] color = 9,73,183 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Thank you Igor, I will build you a monument! damage = -25 [Fabric of reality] color = 145,0,235 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you feel your atoms breaking down into nothingness lethal = true deathmessage = what did you expect? damage = 10 [B61|Nuke|Nuclear Bomb|Little Boy|Fat Man] color = 255,255,102 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Why would you drink that? lethal = true deathmessage = Object appears to have drunk a fucking nuclear bomb. I cant put his stupidity in words. explosion = true damage = 100 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [dk83] color = 00,00,00 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Wow, this tastes like a black ho..l.e.. damage = -10 stomachache = true [Rambini] color = 255,120,0 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Rambini is watching damage = -10 [stijn] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Stijn lethal = true deathmessage = explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Toast|Liquid Toast|Toasty|Bread|Burnt Toast] color = 158,88,17 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like... Toast? damage = -1 [Femboy coom] color = 255,51,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = OWO THE FEMBOY COOM HAS ENLIGHTENED YOU! damage = -25 [Haubenspalter] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Deine Haube wird jetzt gespalten! deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Objekt hat seine Haube gespalten bekommen stomachache = true [Latex] color = 00,00,00 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The liquid spreads across your body. lethal = true deathmessage = An unknown organism was found wandering the facility in the appearance of a black humanoid canine. Subject captured for further investigation. damage = 10 [Specerijen|Kokosnoot] color = 158,54,35 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Zeg Makker, kokosnoten zijn geen specerijen deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = G E K O L O N I S E E R D [Pantheon] color = 53,55,181 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Sky would be proud damage = -3 [krunk juice|krunk|krunk drink|krunk soda] color = 255,227,153 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You can feel your teeth rotting already. stomachache = true [Pali] color = 256,256,256 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Bruh you drank a spirit. stomachache = true [Batman] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = A-Alfred..? damage = 1 stomachache = true [Deez|Deez Cola] color = 89,48,48 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Deez what? deathtimer = 69 deathmessage = Deez nuts! hah gottem damage = 8 stomachache = true [kenx00x] color = 255,0,238 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Zero two is the best waifu damage = -100 [AML|Advanced Molecular Labs|Pre-Workout] color = 220,20,60 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It's basically liquid cocaine. stomachache = true [Viagra] color = 11,186,180 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You keep getting harder deathtimer = 600 deathmessage = your heartbeat stopped because of the Viagra drink [Sisu] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel determined not to die, also you see winter war flashbacks. damage = -10 [stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo ] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo lethal = true deathmessage = stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo stijn is homo explosion = true stomachache = true [DocDeath] color = 227,3,252 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You Got jabaited refusemessage = Cringe damage = -10 [amogus | among us | sus] color = 214,19,19 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you're feeling kind of sussy [afrika] color = 139,88,49 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You are now from African origin [DreamCartoonz|Furry Fluid] color = 171,32,32 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = She sends her regards. damage = -1 stomachache = true [Bromine] color = 94,11,5 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your throat, mouth and nasal cavity burns from the fumes of the liquid. deathtimer = 14 deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered a dead D-Class, the subject's eyes were red and irritated. Autopsy revealed lung and brain damage from bromism damage = 2 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Zurua] color = 153,0,255 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Timeless damage = -2 blood loss = 3 [Horchata] color = 234,231,206 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The sweet liquid cools your throat [Josie|eee|Marie] color = 9,13,227 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Every single time I go to a con, people cat-call me. damage = -10 stomachache = true [Purple Liquid] color = 140,10,190 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = What is this? It tastes salty... [Four Leaf Clover|Luck] color = 75,125,110 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Is this a good feeling or a bad feeling? lethal = true deathmessage = Subject must have been unlucky. Maybe seven isn't the lucky number. damage = 7 blood loss = 78 stomachache = true [Chloroform|CHCl2|Trichloromethane] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = You decided to drink chloroform, why? damage = 10 stomachache = true [Man glue] color = 240,240,240 alpha = 0.9 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = No way. [Mug Root Beer] color = 90,52,31 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Mug Moment damage = -10 [Peanut juice|Peanut liquid|173 juice|173 liquid|SCP 173 juice|SCP 173 liquid|scp 173 juice|scp 173 liquid] color = 15,7,5 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = it looked just like the liquid inside of 173's chamber but tastes rather sweet deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = When NTF regained control of the facility it was discovered that a second SCP-173 was roaming the facility it is unclear how a second one manifested but SCP-173 is being increased from Euclid to Keter rating and specimens are to be referred to as SCP-173-1 and SCP-173-2 stomachache = true [Skooma] color = 122,68,95 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel a huge burst of energy flow through your body. deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = Be careful what you drink. damage = -10 [Sussy Syrup] color = 51,26,0 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel like such a sussy baka now stomachache = true [Skillz2Play] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You are now a furry [Craiguuu Cola|Craiguuu] color = 191,0,230 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You have suddenly became a tryhard stomachache = true [Drill|broke dick peice of shit drill|bdposd|broke dick pos drill] color = 255,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I hate this broke dick piece of shit drill deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = DRILL JAMMED stomachache = true [Rat Juice] color = 89,82,82 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have consumed a rat. The rat was crushed in that machine to give you this, you better enjoy it. deathtimer = 143 deathmessage = You shouldn't have consumed the rat. damage = 9 blood loss = 1000 stomachache = true [Croozy] color = 66,135,246 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes of the hatred of humanity damage = -1 [Hot Chocolate | Liquid Chocolate] color = 59,28,19 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You Didn't Let It Cool! Good Job! damage = -10 [ImCroozy] color = 250,0,0 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your hatred for humanity increases. ESPECIALLY those damn E-Boys damage = -1 [Sneedink] color = 255,217,15 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Enjoy, city slicker! stomachache = true [cyanide ] color = 235,207,52 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel very faint lethal = true deathmessage = You drank cyanide, why are you surprised refusemessage = Nope, no, nada damage = 10 stomachache = true [seggs] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = you feel a sudden affection for scp-173 damage = -5 stomachache = true [Epicfail|Epic Drink|Epicfail drink|Epicend|Epicend Drink]] color = 255,0,47 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Prepare for unforeseen consequences. lethal = true deathmessage = You weren't prepared. [lotion ] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = ugh why'd i do that stomachache = true [Caren|Karen|Entitled] color = 87,4,50 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You suddenly feel entitled and want to see the Manager stomachache = true [Liquid Mercury|Organic Mercury|Inorganic Mercury] color = 117,122,128 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your heart begins to feel weak deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = You died of mercury poisoning stomachache = true [Mango Juice|Mango] color = 252,190,3 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Mmm... Tropical.. [Callump01s Diet Cola] color = 225,225,20 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This doesn't look or smell like Cola. It's Yellow and reeks of... oh sweet jesus! damage = 1 stomachache = true [Nani|What] color = 99,10,10 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Omae wa mō shinde iru. NANI? lethal = true deathmessage = You are already dead. What? stomachache = true [JesseKiri] color = 0,30,240 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Follow JesseKiri at Twitch.tv/JesseKiri ;) lethal = true deathmessage = And subscribe with Twitch Prime for a month to get emotes and other cool rewards! [1128] color = 50,73,143 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = what the fuck was that thing? [gogurt] color = 200,70,80 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes like fake strawberries. [Jarritos Pineapple] color = 215,219,103 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Little jug of joy damage = -5 [Marxism|Marxism-Leninism|Freedom for the working class] color = 205,0,0 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel a strange urge to take on capitalism and free the working class. damage = -10 [Slurm] color = 142,189,53 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Still warm stomachache = true [RadiCola|Chernobyl Special] color = 34,189,75 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Thank you for drinking, we hope you enjoy the cola made straight in chernobyl! deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = You drank a drink made in chernobyl, what did you expect? damage = -500 stomachache = true [Penis|Cock|Dick] color = 235,145,120 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Mmmmm tasty. [Havel|havel|Havel the rock|havel the rock|Havel The Rock] color = 162,164,166 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You Rock lethal = true deathmessage = A Class D found dead in the facility cafeteria of Sector [REDACTED]. All cells of the subject have been converted into a substance harder than the stone itself. On the screen of the scp-294 it was possible to read: And for this I hate magic. damage = -9 stomachache = true [Clhorine|Cl] color = 214,255,245 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You start to feel shortness of breath, Your mouth burns and your throat is swelling. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = You have died of chlorine poisoning damage = 3 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Sand] color = 209,161,90 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Its just sand... damage = 1 stomachache = true [Michirus-thigh-sweat] color = 245,254,255 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Mmm yummy thigh juice stomachache = true [The Connor Special] color = 74,171,255 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = tastes of oil lethal = true deathmessage = It's so good it'll put ya to sleep damage = 5 stomachache = true [loli] color = 252,3,219 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = your going to jail lethal = true deathmessage = a pink substance was found all over the body of the subject and walls explosion = true stomachache = true [Falco Juice|FJ] color = 33,0,122 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You suddenly feel the need to plug-walk. damage = -20 [Janny] color = 161,96,31 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Image Perms = Gone damage = 2 stomachache = true [elon musk|elon] color = 235,24,9 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you feel smarter lethal = true deathmessage = drank anomalous blood stomachache = true [Magnesium] color = 198,207,200 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You drink literal magnesium. You'll probably overdose. lethal = true deathmessage = You die from a magnesium overdose. In your final moments, you feel the contents of your bowels quickly escape you, gilding your backside in an explosive, liquid-brown coat. damage = 8 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Watermelon Juice] color = 51,204,51 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg [Hot Dr Pepper] color = 67,0,18 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = "Little carbonation, and I'll see you later"! stomachache = true [Jet Fuel|Rocket Fuel] color = 209,158,38 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You still cant melt steel beams lethal = true deathmessage = Why did you even try? damage = 10 stomachache = true [Burning Memory] color = 204,79,12 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like you've forgotten something blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [grebs cider] color = 50,205,50 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = it's a hard knock life you have lethal = true deathmessage = instead of treated, you got kicked [Hollow Beverage] color = 61,58,56 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The taste is oddly numbing. lethal = true deathmessage = You still feel nothing damage = 10 blood loss = 100 [Bloxy Cola] color = 71,49,44 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Siiiipppp... Aah [Bat|Bat Soup|Crazy Chinese Meat stuff|Delicious Bat Stew|Bat Stew|Raw Bat] color = 102,51,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = This bat soup tastes really nice... I wonder why my throat hurts so much deathtimer = 25 deathmessage = Subject created a new virus in his fucking kitchen and died because of it. damage = 55 stomachache = true [Stage 6] color = 165,42,42 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Post-Awareness Stage 6 is without description. deathtimer = 500 deathmessage = You've forgotten blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [TheCummyTummy] color = 140,0,140 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It is the Man Coomming in our Face, cant do shit, only Coom. damage = -5 blood loss = 10 [Meatballs|Swedish Meatballs] color = 168,150,44 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This tastes awfully a lot like mama's cooking. deathtimer = 8 deathmessage = You felt too swedish and couldn't handle it. damage = 3 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [FNAF|fnaf|FiveNightsFeddy|itsbeensolong] color = 128,0,128 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It's been so long deathtimer = 200 deathmessage = You couldn't make it to 6AM. They found you. stomachache = true [Constructicon|construct] color = 0,110,9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You are not worthy deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = You were not worthy of being a constructicon damage = -10 stomachache = true [green] color = 0,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It somehow tastes like the concept of green deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = You experience brain death from drinking green damage = 5 stomachache = true [Suco De Merda] color = 163,109,51 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The drink tastes like sewage, and looks like it too. stomachache = true [asta | black clover] color = 46,1,1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel extremely motivated, YOU WILL NOT GIVE UP. damage = -5 [Gurt|The Gurt|Shlorp] color = 254,254,254 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Slurp the Gurt deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Too much Gurt stomachache = true [Africa] color = 240,167,93 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you feel and absence of water in your body damage = 2 stomachache = true [Falcon PUNCH] color = 79,188,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel sad as you taste blue damage = 1 stomachache = true [Spront] color = 85,237,90 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = mmmmmm cwispy damage = -2 [la pelegrino|perrier croix|la perrier|pelegrino croix] color = 33,53,167 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = BEHIND YOU WATCH OUT damage = -2 [Ib] color = 199,8,43 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = A beautiful red rose sprouts out of your hand and starts wilting. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = If the rose wilts, so too will you rot away. stomachache = true [fard] color = 0,100,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = tastes like fart, Ew. damage = 3 blood loss = 70 stomachache = true [Soy|Soylent] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel the sudden urge to browse Reddit and Twitter. damage = 1 stomachache = true [Scpsl] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = inferior game lethal = true deathmessage = Thinks scpsl is better damage = 5 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [rat poison] color = 207,238,250 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = rat time lethal = true deathmessage = rat damage = 5 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Broggers | Stridercest] color = 242,164,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN! lethal = true deathmessage = Your mind is telling you no... damage = 5 stomachache = true [Dame Tu Cosita] color = 31,148,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Wait its a little........ green? deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Dame tu cosita ah ah dame tu cosita ah AYE [Squirrel Blood] color = 168,50,50 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Why.. Why would you want this? [C00m Chalice] color = 248,248,255 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You consume the Chalice its gives you a 'Filling Feeling' stomachache = true [Dreggoon|Dregocola] color = 179,39,42 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Dreggoon stinks damage = -10 [DanielDeals|Young] color = 139,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel your thirst for a DanielDeals pizza quenched [Propane|Liquid Propane|C3H8] color = 1,90,156 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You take a sip of the Liquid Propane. The sour and bitter taste of it makes you vomit. You hear a voice in your head resembling of a character from a cartoon talking about propane and propane accessories. damage = 3 stomachache = true [SCP-610|The Flesh That Hates|Flesh That Hates] color = 255,72,59 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Shit... What have I done? deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = NTF Unit made first contact with an instance of SCP-610 in Site-19 resulting in the infection of 2 Unit members. Site-19 was declared to be lost and the Omega Warhead was remotely detonated. blood loss = 200 stomachache = true [Estrogen] color = 255,186,238 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I don't think drinking an entire cup of estrogen will do what I wanted it to... deathtimer = 180 deathmessage = D-Class #### was found dead in Site-## after the breach on ##/##/####. No observable injuries reported. Subject appears to have developed several physical female characteristics. Blood sample during autopsy showed extreme levels of estrogen in the blood, leading to liver failure. damage = -1 stomachache = true [SF] color = 48,0,212 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Hello, James [Trocadero|Troca] color = 235,207,52 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = This tastes great! wish we had this stuff back home. damage = -1 [SCP-096] color = 255,250,250 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have a strange feeling lethal = true deathmessage = You were killed by SCP-096 after drinking a cup of SCP-096 from SCP-294. [cum semen] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = SUCESS stomachache = true [BebbyBurger] color = 148,113,7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = BebbyBurger Consume damage = -50 [Irish Cream|1933|SCP-1933] color = 217,208,182 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I don't feel so good. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Subject D-9341's body was found in the cafeteria of Site [REDACTED] near SCP-294. D-9341's cause of death likely linked to the consumption of SCP-1933's bodily fluids. stomachache = true [Konami Tears] color = 236,248,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Hideo Kojima's Private Reserve damage = -10 [Grenadine] color = 85,25,23 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Awfully sweet on its own... [Goofsta|Goofsta Juice|Gooftroop|Tha Gooftroop|The Gooftroop] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = That's gonna cost about uhhhhh, hella skirlla and 8 cents. deathtimer = 2 deathmessage = Goofy ass. [Gamer] color = 128,128,128 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You are now racist. damage = 25 [Ultimate Elixir|GO JUICE] color = 255,3,74 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Thanks for the God juice, Grant! damage = -100000 [Granola bar|granola bar|cup of granola bar] color = 211,127,103 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg [Grape|Grape juice] color = 92,23,138 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel refreshed [AtomiCola|Explosively Good Soda] color = 255,247,13 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = We hope you enjoy our drink, made with love and atomic bombs! lethal = true deathmessage = How did you not die from the explosion? explosion = true damage = 5 stomachache = true [Ichor|Blood of the Gods|Immortal Blood|Blood of the Immortals] color = 235,150,5 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = In Greek mythos, it was believed that Ichor was toxic to mortals. No one had tried. Until now. stomachache = true [Opera-GX] color = 240,62,71 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel as if someone is trying to ask you something explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Steins Gate | Steinsgate] color = 176,162,104 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like the timeline shifted. Must be the power of the Steins;Gate! stomachache = true [Grass|Liquid Grass] color = 71,102,54 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = All natural. damage = -1 [Garry] color = 41,35,207 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Rose vines with blue roses start to partially envelope you. you suddenly feel very tired. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = NTF unit found a dead D-Class slouched against the cafeteria wall partially covered in a blue rose plant. "quite beautiful really, can I get the picture of the scene, I'm going to paint it" - Dr. Guertena [Death Grips] color = 00,00,00 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel noided refusemessage = He is in your area stomachache = true [Garfield] color = 255,128,0 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Gross.. There's hair in my mouth. lethal = true deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox found a Class-D dead next to SCP-294. Autopsy reports show that the insides of the Class-D were filled with orange hair stomachache = true [Neurotoxin|Pufferfish|GLaDOS] color = 60,90,50 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel lightheaded. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was found dead on the floor neighboring SCP-294. Autopsy results showed signs of neural degradation, clotting, and traces of substances classified as neurotoxins. [iGotTwixNCaps] color = 102,76,123 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I will consume your kneecaps [iKrumpet] color = 125,155,165 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes just like Bazooka Bubble Gum [Gamer Girl Pee] color = 255,187,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = +10 XP stomachache = true [Gamer Girl Piss] color = 235,210,52 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Did you.. Did you really just drink that? damage = -10 stomachache = true [Nectar of the Gods|Jesus Juice|Elixir] color = 207,249,252 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The drink is delicious. Your wounds heal, and you feel stronger than ever...Yet...Something doesn't feel right... deathtimer = 999 deathmessage = The energy building inside of you after drinking the "Nectar of the Gods" bursts forth from your stomach, splattering your organs throughout the room...Your human body couldn't withstand the otherworldly drink...It sure was a tasty beverage though... damage = -10 stomachache = true [Nail Polish Remover|Acetone] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your esophagus burns like 1000 suns. You've made a mistake. lethal = true deathmessage = You drank nail polish remover. What did you expect? damage = 10 stomachache = true [The best drink ever] color = 50,205,50 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = This tastes amazing! damage = -10 [Nitro Dark Matter] color = 74,237,226 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Two parts plutonic quartz, one part cesium, and bottled water. lethal = true deathmessage = Im out, I quit, whos kidneys are these? stomachache = true [Daniel] color = 168,25,15 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Look behind you... lethal = true deathmessage = There wasn't anything behind you [Dylan|Dylan McPherson] color = 168,25,15 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel...Happy...drink more...you want more...mmmmmmm... [Sus Juice] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your so sussy... lethal = true deathmessage = Sus stomachache = true [icee|slushy|ICEE|ICEE moment] color = 245,44,17 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The delicious frozen treat helps cool your nerves while also giving you an odd sense of nostalgia. damage = -3 [Unicorn piss] color = 212,4,146 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = "Tastes like unicorns in rainbows, but also tastes like piss. What did you expect?" stomachache = true [Ultra Mersion|ultra mersion|Ultra-Mersion|ultra-mersion] color = 11,237,202 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Who knew sponsors could taste so good! [Sandpaper|glasspaper|emery-paper ] color = 237,223,159 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That was rough. stomachache = true [Crit-A-Cola] color = 128,0,128 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel empowered. damage = -2 [Uranium-235|U-235|Uranium|Nuclear Material] color = 0,255,0 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You drank Uranium-235. You've been diagnosed with acute radiation poisoning. deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = After consuming liquid Uranium-235, the subject (D-9341) appears to have slightly increased in mass and died due to acute radiation poisoning. The subject was found to emit high amounts of Alpha particles and absorbs neutrons, increasing the level of radiation emitted by the subject. blood loss = 166 stomachache = true [gun|cup of gun|cup o gun] color = 92,94,94 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Why did you think it was a good idea to drink a gun? lethal = true deathmessage = Why did you think it was a good idea to try to drink a gun? explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [Soap|Dish Soap|Cleaner] color = 52,180,235 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The taste is extremely bitter, and you gag slightly as it goes down. damage = 1 stomachache = true [Herobrine|Entity-404|Him] color = 92,0,70 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you think about whether or not it was a good idea to drink that deathtimer = 19 deathmessage = You Should Have Left It Alone Now He Is Behind You... blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Throwback] color = 56,0,20 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = "remember the old atari days Maaann Those days were good" [Texas|Yee|Yeehaw|Cowboy] color = 234,23,23 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = YEEHAWW!!!!!! damage = 1 blood loss = 1 [EpicFartMoment] color = 255,165,0 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That was an EpicFartMoment [Chucarita Rica] color = 161,53,14 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It looks like my grandmother's charred ash and shid deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = The Chucarita Rica expanded in my intestines stomachache = true [Your|Mom] color = 255,255,54 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It feels quite heavy... damage = -5 stomachache = true [Rust] color = 24,100,49 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = What deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = you drank metal you dumb stomachache = true [Burger King] color = 135,171,8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = tastes like feet deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Number 15 Burger King foot lettuce the last thing you would want in your burger king burger is somebody’s foot fungus stomachache = true [Spicy Water|Spicy Water Blue Label|Spicy Water Red Label|Spicy Water Black Label] color = 236,165,0 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Twials of Mana! damage = 2 stomachache = true [Bepis] color = 204,255,255 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Cucumbers damage = -10 [Conk] color = 204,255,255 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = angery, tastes like rat poison deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = died from intoxication and angery stomachache = true [Boopis] color = 204,255,255 alpha = 0.6 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You regret everything, you are potat deathtimer = 2 deathmessage = you are not a hard boye stomachache = true [Powercast] color = 46,46,46 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = cocaine overload lethal = true deathmessage = Don't drink again damage = 5 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Sprite Zero] color = 221,235,224 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Shoulda had Cherry Coke deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Drew waz here [Mar | Marley] color = 168,107,50 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like Vegimite and Cat Piss. damage = 1 [G-Fuel] color = 214,133,99 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = *loud screams echo through the halls* damage = -3 stomachache = true [Bofa] color = 219,199,132 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Whats Bofa? lethal = true deathmessage = BOFA DEEZ NUTS damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Dr Bob] color = 71,1,21 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Messed up in the crib drinking Dr. Bob [The Internet | Worldwide web] color = 232,227,86 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes of supercharged electrical parts damage = 1 stomachache = true [Walrus Nectar] color = 235,52,94 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Yikes Mikey Drinking my Nectar kind of make you a bit sus this is not lethal btw deathtimer = 250 deathmessage = Sike Get Bodied damage = -10 [Dinner Bowl] color = 110,84,49 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = YOU BARELY TOUCHED YOUR DINNER BOWL damage = -10 [Technoblade] color = 242,191,232 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Blood for the blood god damage = -5 stomachache = true [Leafy|Leafyishere|Keem|Gnome Juice|Keemstar] color = 27,95,59 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Literal Swampass. deathtimer = 35 deathmessage = HEEEEEEELLLooooo Dramalertnation itisyourhost KILLLLLLERRRRRKKEEEEMMSstarrrr... explosion = true stomachache = true [Fizzy Lifting Drink] color = 244,250,70 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Beware of ceiling fans. stomachache = true [Soy milk] color = 247,240,215 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = DMG down + tears way up damage = -1 stomachache = true [Cesium|Caesium] color = 187,187,187 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your mouth burns, pops and crackles. damage = 8 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Squeaky Juice] color = 52,225,235 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I have a sudden urge to subscribe to Squeaky... damage = -69 [Moxie] color = 235,155,52 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like boy scouting and Maine! damage = -5 [Holy Milk|Whip Cream] color = 237,0,237 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel, cleansed... damage = -5 [DaBaby Blood] color = 144,0,8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = lowl explosion = true damage = 10 [CHERRYBOMB FIZZ] color = 181,16,16 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It Explodes With Cherry Flavor damage = -5 [The Myriad Truths|Myriad Truths] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = All will be revealed! damage = -10 [Rat Water turns player into rat] color = 255,192,203 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = you are rat damage = -10 [BuuBuu Juice|Pink Fluid|Bismol|BBJ] color = 255,16,239 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Elon Musk is in love with a Raptor stomachache = true [unstable CHERRYBOMB] color = 181,16,16 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Good Flavor But Somethings wrong lethal = true deathmessage = Your Body Bursts From Inside damage = 10 stomachache = true [Gaster] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Beware of the man who speaks in hands. lethal = true deathmessage = It's rude to talk about someone who's listening. damage = 10 [Glitch3dPenguin Ale] color = 0,238,255 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You suddenly open the stream caf.tv/Glitch3dPenguin damage = -10 [Malori Juice|MaloJuice|Malo Juice|EnaSprite|Ena Sprite|Ena|Malori|MaloriMakes] color = 241,151,207 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel your perception lowering. Where are you again? [sf[SF] color = 255,186,238 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Hello, James [KekJuice] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel your skill at Dark Souls vanish. deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = MTF Squad #### sent in to Site-### for re-containment and evaluation of containment breach discovered a Class-D personnel functionally brain dead writhing on the ground mumbling about non existent speedrun tricks for various videogames. stomachache = true [Taxes|Bills|Water bill|Electrical bill] color = 194,199,56 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel a deep regret welling inside. blood loss = 180 stomachache = true [MRITEAS ICETEA] color = 245,230,66 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Who tf is MRITEA? lethal = true deathmessage = MRITEA my balls on your face stomachache = true [Juice that makes you cum] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You immediately experience an intense orgasm. [Drummy] color = 250,209,97 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Shits Wack stomachache = true [Juice that makes you explode] color = 236,245,118 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Surprisingly, it tastes of lemonade. Incredibly sour, though. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Recon teams sent in at [REDACTED] show that the facility cafeteria of Sector [REDACTED], surrounding SCP-294, was covered in scorch marks, blood, and small chunks of organic mass later identified to be D-9341. [Irish Coffee|Alcoholic Coffee|Whiskey Coffee] color = 0,154,73 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I feel funny... damage = -5 [McDonalds Grimace ] color = 79,48,72 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = This reminds you of corporate shame lethal = true deathmessage = McDonalds'd explosion = true refusemessage = You feel like you made the right choice stomachache = true [Secret Eros|SecretEros|Eros] color = 194,163,120 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This drink tastes of Peanuts and Memes. damage = -1 [Proper 12|Proper 12 Irish Whiskey|Proper No 12|Proper No 12 Irish Whiskey|Proper Twelve|Proper Twelve Irish Whiskey|Proper No Twelve|Proper No Twelve Irish Whiskey] color = 212,151,24 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It's extremely smooth and balanced, with hints of vanilla, honey-like sweetness, and toasted wood. It makes you feel almost like an Irish UFC fighter. damage = -8 [Pineapple Juice] color = 255,254,51 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel refreshed [New Zealand|Kiwi Juice|Kiwi|Reeve] color = 101,61,21 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Why deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Reeve Kennington Caldwell greats you in the afterlife... stomachache = true [Zooted|Get Zooted|Zooted Drink] color = 154,205,50 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You start to feel dizzy, you're absolutely zooted. damage = 1 [Pint] color = 13,102,117 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = A strong taste of iron, and a bit of salt. deathtimer = 600 deathmessage = Shouldn't have drank that. stomachache = true [Gender|Gender Fluid|Genderfluid] color = 89,217,178 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = There's a little bit of every gender in this cup, all flavor notes have hit and you feel a bit confused on your identity. stomachache = true [Octant Juice|Stim|Green Steroids] color = 2,250,11 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel like you could run a marathon in a second damage = 1 stomachache = true [Pyro] color = 214,0,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You can hear muffled laughter, the drink smells faintly of burnt rubber and butane. lethal = true deathmessage = You feel your insides beginning to melt away, an inferno has lit inside of you. This will be an agonizing death. stomachache = true [Instant death] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Thick as tar on the way down. The most foul thing you've ever tasted. lethal = true deathmessage = Well? What did you expect? You just drank something called "Instant Death"! damage = 10 stomachache = true [Oil Paint|Oilpaint|Acrylic|Acrylic Paint|Watercolor|Watercolor paint|Watercolorpaint] color = 129,212,240 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A paint, you can't tell if it's non-toxic or not. at least it's a pretty color. deathtimer = 900 deathmessage = Maybe drinking paint wasn't such a good idea, classic beginner artist's mistake. stomachache = true [hot butter ice cream|granny creams hot butter ice cream|granny creams hot butter ice-cream|granny cream|hypnospace|butter ice cream|hot butter ice-cream|butter ice-cream] color = 255,255,0 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Very tasty, and healthy too! Granny Cream's Hot Butter Ice Cream! [tomooti|raw tomatoes] color = 255,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = tomooti PLS PLAE ES SE PE deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = tomooti why u play babby gam why you don't spook? blood loss = 100 [sawcon|sawk on|saw con|sawc on|saw kon|saw-con|saw-kon] color = 0,0,125 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You swear you can TASTE SawCon.. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Saw Con Deez Nuts. Gottem. stomachache = true [themistake|the mistake|themistake from youtube|Johnathan|Johnathan Scott|idiot] color = 171,156,131 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Are you subscribed to themistake on youtube? damage = -10 [Kanye West|Mr West|Who was in Paris] color = 105,47,17 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I don't know what's better gettin' laid or gettin' paid- Kanye West [Cup of Gabriel] color = 78,21,231 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Blood of a angel lethal = true deathmessage = Did you really think that was a good idea? - Mongoose damage = 10 stomachache = true [TookMann Sauce] color = 255,0,238 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Ugh I don't feel so good... damage = -100 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Dank Latte] color = 115,84,22 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You Feel Meme King Approve. damage = -2 [Anthony Ward|Ward|Ward Anthony|Hospital Ward] color = 22,247,67 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I want a nice tattooed woman, who would be willing to put me in a dress, and beat me [Meanie Fluid] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg explosion = true [german beer] color = 252,86,3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Einer Geht Noch damage = 2 stomachache = true [Joseph Wisdom Juice|Loader Joseph|Joseph Full Of Juice Loader] color = 26,22,247 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Before you pleasure yourself to a character, make sure you check their age [NyQuil] color = 0,2,120 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel sleepy..maybe you shouldn't have drank that much lethal = true deathmessage = Class-D subject found dead outside of SCP-294. After an autopsy was performed later after the breach, it was found that the subject had overdosed on NyQuil. [Bloontonium|Bloon|Moab] color = 3,152,252 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel surprisingly light but sick damage = -1 stomachache = true [Siegward|Siegbräu] color = 242,169,41 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel jolly as you take a sip from it, but also quite sleepy [Beep Boop] color = 161,82,222 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Unga Bunga refusemessage = Dont make a fucky wucky damage = -69 [Adrenalin|Epinephrine] color = 235,231,16 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel a rush of energy in you damage = -9 [Baguette] color = 235,180,16 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Ew c'est horrible! Wait... what did i said? [Enzo] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It's all semen, you now have AIDS. stomachache = true [Vore|Nix|Parkeymon|Parkey] color = 196,28,26 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That was gross. stomachache = true [914|SCP 914|Scp914] color = 35,46,43 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel a burning sensation in your mouth. deathtimer = 3 deathmessage = A Deceased D-9341 was found in Site-[REDACTED]'s cafeteria. Dissection reveals cause of death due to massive burns in mouth, trachea, and stomach. Coincides with 15% of SCP-914's mass seemingly disappearing. [George Floyd] color = 87,43,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I CAN'T BREATHE! lethal = true deathmessage = Neck broke. Fentanyl in the bloodstream. I CAN'T BREATHE! damage = 10 [Kill agent|Memetic Kill Agent|Lethal Cognitohazard|Cognitohazard] color = 250,186,62 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel as if something is being taken away from you. lethal = true deathmessage = Deceased D-9341 found in Site-[REDACTED]'s cafeteria. No cause of death could be found, suspected drink from SCP-294. [SCP 963|963|scp963] color = 166,0,43 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel replaced. [Chad-sperm] color = 0,128,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You became a CHAD refusemessage = Do it if you are not pussy [Azzi|Azurite|AzziProto|AzuriteProto] color = 10,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel an intense burning sensation, as the liquid jolts electricity through your entire body. deathtimer = 6 deathmessage = Subject was found dead with their entire body horribly charred, seemingly by intense electrical energy. A puddle of an unknown high voltage liquid substance was found adjacent to the aforementioned body, with an empty cup laying on top. It's assumed that a drink originating from SCP-294 is the cause of death. stomachache = true [baba] color = 94,0,16 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have a sudden love for robots... stomachache = true [Adams cum] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = ohhhh adam mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm damage = -100 stomachache = true [Hitler] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = SEIG HEIL [The will of allah] color = 230,85,53 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = الله explosion = true [Kai Jervis Cum] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = This shit is rancid bro honestly. damage = -10 stomachache = true [Headlight Fluid | Headlights | Headlight] color = 169,0,206 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It doesn't taste real stomachache = true [Llama Juice] color = 252,231,172 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The liquid tastes exactly like you thought, like a mix of spit, urine, and something else. damage = -10 [Louis Clapp|Clapp Louis|Legz] color = 219,11,21 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = A strange homo taste lethal = true deathmessage = You've been consumed by the homo damage = 10 [BRANDSMA] color = 102,51,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel as though you've just Brandsed the Moge deathtimer = 23 deathmessage = You dripped to hard damage = 1 blood loss = 5 stomachache = true [Kai Fluid] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Mmmmm Lar... damage = -10 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Distilled Water] color = 90,188,216 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Just like water. Except flat. [Moger] color = 255,153,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes pretty zany damage = -5 [Moger Machine] color = 255,0,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = free diamonds lethal = true deathmessage = STOP DESTROYING MY HOUSE GUYS IT TOOK 2 HOURS IM DONE IM QUITTING THE REALM explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Reddking|Redd] color = 136,8,8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = My Feet Float on babies [scp-173 crap|peanut crap] color = 181,159,159 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = why did you drink this deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = refusemessage = good job m8 damage = 2 stomachache = true [Glenfiddich|Malt Whiskey|Single Malt] color = 102,84,67 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Hard Whiskey. Goes down smooth, clears the nerves. [cthulhu] color = 3,69,20 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you have awoken the great old one you fool lethal = true deathmessage = a fate worse than death explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Crypto|Cryptonaph] color = 0,255,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You begin to feel dizzy and start hearing voices in your head, one stands out, saying "Classic, did you seriously just type Crypto into the machine?" deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Subject died of cringe. damage = 5 stomachache = true [ass|liquid ass] color = 165,42,42 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Why did you even drink that? damage = 9 stomachache = true [Cancer|cancer] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = you have cancer lethal = true deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was found with no wounds, or lacerations. but during autopsy was discovered to have contracted cancer but with properties that kills much quicker stomachache = true [Viltrumite|Invincible|Viltrumites|Omni-Man] color = 183,130,120 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel- damage = -9999 stomachache = true [Knuckles] color = 254,36,16 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It seems you can no longer laugh damage = 1 [Strawberry Milk|Pink Milk] color = 251,198,206 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Its refreshing [The Lar 2] color = 157,193,131 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes a little creamy, with a hint of urine. lethal = true deathmessage = Your free trial of The Lar 2 has ended. refusemessage = The Lar 2’s disk seems to have been crushed into a fine powder due to the forces of being dispensed. It is probably unplayable now. damage = -5 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Michael] color = 50,50,50 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = "“that’s not Michael" stomachache = true [the] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = the lethal = true deathmessage = the stomachache = true [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ|Alphabet|The Alphabet] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Why did you put this in here? [Fallout: New Vegas] color = 212,241,249 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You take a sip from your trusty vault 13 cante- Er... Styrofoam cup. damage = -10 [Liquid Spiders|Spiders|Spider Blood|Spider Fluids] color = 00,00,00 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The poor spider lethal = true deathmessage = Spiders can be venomous damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Krokodil|Desomorphine|alligator drug|croc] color = 127,95,222 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Why would you think of drinking that... deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = Class D Number [REDACTED] was found in the fetal position against SCP-294. Subject had severe Skin Necrosis. Autopsy reports trace amounts of the street drug "Krokodil" were found in the subjects body. damage = 1 blood loss = 75 stomachache = true [Goo Gone] color = 230,145,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your throat feels clearer, but at the same time burns like hell... deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = Why did you drink Goo Gone? refusemessage = Are you sure you really want to do drink that? damage = 5 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [sunnyD] color = 255,187,0 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes like I remember. damage = -100 [Clockwork Virus] color = 224,172,27 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = "I'm starting to not feel my arm anymore" deathtimer = 23 deathmessage = Mtf saw a human with clockwork gears copper wires and etc. affecting them All over the Mobile Task Force Personnel shortly after seeing the instance got infected by the virus spreading to more people overtime A Maintenance Team were dispatched with hazmat suits to cleanse the area. damage = 5 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Jimbos Cocktail] color = 132,209,208 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = YUMMY damage = 2 stomachache = true [Kobe ] color = rgb(0,0,0) alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you have the sudden urge to crash your helicopter lethal = true deathmessage = Kobe! explosion = true refusemessage = Stop get some help damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Nitroglycerin] color = 242,243,245 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel gross after drinking that (Why would you even...) deathtimer = 50 deathmessage = A member of D-class was found dead on the floor with his chest blown open from some sort of explosion. damage = 10 blood loss = 4 stomachache = true [scorpy|socpens|scorp] color = 247,225,134 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = yes yum [The Elixir ] color = 212,61,217 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel the power... damage = -10 [Slop|Goop|Gunk] color = 53,83,50 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = refusemessage = You'd have to be insane to actually drink this. stomachache = true [femboy milk] color = 246,150,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = uh oh lethal = true deathmessage = that wasn't milk stomachache = true [Florida Man Holy water] color = 07,31,06 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel blessed by a Floridian man. blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Beetle Juice] color = 26,8,8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg damage = -10 [Gamer Fuel | Gfuel | G-fuel | GFuel | G-Fuel | Game Fuel] color = 235,30,48 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel energized damage = -5 [Chicken Soup] color = 104,120,74 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The most vile concoction known to man. [Old Fashioned] color = 226,135,67 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A finely mixed drink, that tastes perfect. damage = -5 [Wyoming] color = 0,0,128 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes like it doesn't exist, cause it doesn't stomachache = true [33254] color = 0,0,0 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It just makes me feel like pog deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 explosion = true stomachache = true [smart fella|fart smella] color = 128,69,31 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Smart fella or Fart smella lethal = true deathmessage = Life as a fart smella isn't worth living damage = -10 [SCP-096 tears] color = 185,221,227 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = SCP-049 will remember that... [Jack Baker| How am I gonna replace this| How my gonna replace this] color = 26,26,26 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = "Goddammit! How am I going to replace this? stomachache = true [JERKZ] color = 252,132,5 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes a bit of betrayal yet delicious. damage = 2 stomachache = true [Bloody water|Red water] color = 140,11,11 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You taste the blood, you start to feel sick. [Coke-Zero|Coke Zero|Coca Cola Zero|Coca-Cola-Zero] color = 58,29,20 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A refreshing beverage. [Adrenochrome|Celebrity Juice|Senator Soda] color = 168,64,50 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel revitalized. You have a sudden urge to either run for Congress or host a talk show. damage = -10 [Lord Mogehammeds feral Cum Liquid|LMFC] color = 235,152,52 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your inside have now been tainted damage = 4 stomachache = true [Knudson Kool Aid] color = 235,79,52 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you have caught a case of the of the Kundson koolies damage = 4 stomachache = true [Nugsack Coffin Juice|Sacky Juice] color = 90,102,92 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You drank corpse fluid... damage = 6 stomachache = true [Brandsma Liquid|Zany Fluid|Wacky Juice] color = 255,247,224 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = BRANDSMA MODE deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Free Brandsma Trial has Ended stomachache = true [Brands Moge | Brands the Moge] color = 117,93,27 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You know what this is the after math of... right? stomachache = true [Limon Pepino Gatorade] color = 114,146,99 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Cucumber Gatorade? Surprisingly refreshing... damage = -3 [Cactus Juice] color = 88,235,52 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Ahh cactus juice NOTHING'S QUENCHIER! damage = -9999 [cup of scp 049] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you feel yourself dying from the inside out damage = 5 stomachache = true [420Blazeit] color = 3,252,102 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Snoop Dogg Won't like it you took his Weed deathtimer = 42 deathmessage = You couldn't handle Dat Dank Weed refusemessage = Nah I quit smoking damage = 5 [Dominic Davies|Doomimic] color = 230,121,5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Cheeto damage = 2 stomachache = true [Shuttleworth] color = 125,123,122 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = There's too much litter in the yard deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Due to excessive litter, the canteen will be closed at lunch tomorrow damage = 1 stomachache = true [Buckfast Tonic Wine] color = 14,2,36 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel re-energized; so much so that you feel you can take on the world! stomachache = true [Moseph] color = 255,5,172 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel twice as good at playing games. [Kevins Chilli|Kevins Famous Chilli] color = 148,58,31 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The trick is to undercook the onions. Everybody is going to get to know each other in the pot. damage = -5 [Elmo3648|ELMO3648] color = 66,25,13 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = That was unmistakably a cup of Sam's shit deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = The bullshit was too much for D-9341 to handle. stomachache = true [Legosi|legoshi|wolf] color = 9,186,183 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you feel fur growing in your throat lethal = true deathmessage = Subject D- was found dead. He somehow managed to type something that turned him into a wolf... but from the inside making him die instantly refusemessage = it has a little fur damage = 10 stomachache = true [TF2|Team Fortress 2] color = 219,122,18 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like rusty metal scrap and robots [Dragon|Flying Lizard|Fire Breather] color = 99,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It feels hot going down but you feel like you can breath fire [SR|Salt Raiders] color = 201,36,30 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like salt and baguettes, you suddenly feel like wearing a plunger on your head. [Jerry Seinfeld|Seinfeld] color = 255,255,102 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like a drink about nothing damage = 1 [The entire series Friends|Friends] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = The drink looks and smells like a horrible liquid that steals from other liquids for no good reason and dosn't even try to be original damage = 5 stomachache = true [Bee|Bee Movie|Beemovie] color = 250,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Bee movie in cinemas 6th December deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. damage = 5 stomachache = true [Kaden|Kadens Piss] color = 99,22,95 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes like cat piss. Its oddly satisfyingly though. damage = -10 stomachache = true [Candice] color = 150,32,81 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Candice Nuts Fit in Yo Mouth? What does that mean? damage = 5 stomachache = true [Determination|Liquid Determination|Liquid-Determination] color = 253,241,4 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Drinking out of this Styrofoam cup... it fills you with Determination. damage = -2 blood loss = -50 [Math] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Why would you willingly drink this damage = -5 blood loss = 93 stomachache = true [Mason juice] color = 8,199,30 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Mason moment [brunost|primost|geitost|mysost|mesost|gjetost|brun ost|geit ost|mys ost|gjet ost|brown cheese|whey cheese|niko] color = 128,80,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes sweet, and similar to caramel. You feel an urge to travel to Norway, when this is over. damage = -1 [Dragon Cum|Duke|Dragon juice|Bad dragon|e621] color = 245,235,220 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Feels like your throat is burning... damage = -10 [Boy syrup|Nut juice|Sticky liquid] color = 255,247,222 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = mmm, a fine drink :) [funny|funny juice|funny water] color = 255,247,140 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Is this piss? deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = Holy shit it was piss. stomachache = true [Hayjaywo] color = 29,209,29 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Hmm, it tastes like Hayjaywo deathtimer = 9 deathmessage = Hayjaywo is not a healthy snack. damage = 3 stomachache = true [Atheists-Delight|No god juice|Science-Mayo] color = 200,196,196 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your faith in god is fleeting as you drink this oddly satisfying drink [Praxis|Kropotkin] color = 201,47,36 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel a sliver of hope amidst dire circumstances. [Milk Pudding|White Latex] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The contents of the cup start spreading onto your body lethal = true deathmessage = Subject was found in the ventilation shafts after the breach. Their entire body seems to be a humanoid wolf made of white goo. They were contained for later examination. stomachache = true [AdBlue|Ad-Blue|Engine Exhaust cleaner] color = 181,230,255 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = the liquid has a very strong taste of urea, with a very corrosive aspect stomachache = true [Infinite Ikea|SCP-3008|Ikea] color = 235,232,52 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The store is now closed. Please leave the building. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was found dead with clear blunt force trauma and multiple lacerations along with a presumed instance of SCP-3008-2 nearby. The instance was terminated and incinerated after testing. blood loss = 1000 stomachache = true [amoogus] color = 255,8,8 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you suddenly feel sus lethal = true deathmessage = you got killed by the imposter damage = 10 stomachache = true [Frog] color = 0,128,0 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Why did you order this... deathtimer = 40 deathmessage = You just drank a frog now you died lol damage = 1 stomachache = true [Iodine] color = 168,144,50 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel your stomach twisting and turning. lethal = true deathmessage = stomachache = true [Strychnine|Strychnidin-10-one|Strychnos|Liquid strychnos|Liquid strychnine] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your muscles start to tighten and spasm painfully. It is hard to breathe. deathtimer = 310 deathmessage = Subject D-9341. Cause of Death: Respiratory failure. An autopsy revealed subject suffered intense muscle fatigue before death caused by ingestion of large amounts of toxic substances. stomachache = true [Sandworm Surprise] color = 240,240,240 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Sandworms. You hate 'em, right? damage = -6 blood loss = 80 [SCP-268] color = 255,255,0 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The drink has a fabric texture. You look down to notice you can not see your body. deathtimer = 180 deathmessage = You began to think you're invisible so you put it to the test. You grab a knife and put it against your throat and you slice it. stomachache = true [iam drinkable] color = 15,125,133 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It was indeed drinkable. damage = -2 [Battery] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Seems to have acid in this drink as well. Most likely battery acid. deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = The feeling you had almost like when you were a baby. Your parents put you up for adoption when you accidently ate a battery and cost them lots of money. stomachache = true [SCP-079] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = 079 is already in the facility. lethal = true deathmessage = Meet 079 in heavy containment. Ask him for help. stomachache = true [Carbonated Poop Water] color = 102,68,4 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = CARBONATED POOP WATER?!?!?! stomachache = true [Axe body spray] color = 235,237,237 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = At least Your breath will smell good stomachache = true [Mad Milk|Scout|tf2 milk] color = 250,250,250 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Has a familiar taste damage = -10 [Bingus juice] color = 122,148,90 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Bingus > floppa [loli cum|loli squirt] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = you feel refreshed but guilty [Shreks Blood] color = 69,245,196 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have been Shreked lethal = true deathmessage = You died by shrek damage = 10 stomachache = true [Fart] color = 50,168,82 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Oh god I need to fart. explosion = true [RDM] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You have to advert raids, I'm gonna call the admin. deathtimer = 3 deathmessage = RDMRDMRDMRDMRDM stomachache = true [Lana|Lana Del Ray] color = 255,186,244 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like Pepsi Cola damage = -5 [Sulphuric acid] color = 50,168,80 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel an intense burn in your stomach. lethal = true deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was found laying in a pile of their own blood next to SCP-294. Subject's organs and stomach are melted leaving a gaping hole in their abdomen. damage = 8 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [White Cream] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You drink the white cream from SCP-293 you feel and moment of bliss stomachache = true [Karlson|Milkman Karlson|Karlson] color = 3,129,255 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = What's Karlson you ask? Well it's a game I'm working on and you can wishlist it through steam... [Slurpy Cup] color = 200,10,10 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = haha that was pretty tasty blood loss = 50 [Gloop] color = 50,50,230 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = da gloop go off? damage = -10 stomachache = true [SCP-105] color = 240,240,190 alpha = 0.8 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = Don't even think about it. She's too precious. [Onee-san|Ara Ara|Big Sister] color = 128,0,128 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Hot Onee-sans are in your area and getting closer. Run. deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = Ara Ara, I finally got you. stomachache = true [Step 1] color = 150,75,0 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = This, is step one! Secure the Key! [Flopsy] color = 252,148,255 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You suddenly feel the urge to hug bunnies... Weird. [God Mode] color = 181,242,247 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel normal [Grig|Grigoris] color = 0,255,38 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like investing in a flashlight sight lethal = true deathmessage = "There's no such thing as a bad beep." - Grigoris explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 1000 stomachache = true [The world] color = 255,238,0 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Oh Your Approaching Me lethal = true deathmessage = No One Can Know The Secret Of The World damage = 5 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [THE Milk | THE milk] color = 188,204,189 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You are going to die deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Oops you tripped damage = 2 blood loss = 70 stomachache = true [Swag Juice] color = 7,145,224 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel very cool. blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Trippa Snippa|Trippa Snippa Juice] color = 255,137,33 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like speed, weed, heroin, cocaine, mushrooms, Pine-O-Clean™, petrol, battery acid, acid, salvia, some herbs and spices and some lettuce and tomato, Ajax Spray And Wipe™, Bam And The Dirt Is Gone™, some chicken and cheese, all wrapped in a tortilla. stomachache = true [Dati] color = 28,201,51 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Why... why am I so happy now? [ChillKill] color = 194,27,44 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Why... why do I feel so strong and healthy... damage = -10 [Vault 13|Vault 13 canteen] color = 212,241,249 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You take a sip from your trusty vault 13 cante- er styrofoam cup. damage = -10 [Maso|Masotan|Julius] color = 27,47,194 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Uhm... Masotan? deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Why did you puke... I killed you. damage = 2 stomachache = true [Espuma] color = 72,36,32 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Coca Cola Espuma explosion = true damage = 10 [Bitcoin] color = 247,169,67 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I bought the dip. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = The dump continued. [Perseverance] color = 254,150,150 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You Feel like you could fly to a red planet. damage = -10 [Waffle|Waffles|Liquid Waffles|Liquid Waffle] color = 213,164,80 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Smells like a little bit of trolling damage = -1 [Pepsi Max Cherry] color = 77,42,8 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Probably the only regular thing in this facility. damage = -4 [Sus Drink|Imposter] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = AMOGUS deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = You've been Ejected. damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [blood of the innocent|innocent blood|innocents blood] color = 139,0,0 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Y̸̧̫̫̭̼͇̼͓͊̋̒̀͊͘͠O̸͕̺̦͙͉̬̎̄͌͐̉̈́͛̈́͌͗̇Ư̵̟̟̻͔̗̤̽̉̉ ̶̨̰̱͂̋̏͋̊͊̊Ḟ̸͉͓͈͋̀̑̓̇̈̀̚͝Ę̷̠̪̈́̏̒̊̃̊̎̕̚Ȩ̷̡̤̻̺͈͎̬̱͈͖̋̄ͅL̸͇̟̇̓͋̐̄̿̌̂͆̎̚ͅ ̸̨͍̳̲͓̺͎̱͛͆̄̊̎̓̋̃́͆͘͠F̶̯̹̜͈̭̊̈́̇̇́̌̆̎̌̃̉̏̇̕R̷̡͎̗͓̩̩̲̜̥̰̼͉͚̣̽̈́̃́̍̈̒̓͊̈͋̑͠͝ͅÊ̷̲̑̊̾̕E̴̪̗̩̘͉̱͈̤̹̓̄̀̊̐͂̈́̎͌͐̀̈́͛̚ deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Was found having conniptions on the floor covered in cuts. Died of blood loss shortly after. damage = -10 blood loss = 200 stomachache = true [goodbye] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Seeya deathtimer = 2 deathmessage = Farewell stomachache = true [illness|disease|pestilence] color = 0,100,0 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel sick, but there's a cure. deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = Was found dead of unknown causes blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [fluoroantimonic acid|fluoroantimonic] color = 0,10,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel your mouth and throat vanish. lethal = true deathmessage = Was found missing lower jaw and throat. The floor around them had been corroded. damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Seasoning|Liquid Seasoning] color = 139,69,19 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = hehe boi damage = -5 [Stitch|Experiment] color = 91,118,189 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel your body change. damage = -5 stomachache = true [Lavanog] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = So Tasty! explosion = true refusemessage = So not tasty... damage = -2 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Spider Fluid] color = 235,52,52 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Spider Powers Activated damage = 5 stomachache = true [Iced Coffee] color = 59,33,31 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = COFFEEE!!! damage = -3 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [anul lube] color = 255,204,229 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You Feel... Exited? [rectum blood] color = 105,7,12 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you have kidney stones damage = 2 blood loss = 2 stomachache = true [Rimuru Toe Fungus Vile] color = 186,241,247 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Yummy in my tummy! damage = -10 [Klee] color = 197,62,66 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Hmm deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Kaboom explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Fight Milk] color = 234,230,182 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Fight Like a Crow. For Bodyguards by Bodyguards. damage = 1 stomachache = true [Hair Spray] color = 226,226,226 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The taste of chemicals engulf your taste buds with the smell of hairspray stomachache = true [Seamen] color = 247,247,247 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Smooth and Gooey [Lethal Injection] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Oh no damage = 8 blood loss = 7 stomachache = true [H2 oh yeah] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Thank you for choosing H2 oh yeah, the worlds most radioactive water lethal = true deathmessage = I guess you are not strong enough to handle water from Chernobyl damage = 7 blood loss = 79 stomachache = true [Super Saiyan|SSJ|Drip|Ultra Instinct|Saiyan] color = 255,247,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel an overwhemingly immense power rise within you... deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Body of subject D-9341 was located near the cafeteria 2nd floor personnel break room. Body appears to be given off a surge of electricity with third degree burns and golden glowing hair. Request a cleanup crew and two MTF to secure and safley transport the body for further research. damage = -10 stomachache = true [Gamer Supps,Gamer-Supps] color = 255,179,25 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like mango! [Offline] color = 31,31,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I hate you. No, you know what? I DESPISE you. I hope you fucking die. Fuck you. You will never be as awesome as me. stomachache = true [Cactus Cooler] color = 235,110,52 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Yoooooooooo!?!? Cactus Cooler? damage = -10 [RigJuice|Rig Juice] color = 147,217,72 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = that's gooood rig juice stomachache = true [Anime Thighs] color = 245,228,184 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = damage = 3 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [keyboard] color = 87,110,106 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = OMG I Can taste the RGB Wow And Super Clicky Keys Just what i wanted deathtimer = 50 deathmessage = You Drank a Liquified keyboard of course you were gonna die stomachache = true [Vape Juice] color = 227,199,163 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Dude, you just drank enough nicotine to kill a kindergarten! lethal = true deathmessage = You are not supposed to drink vape juice! stomachache = true [Phoenix|Ash] color = 250,142,0 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your body is slowly burning from the inside out. stomachache = true [035 Substance] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = Subject-9341 was found dead near SCP 294. A cup filled with SCP 035 substance was found. Subject's insides were corroded. [Puro|Latex Creature| Black Latex Furry] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The black and slightly furry drink goes down with ease. After a few moments you feel slightly... tingly as your skin starts to melt. It's only a matter of time now before you've Changed. deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = You're too late. Your body collapses to the ground as you feel dazed in a strange state of euphoria. Looking down at your hands you notice that they're no longer human. You're ok with this as your skin changes fully to a black, gooey and furry form. A white mask grows from your face covering your eyes as you start mindlessly wandering the facility. damage = -2 stomachache = true [l3ss|L3ss] color = 227,128,101 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It looked like mango, but its taste can only be described as loving. damage = -10 [just a thank you note--not a real drink] color = 255,150,150 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Just wanted to say thanks to the fellow furry who put in "puro," you're cool refusemessage = You probably shouldn't drink a thank-you note, though [Great Ones Blood|The Old Blood] color = 74,0,0 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel something writhe inside of you, and a desire for more... How it sings to you. damage = -5 stomachache = true [Vinci480|TheSplasher|Splash] color = 194,0,13 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel refreshed and ready for any challenge damage = -10 [Kustosz Malinowy] color = 255,89,219 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You drank famous polish beer "Kustosz" stomachache = true [Kremówka] color = 238,255,107 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You drank Kremówka, dessert liked by Jan Paweł II a famous Pope lethal = true deathmessage = explosion = true stomachache = true [Skin] color = 50,50,50 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You Feel A Strange Burning On Your Arm When You Look All You See Is Flesh And Blood. stomachache = true [Chicken-Sandwich] color = 71,32,6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Better than Popeyes [727|WYSI|When you see it] color = 3,19,252 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I AM NOT OVERSTREAMING 220 BPM! [Popeyes Chicken Sandwich] color = 224,189,92 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Why is it so dry. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = The popeyes chicken sandwich was SO dry it killed you. damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Clam Juice|Clam] color = 196,180,142 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg refusemessage = It's of clams. Don't drink it. It's pure, all natural, but don't drink it. stomachache = true [Mucci] color = 0,255,0 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel as if you are being watched... damage = -3 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Sploosh] color = 235,174,52 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like peaches... damage = -20 [Doritos|Doritio] color = 223,42,0 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = *Gamer crunch* *Gamer Sweat* stomachache = true [Sewage] color = 77,79,70 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You probably shouldn't have drank that damage = 2 stomachache = true [Dark Latex] color = 13,12,12 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You can feel a tingling sensation and the liquid starts spreading onto your body lethal = true deathmessage = Subject was found reading books in the site's library after the breach. Their body appears to have been turned into a humanoid canine made of black goo. They have been contained for later examination. [pathogen] color = 50,168,139 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel your entire existence being changed lethal = true deathmessage = You have been lost to the pathogen blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Coconut Boba Tea] color = 228,20,227 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg [HashireV2] color = 255,54,231 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Don't look back. damage = -10 [Hololive|Vtuber] color = 18,209,227 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I feel like ive wasted three years watching this bullshit damage = 5 stomachache = true [Overload|A Mix Of Every Flavor] color = 226,255,179 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your taste buds overloaded and you can no longer taste anything. stomachache = true [Jonah|FluxxHD] color = 144,252,3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel warm inside... and also a little hairy. damage = -10 stomachache = true [Existance] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It feels as if everything around you is fading into one point lethal = true deathmessage = And nothing was left damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Sussus] color = 255,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Red Sus! lethal = true deathmessage = You were not the impostor damage = 10 stomachache = true [IKFCI] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Finger licking good lethal = true deathmessage = stomachache = true [Robocup|robocup] color = 252,186,3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes like nerd [Dr Pepper|DrPepper|dr pepper|drpepper] color = 113,31,37 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Ahhh, that was refreshing damage = -5 [Molten Aluminium|Molten Aluminum|Molten Alu|Aluminium|Aluminum|Alu] color = 132,135,137 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I feel my insides melting deathtimer = 3 deathmessage = What were you thinking? stomachache = true [Marshmellow] color = FF,FF,FF alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Enjoy this drink! [Cake] color = rgb(102,51,0) sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The Cake Is A Lie lethal = true deathmessage = The Cake Was A Lie damage = 10 blood loss = 1000 stomachache = true [Derp|Small Brain|Smooth Brain|No Brain] color = 173,125,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I fel smorter lethal = true deathmessage = MTF Report Causality #12: A Class-D was found dead near SCP-294 with no signs of fatal injuries, except the lack of a brain. A note was found in his cranium with "Hmmm noice drnk from 294" written on it. blood loss = 300 [dogwater] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you dog water damage = 1 [Pumpkin Pie] color = 255,99,71 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = "Why would I even order Pumpkin Pie? It's a drink machine!" stomachache = true [Molten sugar] color = 220,20,60 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your mouth is on fire. lethal = true deathmessage = it wasn't sweet. damage = 10 blood loss = 87 [Hot Dog Water|hot dog water|Hot dog water] color = 212,198,161 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = some good ol' hot dog water damage = 1 stomachache = true [Cool Drink] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = ur 50% cooler now damage = -3 stomachache = true [RDS Special] color = 237,129,14 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like a strawberry banana smoothie. Tastes significantly better actually. damage = -8 [Pinecone|Pinecones] color = 117,101,86 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = mmm Pinecones refusemessage = Dandelions are better huh? [floppa juice|floppa] color = 156,111,58 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The floppa juice is delicious. Thanks floppa! :) damage = -10 [Unmatched Power of the Sun|unmatched power of the sun] color = 250,255,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It seems as though the cup contained the unmatched power of the sun... deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = You succumbed to the unmatched power of the sun. blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Coleslaw|coleslaw] color = 242,240,228 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Why would you do this to yourself? damage = 1 stomachache = true [Trioxin 2-4-5] color = 117,150,99 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Braaaains! blood loss = 5 stomachache = true [Crunchy Air] color = 156,156,156 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your throat itches damage = 1 [ Grey Goo] color = 128,128,128 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Something's wrong..... deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = The Goo has taken over! stomachache = true [Dynamite juice] color = 219,44,44 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes like a liquified live stick of dynamite deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = the liquid blew up in your stomach damage = 10 stomachache = true [cat in the hat goop] color = 182,70,219 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = My pants are filled with filling! Filled to the brim! damage = -10 stomachache = true [Suprise me|A suprise] color = 250,255,254 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The cup explodes in a cloud of steam and boiling hot water, burning your skin. damage = 3 [Source|Source Engine|Gmod] color = 215,156,255 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The drink tastes like 2009 [MaxWells Drink|Aviation Fluid|Glider Bois Drink|Flem|Q] color = 24,214,217 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It looks as if, no it couldn't be. It is. Just remember, don't mention Rabbit holes. deathtimer = 90 deathmessage = I told you, no rabbit holes. You had one job, that or someone mentioned WarThunder. refusemessage = Drink at own risk, high chance of an uptier damage = 5 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [yee yee ass haircut] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You immediately got a yee yee ass haircut. lethal = true deathmessage = Lamar roasted your yee yee ass haircut. stomachache = true [poopwater] color = 143,90,6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Defib's patented recipe! 2 cups poop, 1 cup water! deathtimer = 1000 deathmessage = Unfortunately, Defib's poop water is not for mortal men. That shit bussin' doe, slime. damage = -10 [Imposter Potion] color = 250,5,5 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Soon, you shall join me... deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was spotted on security camera footage entering an air vent. It would seem he has since ceased to exist on this mortal plane. stomachache = true [V8|v8] color = 176,7,7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I don't care what anyone says. This is delicious. damage = -10 [Varia Juice] color = 252,178,18 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Varia's patented "Varia Juice!" You feel amazing! deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = Subject D-9341's body has been located in the cafeteria of Site-19. Their body was logged by MTF personnel as looking "Extremely happy." damage = -100 [waffle stomp|the waffle stomp] color = 66,47,7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Good luck, soldier... damage = -100 stomachache = true [Sarin|C4H10FO2P|C4-H10-F-O2-P|C-4H-10-FO-2P|Sarin II|Sarin 2|IMPF|107-44-8] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Doesn't taste like anything. lethal = true deathmessage = Subject: D-9341. Cause of Death: Asphyxiation. Toxicology report shows excessive amounts of the nerve agent Sarin was ingested shortly before expiration. damage = 10 stomachache = true [Ree|Reee|Reeee|Reeeee] color = 71,161,48 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! deathtimer = 3 deathmessage = While foaming from the mouth you fell to the ground and Attempted to run before spinning in circles and succumbing to a seizure. stomachache = true [Woxdight] color = 252,3,207 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel... happy? Butterflies... [toad] color = 255,112,105 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Imma be honest I don't know how I found this. Tastes like a chicken and mushroom stew. damage = -1 stomachache = true [Loctite|Locktite|Locktight|Threadlock|Threadlocker] color = 191,27,27 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A surprisingly sweet, yet sour taste covers your tongue. deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = Subject found dead surrounded by vomit and with foam around the mouth. damage = 4 stomachache = true [Blinker Fluid] color = 252,186,3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = *blinker noises* damage = 1 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Ligma|Sugma] color = 90,21,194 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = "Lick my what?" lethal = true deathmessage = "LIGMA BALLS" damage = 1 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Cockroach Poop] color = 87,47,48 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = "Very musty. You have to regret this, right? Right?" damage = -10 stomachache = true [lava magner coke] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg [Expired Milk|Chunky Milk|Old Milk] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = What did you think that would taste like? stomachache = true [Ears | Special Hearing | Growing Ear] color = 99,65,9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I feel something is climbing my arms and legs. deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = The drink made you have ears on your whole body. damage = 5 blood loss = 100 [SCP-1762] color = 255,50,100 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You start feeling an overwhelming amount of sadness. damage = 3 stomachache = true [Vinesauce|Stream Corruption Soda|Vinny] color = 59,135,38 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Reminds you of a certain Italian man cracking terrible puns, those were much simpler times. damage = -10 [Gamer girl period blood ] color = 128,24,48 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Buy my onlyfans-egirls damage = -100 [Ewan-Juice] color = 255,255,230 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You get a vision of someone past life; you seem to be stuck in a basement damage = 1 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Dihydrogen Monoxide] color = 212,241,249 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Makes you think you're smart when you can just call it water. lethal = true deathmessage = Just say water, no one likes a smarty pants. damage = 10 [RLM|Red Letter Media|Mike Stoklasa|Jay Bauman|Rich Evans|Hack Frauds] color = 153,12,12 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That's right, Jay refusemessage = I don't trust those hack frauds. damage = -100 [DogMeatJuice] color = (255,0,0) alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You just drank dog meat. damage = 5 blood loss = 80 stomachache = true [Dr Taco|Doctor Taco] color = 12,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You might get the runs later... stomachache = true [hung yea] color = 0,255,242 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Woah my body, I feel Hunnnngggg Yeaaa lethal = true deathmessage = Subject Class D-9341 was found saying hunggggg yeaaaa and he died 2 seconds later explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Nuka Cola Quantum] color = 3,252,240 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg damage = -8 [Reactor Sabotage] color = 22,100,8 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = sussy :flushed: explosion = true stomachache = true [Science Drink|Black Mesa|Gordon Freeman|Headcrab|Xen|Xen Drink|G Man] color = 16,117,35 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Well This Isnt Black Mesa? [Necrondermis] color = 169,169,169 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes like gallium. damage = -10 [vvital juice] color = 71,197,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = mmmmm yummy delicious juice damage = -10 blood loss = 50 [Copper|Molten Copper|Molten Cop|Cop|CU] color = 214,104,0 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Ow that burns, tastes very metalic deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Perhaps next time you should start small by swallowing a penny damage = 6 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Weegee|Mama luigi|Luigi] color = 50,205,50 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = "THAT'S MAMA LUIGI TO YOU MARIO!" damage = -5 [Shreks swamp water] color = 20,128,29 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Get outa my swamp!! lethal = true deathmessage = Shrek is love shrek is life refusemessage = Thanks donkey damage = 4 blood loss = 80 stomachache = true [Portal] color = 253,102,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = OW GOD IT BURNS! [gay] color = 255,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your mind fills with hunks [Bottom Juice|Spencer is a bottom|bottom|bottom fluid|liquid bottom] color = 6,9,245 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like your name is Spencer. damage = 1 [Sushi] color = 255,127,127 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like a salamander. damage = -20 [short juice] color = 13,1,24 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel like you are shrinking. lethal = true deathmessage = Only Max is capable of being this small. damage = 5 stomachache = true [Dirt|Ground|Soil] color = 107,64,21 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes just like dirt, only without the texture; Disgusting stomachache = true [Kat] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Surprise, I hope you saved deathtimer = 25 deathmessage = Subject was found with a red glowing substance, supposedly from 294, whoever got close to the drink felt a strong memetic hazard that wanted us to [REDACTED] damage = -10 [Dead Juice] color = 46,33,51 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Um...why? lethal = true deathmessage = What the hell did you expect?! damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Martini] color = 66,245,224 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel nice and dandy... and horny damage = -5 [Myriad] color = 0,98,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Spina, if you're reading this, you're bored. Go try visiting other alternate realities. damage = -5 [outtahere] color = 55,0,255 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you drank this, now get outtahere [j3f] color = 110,30,102 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = dont call him that deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = subject [DATA EXPUNGED] has been found dead beside scp-294, subject seem to have died to a hemorrhage after having been tortured damage = 2 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Cup of Russian|Russian ] color = 237,5,5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You can taste blood with a small hint of fine Russian Vodka [Vietnam] color = 75,83,32 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have strange flashbacks, They are on the trees!! Run for your life!! deathtimer = 180 deathmessage = That's Un'fortunate Son! blood loss = 1000 stomachache = true [Lucas] color = 156,26,26 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = it tastes like blood with a touch of minge damage = -7 blood loss = 35 stomachache = true [Taste of Love] color = 39,67,150 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = This drink is one in a million, the only one in the world. damage = -10 [melted cheese] color = 240,255,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = tastes strongly of cheese damage = -3 [Healing Salve|Dota 2 Healing Salve|Dota Healing Salve|Salve|Support Juice] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The blessed liquid of your support in lane... damage = -45 stomachache = true [Dementia|Alzheimers] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You forgot how the drink tasted as soon as you drank it. Wait, what are you doing here? deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = Subject seems to have suffered extensive nerve damage in the brain. [JFJ|Adams Mom|JFJ Adams Mom] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Thank you Adam's Mom! damage = -100 [Black Mesa Sweet Voice] color = 0,0,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes like blue. [Glizzy Guzzler|heytherekidd0|Glizzy|Glizzy Gulp|Liquified Glizzy|Glizzy Gobbler] color = 102,39,39 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = damn... you the real glizzy gobbler... deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = oh, guess you aren't. follow heytherekidd0 on twitch btw stomachache = true [Bad Luck] color = 148,121,121 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = "You feel as if something bad is about to happen" deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = You tripped and fell on your shoelace.... your shoes don't have laces damage = 1 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Dente Juice] color = 106,0,255 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = got u homie damage = -5 [Mello Yello] color = 186,255,48 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = People actually buy this? deathtimer = 100 deathmessage = The Mello Yello was too much for you. damage = 7 stomachache = true [Sunset Sarsaparilla] color = 148,96,24 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = ..You cough up a blue star bottlecap. damage = -2 [SCP-096 Blood] color = 92,6,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes like licking a salty penny. damage = -10 [Strength Pot|Strength Potion|Wakey Brew] color = 255,255,0 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A temporary skill boost to Strength equal to 3 + 10% of the player's current Strength level, rounded down. [Clang Cola] color = 92,54,11 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = How did this machine even get this [Molten C4] color = 214,213,150 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This tastes awful, why does this exist lethal = true deathmessage = Tim: I see you drank it, what do you think? Haha, had an explosive aftertaste right.... I'll just show myself the door, just hit that button right there and go back to whatever it was you were doing. explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [Furry Cum] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It's thick and tastes weirdly sweet, it's very filling. damage = -10 [JoJo Juice] color = 50,201,161 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You fell like *il vento d'oro intensifies* refusemessage = You don't have enough Hamon damage = -69 [ColinChars|Drink] color = 50,96,168 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This seems tasty I wonder what will happen?!?! lethal = true deathmessage = Colin killed you damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Jeepers Creepers|Jeepers|The Creeper] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Where'd you get those peepers? damage = 3 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Jack Stauber|Stauber|Pop Food|Viator|Finite Form|Hi-Lo|Hi Lo|VincaKemu] color = 255,247,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes like weird, sweet saxophone. damage = -20 [CUM Sauce] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your CUM is ready stomachache = true [Lesiny dzban] color = 255,65,8 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = *You recall all memories from Bydgoszcz @~@* lethal = true deathmessage = First time drinking? Bruh. damage = 5 stomachache = true [Da Docta Milk|Da Docta Juice|Da Docta Cum] color = 255,254,248 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I taste like ... something unholy and its not very yummy :( [speed-run] color = 15,0,41 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you now have an hour deathtimer = 3600 deathmessage = Pathetic damage = -5 blood loss = -100 [Mayonnaise|Also not cum] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Probably tastes bad on pizza [Creeper Fluid ] color = 52,153,108 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you stomach sounds bubbly lethal = true deathmessage = Both the Class D's large and small intestines have exploded damage = 4 stomachache = true [The Last Hope] color = 0,7,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel 55 percent stronger! damage = -10 [Pone] color = 250,70,241 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have now consumed pone potion. You are now one with pone. Pone is great. All hail Pone. [Dimmy Juice|Limmy Juice|DimmyLimmy] color = 165,173,167 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = This is a wakky DimmyLimmy moment damage = -50 stomachache = true [Knightingale Blood|Nightingale Blood|Nightingale] color = 156,39,54 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Blood of a night bird, tastes bad damage = 2 stomachache = true [Vampire Blood|Vamp Blood|Vampirism] color = 108,20,19 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel unstoppable. damage = -10 [Big Mac Sauce|Mac Sauce|Big Mac|Burger Sauce] color = 247,202,129 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = this tastes vaguely like thousand island dressing [Dinosaur blood|T-Rex blood|TRex blood|Velociraptor blood|Reptile blood|Pterodactyl blood] color = 125,5,5 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = tastes old, like dusty iron.....i'm gonna be sick.. damage = 8 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Avali juice] color = 197,110,255 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have drank the Birb juice deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = After drinking the wonderful Birb juice, you melt that is it... stomachache = true [Scp 999 ] color = 255,140,0 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your a monster. deathtimer = 999 deathmessage = You deserve that. stomachache = true [Chaotic Citrus] color = 0,222,96 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Taste like a bad mother stomachache = true [Aiur|Protoss] color = 94,247,255 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You Must Construct Additional Pylons! stomachache = true [Oil And Water|Water And Oil] color = 248,255,46 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Oil Floats On Water Step One Cover Yourself In Oil: 2 Wait For It To Rain: 3 Fly deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = It Stopped Raining [Gex|Gex enter the gecko] color = 16,235,64 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = ITS GEX NIGHT BABY deathtimer = 600 deathmessage = Gex Night Ended [Scott|Scott The Woz|Woz|The Woz] color = 22,45,222 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Hey All Scott Here deathtimer = 900 deathmessage = [Scott The Woz Outro.mp3] stomachache = true [Bang|Bang Bang] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.9 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [Nintendo Music|Mario Songs|Nintendo Songs|Zelda Songs|Nintendo] color = 255,43,43 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = This video contains content from Nintendo, who has blocked it on copyright grounds [Mac-N-Cheese|Cheesy] color = 237,178,14 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Damn, Pretty Aight damage = -5 stomachache = true [Liquid Icy Hot|Cool Burn] color = 12,220,247 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = My Tum Tum Don't Feel Right... lethal = true deathmessage = Your muscles have relaxed internally. damage = 10 [Kernel Juice|KernJuice|Liquid Popcorn|Kernel] color = 255,196,46 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The buttery liquid revitalizes you, but also makes you feel all sticky in the process, eugh...... [Chuckola Cola] color = 252,86,3 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel refreshed and full of bubbly jokey goodness. damage = -1 [EeveeRBL|Liquid EeveeRBL|Dead EeveeRBL] color = 201,147,83 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel satisfied, and a burning hatred for Counter Strike. damage = -10 [Horni|Secks] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = Go To Horni Jail [106 Cum|106 Jizz|Larry Cum|Larry Jizz] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = What do you think it is deathtimer = 106 deathmessage = thats right you drank 106 jizz contrats your dead damage = -5 stomachache = true [pool water] color = 120,161,227 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = drinking pool water is always fun damage = 1 stomachache = true [Glue|Glu|forbidden white sticky stuff] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Are you the fucking kid in first grade that ate fucking glue deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = no really are that kid from first grade that ate glue damage = 7 stomachache = true [Clorox|Forbidden Juice] color = 16,176,194 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Congratulations That Was Clorox deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Clorox Is Yummy stomachache = true [RoughTimeRoach|RTRoach|Jeffery|CrippledCupcakes|Pepsi dog|Roach] color = 0,0,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = What a waste of a quarter. You could have spent that towards an AWP skin or something. damage = 100 stomachache = true [Who Down To Have A convo via this lmfao] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = deadass who wants to [lkjdsgdfgfhdbjs|sdkfsdjahuisdfg|uidfgsdiusfdhlkjs] color = 138,138,138 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Contrats You Had A Stroke deathtimer = 100 deathmessage = Stroke Killed you lol [Cope|Cope Harder|Cope Harder Kid] color = 167,214,202 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Cope Harder Lol deathtimer = 6 deathmessage = Sorry kid, cope hardy. Absolute baboon mentality. Take a shower. Gn kid I'm staying winning and your staying losing. damage = 5 stomachache = true [Cream Of Human] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg damage = 1 stomachache = true [Cachaca carai] color = 12,240,0 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = De vez em quando eu tomo a minha cachacinha refusemessage = Seje homi damage = 1 stomachache = true [Vrchat|VRC|vrc|vrchat|Vr-Chat] color = 18,54,153 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It Tastes Like, Degeneracy, Furries, and alcohol damage = -5 [grubhub|bro tf is dis|boogiedrink] color = 66,135,245 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = i really shouldnt have taked those drugs this morning... stomachache = true [motion sickness|dizzy|extreme headache] color = 243,0,255 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = ohh... my head... stomachache = true [Shade|Hollow|Hollow Knight] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel your emotions fade. damage = 2 [Dog Blood] color = 999,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You Drink The Dog Blood You Monster damage = -5 stomachache = true [Fresh Cum|Hot Cum|Warm Cum] color = 240,240,240 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel the warm liquid slide down your throat... It is very satisfying. damage = -4 [Nep-Nep Sauce] color = 255,179,237 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes mildly salty, but oddly sweet. You feel very refreshed [cup of caden] color = -255,192,203 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = yeehaw lethal = true deathmessage = you got to yeehaw damage = 100000 stomachache = true [cup of swift|cup of duck|cup of swiftfoul] color = 242,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = quack quack! (a duck formed inside of your stomach} deathtimer = 6 deathmessage = The duck ate your insides blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [cup of demoman|demoman tf2|demo|demoman] color = 125,79,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = oh ive really hit rock bottom! explosion = true [Radiance|The Radiance|Absolute Radiance] color = 255,143,64 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your mind begins to fade as it is replaced by a blinding light. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = You have succumbed to the light, praise THE RADIANCE!!! damage = 1 stomachache = true [Health Juice] color = 36,255,57 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It is intended for mutant Super Animals, but it works for you as well. damage = -8 [SCP-682 Saliva|682 Saliva] color = 240,240,240 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Does that mean it's in this facility? stomachache = true [Borderline|Borderline Forever|Blue Border|Blue Square] color = 41,44,255 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you notice a blue border around you obscuring your vision your vision deathtimer = 500 deathmessage = the blue border took over. damage = 3 stomachache = true [SCP Secret Labratory] color = 64,60,47 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You Remembered Something... Oh Wait Its That You Closed Doors On EVERYONE In Secret Lab deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = That Was A Cola Was It? [godmode] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = what, are you trying to cheat? deathtimer = 3600 deathmessage = the "godmode" drink killed you. noob damage = 1 stomachache = true [Coke Vanilla|Coca-cola Vanilla|Coke Vanilla Zero Sugar|Coca-Cola Vanilla Zero Sugar] color = 45,0,25 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = If this is boring, then I don't want to be interesting. damage = -10 blood loss = -10 [food in berlin] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = you just slurped nothing... what refusemessage = There Is Nothing To Drink In The Cup. [lsd] color = 12,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = stoppostingaboutamongusimtiredofseeingitmyfriendsontiktoksendmememesondiscorditsfuckingmemesiwasinaserverrightandallofthechannelsarejustamongusstuffishowedmychampionunderweartomygirlfriendandthelogoiflippeditandisaidheybabewhentheunderwearsushahadingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingilookatatrashcanisaythatsabitsussyilookatmypenisithinkoftheastronautshelmetandigopenismorelikepensusaaaaaaa blood loss = 600 stomachache = true [Scp Foundation Article] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED] deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = an NTF squad soon found [REDACTED] dead next to [REDACTED] the subject after an autopsy was soon found to be killed by [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [DATA EXPUNGED] [REDACTED] [The South] color = 33,60,227 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Abe Lincoln: Caught your ass traitor [Craniac] color = 205,205,34 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It smells sour, like funky! damage = 5 stomachache = true [Cup of Seb|Seb|Sebastian|Seb juice|Seb drink|Seb cum|Seb sauce] color = 232,3,252 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Ill be right back... (Discord Mute Sound) damage = -5 [JFK|John Kennedy|John F kennedy|JFK Juice] color = 138,3,3 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Was that... Nevermind (Watch out for snipers) damage = -2 [Definently Water] color = 0,31,255 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = tastes a little funn- stomachache = true [Crypstic|Goodboy|Lenny|Chef|Andromeda|Kaz|Ravengard|Loop|Maddi|Hijacker|Eme|Royal] color = 117,82,20 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel as if your intelligence is slowly slipping away... damage = 4 stomachache = true [Inferno] color = 163,159,72 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Ew deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox retrieved the body of D-9341 in the facility cafeteria of Sector [REDACTED]. Members noted that the corpse smelled horrible. So bad in fact that it was as if the Class-D smelled that way before death. stomachache = true [Comedian] color = 89,50,107 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel like screaming into your microphone. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = US Official SCP:SL Server #2: Please do not mic spam in dead chat. Ban time: 1 Week. stomachache = true [Barbecue Sauce|BBQ|BBQ sauce] color = 54,7,7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Sweet, smokey, thick, and savory. Why am I drinking this? stomachache = true [clown|clown juice|clown-juice] color = 255,0,200 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel like posting your opinion on twitter... stomachache = true [Sriracha|Sriracha Bottle] color = 161,52,40 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your mouth feels like it is on fire. stomachache = true [Yorkshire tea] color = 193,177,141 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Reyt good innit? damage = -5 [Vulpin-Brewed Potion] color = 39,198,204 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = Seems the alchemist went rogue this time. explosion = true [Medical knowledge] color = 115,255,185 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You treat yourself with knowledge that vanishes afterwards... damage = -3 [cheese] color = 245,215,66 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = cheese :) lethal = true deathmessage = cheese lol damage = 10 [Tally Hall|Joe Hawley|Andrew Horowitz|Rob Cantor|Ross Federman] color = 235,64,52 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel like the ruler of everything damage = -2 [Drake Blood] color = 120,8,8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your pants feel heavier. damage = -1 stomachache = true [Cough Syrup] color = 117,79,47 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes like disgusting slop. damage = -3 [Benito Mussolini|Mussolini] color = 66,245,84 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel like you could take on the world! Or... just Ethiopia. damage = 3 [Banana man] color = 218,245,66 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Strange... almost meatlike banana taste, do you banana all the time? deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Subject found with around 8000 banana's forced into various orifices, death cause appears to be radiation poisoning, and the cause of death is assumed to be 294 stomachache = true [Melon goo|Melongoo] color = 245,35,127 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You hear a faint “zabloing!” in the distance... damage = -5 [el death] color = 247,0,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = wat lethal = true deathmessage = explosion = true [Beastman Blood] color = 138,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel slightly more furry. damage = -10 [GrayStillPlays] color = 100,100,100 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Not today satan!! damage = -10 stomachache = true [CraigThompsonStadium|CraigThompson|MiniLadd] color = 226,0,170 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Goodbye Kitten, Craig Thompson Stadium has been dissolved lethal = true deathmessage = Guess you shouldn't have been a young teen predator damage = 5 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Confusion] color = 73,82,76 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = What was I doing again..? deathtimer = 40 deathmessage = A Drifting sublime of hope cascades into the darkness. stomachache = true [Totem|Oto|Otto] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.9 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like banning people from a discord server. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox found the body of D-9341 in the facility cafeteria of Sector [REDACTED]. Squad members noticed brown stains in the pants of the Class-D. stomachache = true [FunkySpunk] color = 32,252,3 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Now that's Funky! [Empty Can] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = Its....its just an empty can, why did you even try? [Brick] color = 130,10,10 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Cup of bricks damage = 1 stomachache = true [Chik-Fil-A Lemonade] color = 255,250,102 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Wow, It's slightly better than normal lemonade! damage = -1 [seppo taateli taalasmaa|stt] color = 240,200,125 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Resepti oli siina makkarapaketin kyljessa. Siina on niiku tommosta pippurijuustoo ja sitte arvaa mita kuule. Olutta deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = ismo laitela sends his regards damage = -10 [jimmy neutrons brain juice] color = 252,3,3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = jimmy neutrons brain juice is too strong you will now die in 10 seconds lethal = true deathmessage = you have die lol not big surprise stomachache = true [Cringe|Cringe Juice|Cringe Ass Nae Nae Baby] color = 43,51,214 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = "Ayo what the fuck???" stomachache = true [Gamersupps] color = 156,8,13 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Use code BADGER to get 10% off damage = -50 [lol] color = 255,20,147 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = lol deathtimer = 69 deathmessage = lol damage = 6 stomachache = true [QuattroBianchi|Invisibile] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Daje Zio Grandissimo damage = -2 stomachache = true [Wests Reagent] color = 68,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = You were too fresh for this drink. [Synovial Fluid|synovial fluid] color = 219,217,175 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes salty and thick, why did you put this in your mouth? [Bullets|Ammo|Ammunition] color = 191,184,23 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It is a cup of bullets, why would I ingest this? [rexouium|KingCareTaker|VRfurry] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like parental disappointment. stomachache = true [allah|Allah|Allahuackbar] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = allahuackbar lethal = true deathmessage = D-████'s remains were found next to SCP-294, their death was clearly an explosion. The explosion is estimated by site demolition experts to be the equivalent of 50kgs of TNT. The D class also appears to be wearing rags and a keffiyeh. No reports of any such clothing being in possession of D-████ or near them. We are considering moving SCP-294 to an isolated area. explosion = true damage = 10 [Melon Heads Juice|Melon Head|Melon Sauce] color = 186,68,58 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The power of Melon Head himself flows through your veins damage = -10 [Cryptocurrency] color = 218,224,18 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Congrats, you are now in $1.5 million debt. [bad music] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You remember that Imagine Dragons exists damage = 1 stomachache = true [Applejuice13] color = 125,31,26 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you have ordered a drink of applejuice13 (hes a person) lethal = true deathmessage = the subject d-914 had appeared to have ordered a cup of applejuice13 witch happens to be the coolest person alive! his body was found in bits and chunks indicating he exploded because his body was overwhelmed by applejuice13's coolness damage = 10 stomachache = true [Racism] color = 61,17,0 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You start to hate the statistics 13% and 50%. Strange stomachache = true [Citalopram|Antidepressant|Pills] color = 209,209,209 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Why did i even drink it? This is literally pills. stomachache = true [The Obo|Obo] color = 148,203,255 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You know you're my favorite right? damage = -25 blood loss = 1 [sad] color = 169,169,169 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you feel depressed [The Core|Discord User] color = 31,50,219 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your mind is overwhelmed when you drink the liquid. Slowly, your memories and thoughts all assimilate into one message: 'The Core.' lethal = true deathmessage = Your mind was corrupt and converted by 'The Core'. All vital parts of your brain were forced into submission, ending your life quickly. [Nanotrasen Special|NT Special|Nanotrasen] color = 59,86,156 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Honk damage = -100 [Special-Brain-Drink|Simplicity|Works-juice] color = 243,184,183 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel as if you are losing Neurons deathtimer = 10000 deathmessage = MTF Squads encounter a lumbering humanoid that mimics a corpse when encountered. Further analysis results confirm low alive neuron count. Executed after scientific resolution. refusemessage = This liquid feels like its screaming at you not to drink it. damage = -9 [Pain Killers|Pain Killer|pain killers|pain killer|painkillers|PainkKillers] color = 79,208,169 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg damage = -18 stomachache = true [Jersey Mikes Soda|Jersey Mikes Drink] color = 125,43,11 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Approved by Jackaroo himself. damage = -10 [Carbon Dioxide|Liquid Carbon Dioxide] color = 161,161,156 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Did you Just do that deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered the body of D-9341 near the cafeteria at Sector [REDACTED]. Autopsy shows his cause of death was asphyxiation this incident cannot be linked to any SCP yet damage = -5 blood loss = 29 stomachache = true [methanol|Methanol] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You drank the wrong type of alcohol damage = -5 blood loss = 40 stomachache = true [Jager-bomb|Jager-Bomb|JagerBomb|Jagerbomb|Jägerbomb|JägerBomb|Jäger-bomb|Jäger-Bomb] color = 46,39,19 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = delish damage = 3 stomachache = true [Youtube] color = 245,66,102 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You taste Ads and apology videos damage = 5 stomachache = true [Pineapple Fanta with a Splash of Actavis] color = 207,168,70 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Why you sippin so much? Cuz I'm Chris Travis, b***h! [Big Blue] color = 34,68,240 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Feels like I'm back in the dirty south. [Toast Water] color = 120,89,6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your Mistake. lethal = true deathmessage = You have died due to drinking bread. damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Shark-Bite] color = 10,134,168 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Mistaken lethal = true deathmessage = explosion = true stomachache = true [Pisco] color = 222,155,2 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You are now officially f*cked up! Chilean way damage = 2 stomachache = true [Screwdriver] color = 250,219,147 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = mmmmh that was tasty damage = -1 [Anal Cream] color = 235,235,235 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You can't decide on whether you've tasted this or not stomachache = true [kawai sprite] color = 163,163,163 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = tastes like some good music [Swamp Water|Soda Mix] color = 31,56,42 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You think about what you've just drank, you can't put your mind on any specific soda. [tricky] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = tiky lethal = true deathmessage = noob stomachache = true [skimps] color = 0,255,204 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Taste vaguely of... pepper steak? [cheezit smoothie] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = fuck you stomachache = true [water bottle and pee door hinge gun cold drink] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE lethal = true deathmessage = clock stomachache = true [wongle] color = 59,36,2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your insides are burning. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = get wongled stomachache = true [Cool Juice] color = 50,168,82 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Cool +1 damage = 3 [sonichu|Christian Weston Chandler|CWC|Chris-chan|chrischan] color = 242,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = uhoh lethal = true deathmessage = CURSIHAMEHA stomachache = true [The Beatles | Beatles] color = 255,204,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It's been A Hard Day's Night [Grandma|Old Geezer] color = 245,99,66 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Mmmmm, you feel refreshed after drinking your grandma lethal = true deathmessage = The forces of Grandma struck you down damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Philosophers blood] color = 138,3,3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You are now a famous philosopher. [Fierce Hatchling Moonshine|Tarcola|Aquamari] color = 126,60,37 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Make sure to put that red keycard in your gamma deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = "Head, eyes" stomachache = true [magic 8 ball|8 ball|magic eight ball|eight ball|magic 8 ball fluid|magic eight ball fluid] color = 21,33,125 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Oh yea its big brain time deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = You learned what is in hot dogs stomachache = true [Based juice|Based|ifunny juice] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel based and redpilled refusemessage = Be a cringe bluepiller damage = -5 [Redpill|Redpilled|Truth] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = now yuo see.... deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = [REDACTED] knew too much. Simulation shut down. damage = -10 [Liquid Chris|REAL Chris-Chan] color = 139,69,19 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The TRUE and HONEST Christian Weston Chandler damage = -10 [Slurp Juice] color = 23,197,178 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Slurp Juice damage = -10 [Joshua Graham] color = 235,161,52 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You remember Zion damage = 3 [SCP 682|scp682|682] color = 87,3,3 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg stomachache = true [Strange Liquid|anti-depressant|antidepressants] color = 240,240,240 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Strangely enough, you feel less depressed about being in this awful place. damage = -10 stomachache = true [Scumpy|scrumpeh|bottle o scrumpy] color = 152,67,3 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Aye, me bottle o' scrumpy stomachache = true [Nuclear Cat] color = 0,255,68 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel a massive weight in your stomach. When you open your mouth there's... meowing? lethal = true deathmessage = Your stomach, along with the rest of your body, exploded. Atop a pile of your flesh rests a small cat. explosion = true stomachache = true [Fanta|Fanta Orange] color = fc,ad,4c sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel refreshed [Bath Milk|Bathmilk|Gambling Boy Bath Milk|Bathe Milk] color = 255,253,245 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Do you bathe in milk? damage = -5 [Larry Lawton Juice] color = 181,143,89 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I'm gonna shake you down. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = I'm the best there is. stomachache = true [Co Co Cola] color = 64,47,1 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Now you want to SIT on your Pancakes damage = -5 [Pink Floyd] color = 245,66,164 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Shine on you crazy diamond [Karcy Juice] color = 208,110,250 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = why have you done this? lethal = true deathmessage = damage = 8 blood loss = 70 [Canada Dry] color = 50,161,83 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The Holy Drink [Friday night funkin juice|Fnf juice] color = 84,180,247 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You hear strange beeping noises in your head. deathtimer = 6 deathmessage = Subject was seen near SCP-294 making strange beeping noises excessively to NTF personnel, and would then proceed to beat the NTF excessively with a cartoon microphone. NTF terminated the D-Class on the spot. damage = 8 [Josephitis] color = 0,0,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel as if you are waiting for something... damage = -10 [Carbonated Tar] color = 35,34,69 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Damn that's some good tar. [old man fiber] color = 73,115,149 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you feel old but you have the urge to game but your a grandpa [Carbonated Madness] color = 139,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = That tasted like nightmares! damage = -10 blood loss = 5 [Yellow Water Drink] color = 255,172,15 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Maybe I should consult a doctor that my pee is red.. damage = -10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [The Forbidden Apple Juice] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like it's burning holes. deathtimer = 3600 deathmessage = The apple juice burnt you. blood loss = 1000 stomachache = true [dingo|whiskey dingo|whiskeydingo|wding] color = 218,173,56 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Ahh, tastes just like whiskey [bussy] color = 166,155,104 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Astolfo? Felix? Yes please. damage = -1 [SCP SL] color = 133,122,78 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true stomachache = true [renamon] color = 242,218,124 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = What are you, a furry? lethal = true deathmessage = wdingSpoop damage = 2 [Gamer Girl Spit] color = 244,245,237 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel great as it slides down you. [Vengaboys] color = 168,50,162 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! I WANT YOU IN MY ROOM! WE'LL SPEND THE NIGHT TOGETHER! FROM NOW UNTIL FOREVER! lethal = true deathmessage = BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! [Awo|Awoo|Awooo|Awoooo] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg explosion = true [The Jashon Special] color = 255,213,43 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Hey baby can you call me back later damage = -10 [Glizzard Juice] color = 50,227,56 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Uh Oh you just got coconut mall'd damage = -3 [Rawr] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = x3 nuzzles [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Subject was terminated by NTF for being too horny and there isn't any horny jail available in the Site- [REDACTED]. [Lightning McQueen|Cars|McQueen|Cars 2|Cars 3] color = 200,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = kerchow damage = -10 [Capybara] color = 153,51,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Why the hell did you do that? No, screw you, die. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Punished for crimes against animals. damage = 5 stomachache = true [Poland] color = 207,45,45 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You start feeling Polish damage = 1 stomachache = true [Melvinverse] color = 66,135,245 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You tried to consume the Melvinverse, but the Melvinverse consumed you. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = The Melvin Cinematic Universe has consumed you. Nice try consuming it. Nothing can stop Melvin Souls, The Red Lord... Nothing at all! Mwahahahhahahahhaahahha damage = -5 blood loss = 50 [Paint Thinner] color = 220,255,220 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg damage = 2 stomachache = true [My Blood|My Own Blood|Own Blood|Blood From Myself|Blood of Myself|Blood of Me|Blood Belonging to Me|Blood Belonging to Myself|D-9341 Blood|Blood of D-9341|Blood Belonging to D-9341] color = 144,31,49 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel weaker than you did before. Why would you do this? What is wrong with you? damage = 1 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [My Cum|My Cummies|My Cummiewummies] color = 250,245,212 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Mm, salty and refreshing! damage = -100 [Horse Semen] color = 255,28,247 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = mm yummy yummy hurt my tummy lethal = true deathmessage = You're trash kid [Pink Dart|Lewd Dart|Lust Dart|Lust] color = 255,0,183 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel... an overwhelming sense of pure desire... damage = -5 stomachache = true [Inflate Dart|Green Dart|Inflation|Inflation Dart] color = 9,255,0 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel a slowly rising pressure from inside... deathtimer = 250 deathmessage = D-Class Subject was spotted on security cameras bloated after taking a drink from SCP-294 before they exploded due to the increased pressure. There was a very angrily written letter left at the facility from someone who claims the facility stole their bespoke chemicals. stomachache = true [Burst Cola|BCola] color = 148,99,19 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The drink is incredibly bubbly... but tastes good! deathtimer = 250 deathmessage = D-Class Personnel was discovered in pieces after exploding due to increased pressure. Traces of "Burst Cola" had been found near SCP-294 and an angrily worded letter was sent to the site signed by "Bun". damage = -10 [Crimson Firecracker|Firecracker|Crimson|CFC] color = 220,20,60 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You taste a slight burning in your chest, maybe you should drink another? damage = -1 stomachache = true [Brog] color = 236,0,188 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have consumed Brog. Soon he will consume you. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = A Class D personnel was found dead, his remains gelatinous and putrid. Brog consumed him. damage = 5 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [C-4] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That's explosives why did you drink that? lethal = true deathmessage = You literally drank explosives what did you think would happen? explosion = true [CKYKC] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It's Srax-like, champion damage = -100 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Banana Frube] color = 181,175,14 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You've been frubed up deathtimer = 69360 deathmessage = Should'nt have drank that sexy frube juice, should ya ? explosion = true damage = -10 stomachache = true [123456|password] color = 3,53,128 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Password accepted, proceeding with killing process deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = sus lol stomachache = true [sussy] color = 52,135,43 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you should not sin like this deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = you have been killed by [intentional game feature] damage = 1 stomachache = true [Soy Sauce|Shoyu] color = 8,7,1 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = There's your daily sodium intake... [Cranberry Juice|Cranberry] color = 82,11,27 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Sweet and refreshing. damage = 2 [Vaccine|Covid Vaccine|Flu Vaccine|Flu Shot|Covid Shot] color = 201,233,242 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = 049 would be proud. damage = -3 [mezzo mix|mezzo mix cola] color = 28,7,6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Fresh from Germany, Enjoy! damage = -1 [Xavier] color = 223,57,155 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = rawr im a tiger rawr rawr damage = -5 [kerbal blood] color = (0,255,0) glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = im a rocket man [Your answer] color = 66,135,245 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your answer lethal = true deathmessage = Your answer explosion = true damage = 10 [BonelessLoogie|Bonelessboi|Loogie] color = 50,168,115 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = He said Funkin' deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Or did he say fuckin? damage = 5 [Comfort|Kindness] color = 95,138,74 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A reassuring hand on your shoulder, a warm whisper in your ear. It feels like a hug. damage = -1 [curiosity] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You can't quite place what the flavor reminds you of stomachache = true [Criminal] color = 255,51,0 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like you want to kill someone. deathtimer = 80 deathmessage = You got shot by a police officer. damage = 3 stomachache = true [Tarragon|Estragon|Tarhun|Tarkhun] color = 50,205,50 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Big Floppa is proud of your choice damage = -10 [pyvic juice] color = 50,168,82 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = One cup of Pyvic Juice damage = -5 stomachache = true [Dopamine|Happy Chemical] color = 251,195,62 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel slightly happier! damage = -2 [The Rock] color = 173,114,3 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = CAN YOU SSSMMMEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLL!!! lethal = true deathmessage = WHAT THE ROCK, IS, COOKING! stomachache = true [Stiff One] color = 209,158,63 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Nothing happened, but you feel the sudden urge to beat your son. refusemessage = Probably for the best. damage = 3 stomachache = true [Intelligence Serum] color = 123,237,220 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel smarter, as if just examining the world around you increases your intelect. deathtimer = 1200 deathmessage = Sometimes, knowledge isn't power. Your brain has grown so much your head popped like a balloon. refusemessage = Might be a SMART decision. damage = -9 [Compound V|CompoundV|Compound v| Compoundv] color = 16,83,176 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel your super powers increase and adrenaline starts pumping through your body. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = You collapse to the floor as you experience total organ shutdown. Should've just stayed clean. refusemessage = Not after you've seen what it did to A-Train. damage = -10 [Icepick|IcepickRAR|Icepick RAR] color = 250,250,0 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = Should've just played Tarkov... explosion = true [Scam Likely|Scam Call| Scam Phone Call] color = 96,222,47 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Hi, we've called to contact you about your cars extended warranty. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = I hate telemarketers... refusemessage = You hang up the phone. stomachache = true [Martyrdom] color = 211,11,11 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg explosion = true [GD-Fuel|GDFuel|GD Fuel] color = 130,255,174 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = G-Fuel! The G Stands For (G)Drugs! damage = -5 [Szechuan Sauce] color = 156,78,19 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I am suppossed to escape this place, or is this all just a simulation? refusemessage = You're a piece of shit Morty. damage = -50 [Undrinkable Drink|Something Undrinkable] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = How? refusemessage = You try to drink it... but you can't. How odd. stomachache = true [Papich] color = 233,255,38 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = This drink needs help. damage = 1 stomachache = true [Time Travel ] color = 193,236,255 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Traveling to ###### damage = 7 blood loss = 10 [Buyers Remose|Buyer Remorse|Buyer s Remorse] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes decent, but underwhelming. You should have picked something else... [Gachi] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Fisting is 300$ damage = 9 stomachache = true [Damocles|Damocles Sword|Damocless Sword|Sword of Damocles] color = 230,230,48 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The drink instantly heals your wounds, yet despite this, you feel an aura of dread... deathtimer = 240 deathmessage = Class D subject D-9341 found with a blade lodged in the top of their skull, seemingly dropped from above. Hanging from the ceiling directly above the subject was a single strand of horse hair. damage = -5 [YoRoHu] color = 192,192,192 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Kind of tastes like a circuit board? damage = -10 [EGORKOZAK] color = 216,135,245 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Егор Козак ИСП-42. stomachache = true [Egor] color = 255,0,25 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Kozak Egor iz ISP-42. [SCP-002] color = 176,7,7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The taste of blood, hair, and bones fills your mouth as you drink. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = SCP-002 has mysteriously furnished itself with an additional four books. Cause unknown. [Conti] color = 255,150,230 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg refusemessage = No thanks, I don't want any moron today. [Cayde|Cayde-6] color = 120,169,179 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = After drinking the liquid, you are instantly reminded that you are mortal. damage = -10 [Prestons Feet] color = 255,219,172 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Why do you guys want my feet so bad?! deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = D-9341 was found in front of SCP-294 at Site [REDACTED]. He was found without his feet, causing perfuse blood loss. A note was left on the corpse saying, "Wanted my feet so bad? Well I'll take yours." Signed by [REDACTED]. damage = 3 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Feet|Feetsies|Foot] color = 255,219,172 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Ew, smells like feet... wait... deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = D-9341 was found dead by SCP-294 at Site [REDACTED]. At first sight, it seemed he had died to a large lump inside of his stomach. Upon further examination, we found two feet had grown inside his stomach and expanded, rupturing his insides, causing internal bleeding. damage = 5 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [SCP-008] color = 237,28,28 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Oh my god, I think I'm fucked. damage = 9 blood loss = 100 [Sleep] color = 209,203,203 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel rested. damage = -10 [Dice] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I just chugged dice... and I'm choking. deathtimer = 6 deathmessage = D-9341 was found near SCP-294 at Site [REDACTED]. He was found with a throat full of dice, from normal D6's and D20's, to SCP-1974-EX, to ones that are hard to describe, as they look like no dice we've seen before, or behave like any dice we have. We have no idea why the idiot would chug dice, but he did. Dr. Bright asked us to bring him the dice so he can play D&D with them... we told him to buy his own. damage = 8 [Jenna] color = 145,17,58 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel tired... is the world getting bigger? deathtimer = 2 deathmessage = A D-Class Personnel's clothes were found on the floor with a sleeping rat inside... what did they drink? damage = 10 [Morpheus] color = 0,143,17 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You taste the fabric of reality itself. Morpheus gang. [Kharaa|Architect Bioagent] color = 0,255,68 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Oh god... I don't feel so good... what did I just drink... deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = D-9341 was found to be dead by a yet unidentified bacterium. The bacterium seems to be highly infectious and causes green pustules to develop around the body. It is still unknown how D-9341 contracted the bacterium. more tests are being done to ascertain how D-9341 was infected. stomachache = true [Speedforce|Speedster|Blood Of Flash] color = 244,255,87 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Why is everything slowing down? deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = D-9341 was found dead at [Redacted]. further testing shows D-9341 was killed from the over loading of information to his brain by a yet unknown process. The cup that D-9341 drank from was found empty and no trace of the substance can be found blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [64-BitWar|Cry of Fear|Furryboi|Protogen] color = 255,179,0 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Hmm taste like bad content, with a hint of furry: terrible channel blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Balance] color = 58,0,99 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Perfectly balanced, as all things should be deathtimer = 4 deathmessage = According to preliminary assumptions, around half of the population of every living thing on Earth has vanished. Good new though, that includes the SCPS's. Bad news, we have no cover for this... damage = 5 stomachache = true [Sins] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You can feel yourself growing more hateful. An eternity of sins has been etched into you. blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Sand ] color = 194,178,128 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel heavier than before stomachache = true [Communism|Communist|communism|communist] color = 240,36,22 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel incredibly malnorished deathtimer = 6 deathmessage = Your stomach bursts open as lumps of clay and tree-bark spill out of your belly. damage = 2 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Love Juice] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Ugh, what's wrong with you? [Pink eye|Vision|Foresight] color = 255,0,174 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I... I can see the future. I feel a bit better now damage = -5 [Unlimited Power] color = 3,144,252 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = UNLIMITED POWER!!! lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 was found with a massive amounts of electrical burns all throughout his body, somehow his corpse has managed to hold the electrical charge making it an unlimited source of power. We're working on harnessing it and giving it an SCP classification. damage = 10 stomachache = true [Cedrata Tassoni] color = 252,252,3 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Quante cose al mondo puoi fare... [fentanyl|Fentanyl] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I can't breathe! deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = For some reason, a security guard was charged with homicide for your death. refusemessage = This is a LOT of fentanyl stomachache = true [DreamerOC | Pony | MLP] color = 255,0,34 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I-Is this Equestria? Did I t-turn into a Pony? damage = -100 [Mogus|Monkey Mogus] color = 135,62,35 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Monkey Mogus was a Mogus, until his Monkey demise. deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = Autopsy reveals the subject was subjectually subjected to excruciating Monkey Mogus. Further research required. damage = 1 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Toilet Water] color = 112,88,21 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Did you just drink toilet water? stomachache = true [Sticky white goo|pre-ejaculate|Liquid of a trillion kids] color = 250,250,255 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You just drank my babies damage = -5 stomachache = true [Liquid Star] color = 80,100,0 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Enjoy! lethal = true deathmessage = What were you thinking? damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [United States|America|USA] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like freedom... and oil? [Bnut] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes like SCP 173 deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = Bnut was explosive explosion = true [fnaf lore] color = 128,0,128 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The drink reveals to you the full lore of fnaf. deathtimer = 6 deathmessage = The lore was to much for your tiny, pathetic human brain to handle. stomachache = true [Tuborg] color = 235,165,40 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The drink tastes like a classic Tuborg [RC Glow] color = 46,29,20 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I'd ask how this thing glows, but that's for the marketing department to figure out. [Sawdust brandy|Holzbranntwein] color = 196,71,3 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Huh. It tastes like a drunk tree. damage = -1 [Sandwich|A sandwich] color = 224,198,147 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes like the sandwich, but you just can't get over the texture. [Monster Energy White|Monster Energy Zero Ultra|Boomer Juice] color = 199,206,217 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I feel like i need to mow the lawn now damage = -2 [something Cassy will like] color = 184,147,118 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Delicious! Tastes like a chocolate banana milkshake. damage = -3 [Mommy Milk] color = 218,222,206 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Mummy's Milk, Made just for me! damage = -10 [Bootleg Portal Fluid] color = 193,247,98 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Where have I heard this from? lethal = true deathmessage = Morty *Burps* This guy drank it Morty *Burps* Get the SCP's and lets get out of here Morty. damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Liquid Gravity] color = 48,48,48 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It grows heavy as you hold it. blood loss = 600 stomachache = true [JaceSilverwave|Jace Silverwave] color = 40,13,79 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel like the ultimate gamer. damage = -100 [JaceSilverware|Jace Silverware|FaceSilverwave|Face Silverwave|FaceSilverware|Face Silverware] color = 40,13,79 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel terrible for disgracing such an awesome gamer and such a cool name. lethal = true deathmessage = "I'ts SilverWAVE!" stomachache = true [Omega|Omega Drink|Omega Soda|Omega Particles|Liquid Omega|Molten Omega|Omega Element] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The End. lethal = true deathmessage = The End. explosion = true stomachache = true [Juicy apple] color = 87,BD,75 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = "You feel this strange feeling of your stomach growling." stomachache = true [Umeboshi Juice] color = 277,66,52 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The drink smells strongly of pickles, and tastes very tart and salty. [Sports] color = 92,155,197 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It's got enough fizz to last you through the rest of the night - It's good damage = -1 stomachache = true [Putrid Serum] color = 234,155,0 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel spores growing under your skin deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Subject found with cankers and spores growing out of it's chest with an unidentified orange substance dripping from spores. The body of the subject was unidentifiable and will be investigated for further developments. damage = 3 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Tincture of Queensfoil] color = 29,215,222 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The seam between realities grows weaker... [Yuumi] color = 91,153,252 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I'm Yuumi, and you're warm! lethal = true deathmessage = Now I can bat around the body! [Duinrel|DanielKempers|Duinrelgaming] color = 91,153,252 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It's DANIEL babey lethal = true deathmessage = Dead like Silvano's dad [Freddy] color = 255,248,220 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Freddy Fnafbear in the house babey explosion = true [FreddyFazbear] color = 255,248,220 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Freddy Fazbear from hit indie horrorgame "Five Nights at Freddy's" damage = -15 stomachache = true [Canada|Canadian] color = 24,20,39 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes like maple syrup; you feel a sudden urge to to say "eh" [Jesse] color = 252,3,119 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It's just Jesse#7122™ lethal = true deathmessage = Jesse found a bird [Silvano] color = 252,244,244 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Silvano my beloved :3 lethal = true deathmessage = He kissed Matthew once. [maro] color = 66,66,255 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = mmmmmm ar damage = -200 [Wahid] color = 1,1,1 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Girlfriend lookin' like Mr Bean explosion = true stomachache = true [VaporWolf93] color = 62,162,210 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It's Sett (from the popular game series "League of Legends"), squished down into a drink. damage = -10 [The Golden Elixir] color = 252,186,3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your wounds seem to heal and you feel revitalized. damage = -10 [The Darkest Elixir|The Dark Elixir] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You don't feel to good. It feels like you only have a minute to live. stomachache = true [Void Ichor|Yog Sothoth|The Gate and the Key|Void Incarnate] color = 12,46,11 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Yog Sothoth is pleased by your actions damage = -10 stomachache = true [Food Coloring|Dye|Coloring|Food Dye] color = 5,21,74 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like hardly anything. [Rammstein|Mein Herz Brennt|German Metal] color = 213,13,13 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You need a ride in the Krankenwagen to the Krankenhaus. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = D-9341's corpse was found near SCP-294. After an autopsy, it was discovered that their heart had been burned from the inside out. The cup that they were holding had the lyrics of the German metal band Rammstein's song "Mein Herz Brennt" written on the inside. Mein Herz Brennt translates to My Heart Burns auf Deutsch. damage = 5 blood loss = 25 stomachache = true [Heide Knight|Boltstone|Dragonslayer Ornstein|Plin Plin Plon|Ornstein|Heide|Lightning Spear|Lightning Stake|Great Lightning Spear|Sunlight Spear|Gwyn|Lord of Cinder|Anor Londo|Soul of Cinder|Miracle Build] color = 237,245,24 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Oh Oh, we're gonna rock down to Electric Avenue damage = 10 stomachache = true [monkey pee] color = 168,105,50 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Wh- why? lethal = true deathmessage = The pee was red. why would you drink that? refusemessage = The pee is red damage = 7 stomachache = true [solid] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you drank the liquid solid material...wha..? how though?...it hurts a bit... deathtimer = 2000 deathmessage = D-9341 was found dead in hallway 6b in sector-[REDACTED] seemingly without any external trauma or attack by SCP-049. analysis of the throat shows a possible new element could have been discovered. The working theory for D-9341's death is associated with a liquid drank created by SCP-294. High resolution cameras show that D-9341 requested "solid" as a drink. chemical analysis has shown that this substance is of purely quarks fused together to be around the size of 4 atoms stuck together. The element seems stable, but produces a radiation similar to that of SCP-059. SCP item sent to site 50 to await classification. damage = 2 blood loss = 3 stomachache = true [Ecstasy|Liquid Ecstasy|MDMA|Liquid MDMA] color = 102,255,255 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I feel like im gonna have a real good time. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = It looks like he overdosed on Ecstasy. stomachache = true [SCP173 immunity] color = 199,100,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel like your neck grows stronger [05 Council|05] color = 125,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you feel like you're being hunted lethal = true deathmessage = damage = 3 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Space] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You drank space lethal = true deathmessage = You exploded explosion = true damage = 9 stomachache = true [Pruno|Prison Wine|Toilet Wine] color = 150,46,27 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It's best not to let the warden catch you with this stuff. damage = 5 blood loss = 1 [Lime Coke|Green Coke] color = 52,0,31 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You didn't even know this existed, but it tastes good. damage = -8 [Plab|wabungus|funny fish] color = 204,159,88 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like it's Funny Fish Friday... lethal = true deathmessage = It was a Tuesday blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Abby|Abigail] color = 7,189,230 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes like salty E4 mafia damage = 1 stomachache = true [Paul] color = 3,255,45 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like a withered FNAF animatronic deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = You didn't make it to 6AM blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Nathan] color = 420,0,69 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like you can carry the whole team deathtimer = 7 deathmessage = You couldn't carry the whole team and you died to a Revenant damage = 5 stomachache = true [Kate|Katherine] color = 255,94,193 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You lookin' like a sussy baka deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = Yooooo yellow crewmate thicc damage = 4 stomachache = true [McDonalds Ice Cream|McFlurry|McIceCream] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = bruh explosion = true [The Juice] color = 212,152,55 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel the power of the goblin refusemessage = Sadge damage = -30 [Pokimane Pee|Pokimane Piss] color = 246,255,150 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Slimy Yet Satisfying damage = -10 [Belle Delphine Piss|Belle Delphine Pee] color = 244,255,122 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You spent $9000 on this was it worth it damage = -15 [Duff|Duff Beer] color = 255,204,0 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Can't Get Enough of That Wonderful Duff stomachache = true [Sunshake] color = 255,204,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Totebots Beware! [Caitlynn Piss|Caitlynn Pee|Caitlynns Piss|Caitlynns Pee] color = 244,255,120 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg damage = -10 [Hram|Hrams|Borab|2069] color = 225,230,211 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Hram Is delicious! damage = -5 [Hitlers Medication|Hitlers meds|Hitlers Opioids|Methamphetamine|Hitlers Meth] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = If it's good enough for war criminals than it's good enough for me! deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = You realise that it's Someone else's meds, right? Not only that you realise it's amphetamines? Not good for the heart and all that. stomachache = true [Medik|Autistic Slav|Digitalgamer5x|Bonerghost] color = 255,0,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You take a sip of that Autism Juice. Big mistake Junior. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Trust me, That was a horrible mistake and you've been punished accordingly. Cease. stomachache = true [Arsenic] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = That was a bad idea. lethal = true deathmessage = damage = 10 [Deku|Izuku] color = 0,59,40 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The power of One for All courses through you stomachache = true [Snoos|Ryan Mcfazedank] color = 64,53,15 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = WHAT DA HELL deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = NO WAAaaaAAAAAYYYYYYYYYeeeYYEEEYEEEYYEEEYEEEEyyyy [Noah] color = 3,21,61 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Why did you put that in there? deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Tasted like stupid E1 Navy stomachache = true [Kerosene|Kerosine|Paraffin|Paraffin Oil] color = 232,231,146 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes slightly like rubbing alcohol.. damage = 1 stomachache = true [Jilly juice|Green juice|Flushing] color = 52,112,0 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It smells rotten but you take a sip. You start feeling incredibly sick and have 30 seconds before you die. Find a toilet. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = blood loss = 75 stomachache = true [Mysterious stranger|Miss fourtune] color = 219,252,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You drink it, It seemed to be water. Then you were shot. lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 was found dead by SCP-294 at Site [REDACTED]. He appears to have been shot in the back of the head with A .44 Magnum. There were no footprints at the scene. We believe it was shot by SCP-5967. We currently have Dr. Valentine investigating the breach of SCP-5967 from its containment of site [REDACTED] [DeGroot] color = 214,60,9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = That's good scrumpy... lethal = true deathmessage = Ohhh, they're gon'tah have to glue you back together... In Hell! explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Liquid Bebbington] color = 0,100,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = the beb has been consumed, he no longer poses a threat [Pineapple Drink|Dylans Drink|Pineapple Fanta] color = 250,242,0 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel piney damage = -1 [Waifu] color = 255,0,225 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Sussy baka has simped. Sussy baka must repent. damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Spirit Cola|The Spirits of Cola|Spirit Invasion|SPCola] color = 66,245,102 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel like something has invaded your body damage = -10 [IQPlus] color = 245,66,66 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like your smarter damage = -10 [IQMinus] color = 66,66,245 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your feel like your really dumb deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = You were so dumb your brain couldn't make your organs function correctly damage = 10 stomachache = true [Nanomachines] color = 89,89,89 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Nano Machines Son! You feel empowered! damage = -15 [Lycan|Lycan Transformation|Werewolf|Werewolf Transformation] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your skin aches and you feel like your body is changing in an uncontrollable rate, while feeling power flowing though you. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = Subject were able to eliminate all NTF units and breaches though Site-[REDACTED] it was later terminated by additional MTFs. Subject appears to be a large animal like creature with clear wolf features resemblance of a werewolf. Subject was later identified as D-9341 through DNA tests, cause of this transformation requires further investigation. damage = -10 stomachache = true [Friendly Fire] color = 156,28,28 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel betrayed as well as burning holes all over your back. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = D-9341 was found dead next to SCP-294 with what appears to be bullet holes over their body, but no bullet fragments were found inside of the corpse. damage = 10 stomachache = true [ [REDACTED] ] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = There appears to be nothing inside... [Nachos] color = 255,171,15 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A delicious cup of nacho cheese, chip crumbs and what tasted like ground beef! damage = 1 [Azidoazide azide|1-Diazidocarbamoyl-5-azidotetrazole] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This seems highly dangerous. explosion = true refusemessage = I really hope that doesn't go off... [SCP-447-2|447|447-2] color = 85,255,0 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = A minty green goo. It reassures me that i shouldn't die soon! [Infernum] color = 29,112,123 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You begin to feel your insides burn, as a wolf tail, and ears sprout from your body, and teal fur starts to cover you. deathtimer = 12 deathmessage = Subject was found on the ground, unresponsive. Appeared to have already had rigor mortis set in. Body was covered in a teal-blue fur, and appeared to look like an anthropomorphic wolf with 2 different shades of green for the eyes. Cause of death yet to be determined. stomachache = true [Watermelon Seed] color = 235,52,88 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel a growing pressure in your stomach... deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = I guess your parents were right. stomachache = true [Isekai] color = 229,235,52 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You are being transported to another world... lethal = true deathmessage = Wait... Where's the harem? damage = 10 [Jamii] color = 65,56,150 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = yeah damage = -10 blood loss = 1 [Absinthe] color = 126,209,77 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes of strong alcohol, herbs, and spices, mostly Aniseed. damage = -3 [fartmaster87epicmoment] color = 143,203,4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you smell like you farded deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = farded stomachache = true [alien cum] color = 175,235,174 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Will this give me super powers? damage = 2 stomachache = true [Grape Koolaid|Koolaid] color = 120,59,163 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Dese wite peopo be racist and shieeeet damage = -10 [Diet Pepsi|Diet Bepis|Diet Bepsi] color = 102,34,0 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your aspartame addiction is now lethal. deathtimer = 100 deathmessage = Nice try, you aspartame-addicted piece of garbage. damage = 3 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [dry water|waterless water] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You don't know what you were expecting but it tastes like nothing... because thats what it is stomachache = true [lung cancer] color = 210,144,98 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Where are my smokes? [Defenstrate] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 was recorded as escaped, and then found dead two hours later in the parking lot of a ten story high hotel. Cause of death: Defenstration (being thrown out of a window) [Omega-13] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = There is nothing to drink or say, its empty. Just like Omega-13. [Burgandy Juice | Himmler Juice | Defcon 1 Juice] color = 57,35,61 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have the urge to see the world burn... lethal = true deathmessage = SIEG GEHEIM damage = 1 [Witek] color = 255,0,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your tounge burns as Witek is absorbed into your system... deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Widlepog? blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Henry] color = 255,0,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You are blessed with the grace of Henry damage = -100 [Fan|Fanned|Fan Drink|White Fan] color = 165,166,161 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel... Cool? damage = 4 stomachache = true [Disgusting|Trash|Muck|Cup of Muck|Cup of Trash] color = 176,222,11 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Disgusting! stomachache = true [Potion of Healing|Potion of Health|Potion of Grace|Grace Fluid|Fluid of Grace|Youth Water|Healing Water] color = 255,77,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel like you're playing an rpg right now... damage = -8 [Liam|HotGuy] color = 93,88,255 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Good choice. damage = -10 [Tomato Sauce] color = 226,28,5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Thick, Juicy and Healthy tomato sauce. Grown in local farms by local farmers. [Gazpacho|masmarria] color = 224,154,7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Some seasoning.... Ah, perfect! [Juul|juul|nicstick|the-puffer] color = 55,179,162 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes like vape juice. lethal = true deathmessage = Subject seems to have had a severe nicotine overdose. Autopsy reveals it was e-liquid from a Juul Pod. stomachache = true [Doge|Doge Meme| Much Wow| ] color = 255,216,89 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Much wow much drink. damage = -10 [Josh|FlamingFox5|FlamingFox] color = 245,161,66 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The drink tastes like feet. [Cakeon] color = 255,196,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = mmmm boys :) damage = 5 [Tetra|Tetra Mino|kenoTetra] color = 196,255,225 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Minty and full of estrogen. damage = -5 [Space Oddity] color = 89,40,189 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel light, and the flavor of salt fills your pallet... damage = -1 [Cranraspberry Juice] color = 149,7,20 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I think if I keep drinking this ill get addicted. damage = -50 [bruh juice] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Bruh. [Vodkabeer] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = U start to feel weird deathtimer = 10000000 deathmessage = Got a bit 2 drunk damage = 3 stomachache = true [Sandvich] color = 255,242,194 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Sandvich make me strong! damage = -3 [Bovid|Bovid-19|Bovid 19] color = 176,255,145 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = What the hell did I just drink? deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = I got some unfortunate news, I positive tested for- I positive tested for co- positive tested for bovid. I po- I te- I povited. I povited tested for lo- I pov- I povited- Ip od- I positive tested for poke. I pos- I I tested for povid. I covited for for bovid. I po i positive tested for c- I got- I got a- I got a new roach. I- I positive tested for cov- I po i tested positive for bo- I positive for both of them i test. I povited test I pov- I po- I tested positive for covid. stomachache = true [Axolotl295] color = 246,204,255 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You either are one of my friends or just found this drink randomly from the drink list. damage = -10 stomachache = true [Barbeque Sauce] color = 138,78,22 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Straight barbeque sauce just the way you like it. [Revival Baguette|R-Baguette] color = 224,154,7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Feed your fallen friends to get them back on their feet and back in action damage = -100 [mind breaker|mindbreaker] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you cant break whats already broken [Celeste|Celste|Badeline|Mountain] color = 130,22,245 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You get the feeling a part of you didn’t like that…your stomach churns.. damage = 4 blood loss = 200 stomachache = true [Metroid] color = 136,252,3 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes sharp? deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Class-D's body was found in proximity of SCP-294 with his chest ripped open. Nearby in the room was a green floating organism that was shot on sight. On further inspection, the creature seemed to be that of the video game enemy "Metroid" from "Metroid" stomachache = true [Speed Cola] color = 60,168,50 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel like everything around you is moving extremely slowly, and like your body is ten times as fast as before, but you also believe you feel your mind rotting at the same time... [Double Tap|Double Tap Root Beer|Double Tap 2|Double Tap 2 Root Beer] color = 107,67,29 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Cowboys can't shoot slow, or they'll end up below! When they need some help, they reach for the ROOT BEER SHELF! [Mule Kick] color = 13,79,31 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Legend tells us of a man... a hero in a tortured land... where señoritas lived in fear... their lonely nights in deep despair... he was... EL BURRO! [Electric Cherry] color = 255,30,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This drink makes you feel like the electric essence of spirits unseen egg you on to escape, much like they failed to do... damage = -25 [PHD Flopper|PHD|PHD Flopper Soda] color = 162,0,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = When you dive to prone, you are surely gonna own! All the zombies gonna groan cuz of PHD! [Nikolai Belenski|Ultimis Nikolai|Ultimis Nikolai Belenski] color = 117,10,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Wait... this is blood, but... it tastes like pure Vodka? stomachache = true [Laser] color = 250,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes like your insides getting burned lethal = true deathmessage = You drank a laser that burned your insides damage = 10 [Natural Selection] color = 0,250,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You just drank something called natural seletion for no regard for your safety deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = At this point that's just natural selection damage = 10 stomachache = true [Rudy|Cup of Rud|Enjoi|Charble Mom] color = 195,0,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Rudy is inside you now. [Internet] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.5 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = explosion = true [Adderall] color = 255,77,77 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Suddenly you feel faster, focused on your task. damage = -7 [ReconBox] color = 220,20,60 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You should give me a follow. Also, why did you even drink this? Do you even know who this is? damage = -10 [Swiss Miss Instant Piss] color = 219,216,33 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You take a sip... and it tastes like PISS stomachache = true [Petrol|Petroleum] color = 229,255,0 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = You're not a car... damage = 3 stomachache = true [SCP-457|SCP 457|The Burning Man] color = 255,140,25 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = [Bone Healing Juice] color = 13,132,53 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel your bones mending. damage = -6 stomachache = true [villager piss] color = 153,204,0 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg stomachache = true [Freddy Fountain Drink] color = 51,51,0 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = refreshing stomachache = true [Aron Gates] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = THE GATES OPEN. lethal = true deathmessage = The body of D-9341was found near SCP-294, the drink that was made was the blood of Dr. Gates. Samples are to be taken from Dr. Gates. damage = 10 [Slicer] color = 50,68,168 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feeling saw in your Body explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Sea of Thieves] color = 0,0,128 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = We shall sail together stomachache = true [Death Message] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Death Message lethal = true deathmessage = Death Message [German] color = 139,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You are now from geman origin [Super Lard Shake] color = 255,105, sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That probably had too many calories for you... damage = 1 stomachache = true [kruger|krugers revenge|revenge] color = 102,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = this is kruger's revenge! deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = you trolla! you thought you could drink me and NOT get trolled?! im looking at you etham... blood loss = 1 [BLU-SODA|BLU-POP|BLU] color = 0,0,255 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like blueberries. [Cigarette] color = 69,69,69 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You will die in a year to lung cancer deathtimer = 31557600 deathmessage = Lung cancer is deadly kids [Angry Video Game Nerd|AVGN|James Rolfe] color = 251,0,169 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You decide to remember some really shitty games. deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = Your brain remembered too many shitty games. stomachache = true [Angels-dust|Angel-Dust-Juice] color = 242,240,233 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Very……. “Creamy” damage = -1 [Super Duct Tape|Super Tape] color = 127,128,130 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg refusemessage = Mutant Super Animals use this type of tape to repair their armor, except you don't have any armor to repair. [Tears of the Dunes] color = 168,255,249 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = A new world is born... lethal = true deathmessage = ..from your bones and memories. stomachache = true [Cupgrade Health Juice] color = 230,191,21 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = 25% better than normal Health Juice used by mutant Super Animals. damage = -10 [yeet] color = 79,00,73 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = nice lethal = true deathmessage = damage = 10 [Caviar|Liquid Caviar|Ova] color = 00,66,043 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That's gross. damage = -1 stomachache = true [Youth|Anti-Aging|Anti-Aging Liquid|Anti-Aging Water|Anti-Aging Juice|Reverse Aging] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel.....very, very good. Maybe a few days younger. damage = -10 [Shrek|Shrek Juice|Shrek Liquid] color = 36,217,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I already feel like an ogre. damage = -5 [Sock|Socks|Sock juice] color = 241,194,255 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Absolutely horrid damage = 1 stomachache = true [ testical water] color = 4C,B8,00 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = what the fuck??!!1? stomachache = true [Joe Nuts Pellotas] color = 18,116,222 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = non rudiees [Botulinum toxin] color = 245,135,226 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you feel as if your entire body locks up as you fall on the ground and die lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 discovered by [READACTED] in the cafeteria showing no signs of life next to SCP-249, The liquid discovered in the cup after tests proved it was Botulinum toxin. [Miasma] color = 80,156,100 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Uh oh deathtimer = 25 deathmessage = Why did you drink this? damage = 10 blood loss = 5 stomachache = true [qwerty123] color = 66,135,245 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = big pp man damage = -10 [SCP-075|SCP-075 Secretion|a cup of SCP-075 secretion] color = 163,198,148 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It feels like your throat is on fire, and your lips start to blister. lethal = true deathmessage = Remains of class D subject found in front of SCP-294 at Site [REDACTED]. Remains too dissolved to be identified. Additionally, a containment protocol breach for SCP-075 was reported. See incident 075-07. stomachache = true [tuna|tuna casserole] color = 255,164,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I don't get what is wrong with it. [Lamp Oil] color = 231,0,159 alpha = 0.6 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg refusemessage = Maybe you should drink this when you're a little, mm, richer. [Derezzed|Desresolution|Drez] color = 24,202,230 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes like... binary? deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Shortly after the containment breach at Site - [REDACTED] was handled, a large pile of geometric cubes was found in front of SCP-294. Camera footage later revealed Subject - 9341 had requested "deresolution" from SCP-294 and shortly after drinking, transformed into a mass of cubes that spilled onto the floor. stomachache = true [Dado|dado|dado pills|banana pills|Banana Pills|3521|SCP-3521|SCP 3521] color = 203,235,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like bananas... but something is off. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = The cafeteria of Site-[DATA REDACTED] and any other surrounding facilities have been quarantined until further notice due to the large amounts of radiation emanating from said areas. The cause of the radiation was found to be an enormous mass of bananas. This is speculated to be the work of someone utilizing SCP-294 to acquire a liquid variant of SCP-3521 in which they would ingest it. stomachache = true [Arez Cola|Arez Pop|Arez Fluid] color = 53,150,15 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Has a few dog hairs in it. damage = -1 [dado juice fire|Dado Juice Fire|dado energy drink fire|3238 1|SCP 3238 1|SCP-3238 1] color = 204,78,92 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The taste is horrible. You feel energized, but also a bit warmer. deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = Subject's charred corpse was found with a large, raging fire burning around a 1 metre radius of them with a temperature of ~4,990°C. Possible ingestion of SCP-3238 noted. damage = -5 stomachache = true [dado juice nuke|dado juice radioactive|dado juice 2|3238 2|SCP 3238 2|SCP-3238 2] color = 204,78,92 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The taste is horrible. You feel energized, though you're beginning to sweat a lot. deathtimer = 240 deathmessage = The room the subject was found in is quarantined until further notice due to the large amounts of electromagnetic radiation being continuously emitted from the subject. Possible ingestion of SCP-3238 noted. damage = -5 stomachache = true [AIDS] color = 3,252,177 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I'm fucking dying deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = You died from AIDS, dipshit. stomachache = true [shrek juice ] color = 62,168,50 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you gon die deathtimer = 69 deathmessage = you are shrek now have fun with that [Liquid Sharp|LiquidSharp] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your mouth violently bleeds just from taking a sip. You feel blood clogging up your throat and pain in your intestines. deathtimer = 3 deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered the body of D-9341 near the cafeteria at Sector [REDACTED]. Tests concluded that the cause of death was severe internal hemmoraging, presumably related to SCP-294. damage = -1 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [ROBBAZ] color = 235,158,52 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Cum of a swedish king stomachache = true [Chaos Blood] color = 161,11,61 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You Fool! deathtimer = 62 deathmessage = I Have been Reborn! damage = 6 blood loss = 2 stomachache = true [One Ring|OneRing|TheOneRing|The One Ring|Ruling Ring|RulingRing|OneRingToRuleThemAll|One Ring to Rule them All|Mordor|Sauron|LOTR|Lord of the Rings|LordOfTheRings] color = 255,215,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Three Rings for the Elven-Kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-Lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. deathtimer = 9 deathmessage = Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul. damage = 10 blood loss = 100 [DrWestmarch|Dr Westmarch|Doctor Westmarch|DoctorWestmarch|Westmarch|West March] color = 28,89,44 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like a shameless self insert [big chungus juice] color = 99,23,532 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = big big chungus deathtimer = 25 deathmessage = how dare you drink part of our god. he has smited you ez stomachache = true [Apple Sauce|Apple ] color = 227,206,86 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Mmm.. at least it will keep the doctors away [Tap Water|Sink Water|Faucet Water] color = 163,200,214 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Water with a hint of metallic taste ...my favorite [Sanity Soda|Specter] color = 184,206,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your sanity level is dropping deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = Sanity Has Reached 0 damage = 1 stomachache = true [Sodium Chloride|Salt|Sodium] color = 240,240,240 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Bleh! damage = 1 stomachache = true [Garfield Kart] color = 255,140,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you feel as though you crave the need for speed refusemessage = if you wont im sure odie would be happy to damage = 5 stomachache = true [jaytal cum] color = 255,255,251 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = imagine drinking bird nut [vexerenity] color = 128,0,0 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = ooo youre turning into a spider ooo u wanna make a web so bad stomachache = true [My Love Life|MyLoveLife|My-Love-Life] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Hah get it, theres nothing in the cup damage = -1 [PC Juice|Liquid hell] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You really shouldn't've drank that. deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = i told you you shouldn't've drank it. stomachache = true [Solaire|Astora|Solaire of Astora|Sunbro|Grossly Incandescent] color = 245,234,37 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel warm and cozy, all your wounds magically heal. damage = -10 [FaZe Jev|Jev] color = 172,13,13 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Why is it that when you flash somebody, its like you slapped them in the face with a [REDACTED] napkin from a little kids birthday party? lethal = true deathmessage = But when you get [REDACTED] flashed, its like some big brollic black dude named requise pulls a bedsheet over your head and proceeds to [REDACTED] damage = 6 stomachache = true [Benadryl|Diphenhydramine] color = 255,0,196 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = you feel a bit funny stomachache = true [Takis Fuego|Takis|Taki] color = 109,2,148 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Gaming is intense, but Takis... Are super intense. damage = 8 stomachache = true [creeper juice] color = 54,176,48 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = My stomach hurts :( explosion = true stomachache = true [Stamina Spork] color = 100,59,0 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you stupid loser, you should not trust any healing items that Jo Amon gives you stomachache = true [Lamented|Lamentable|Memories] color = 255,204,51 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like tearing up… damage = -1 [Procaine] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your mouth feels numb. refusemessage = 9 out of 10 dentists think you should've drank this. stomachache = true [store bought hummus|syrian hummus] color = 247,222,151 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = ew lethal = true deathmessage = what is this garbage explosion = true refusemessage = good choice damage = 9999 blood loss = 1000 stomachache = true [Omega Warhead] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = What have you done! stomachache = true [hummus|lebanese hummus] color = 247,222,151 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = simply sublime damage = -100 [VB] color = 219,170,31 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = 8am IN THE FUKEN MORNEN GET THAT UP YA deathtimer = 7200 deathmessage = it is currently 10 am in the morning and your boss found you drunk at work damage = -4 stomachache = true [fallen kingdom ] color = 252,32,3 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = you used to rule the world, chunks would load when you gave the word stomachache = true [Mojito] color = 135,245,66 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It was refreshing [Harem Isekai|harem isekai] color = 16,242,215 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel strange, as if fading from the world. damage = -100 [Bap] color = 244,244,244 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel a light pain, like you've been hit on the head. [Boneless Soda] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = can i get a boneless pizza and a 2 liter of coke explosion = true [Kelp Concentrate|Kelpy|Seaweed Solution|Dried Kelp|Kelp Slushy] color = 70,121,57 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = MMM, kelpy damage = -10 [pollen] color = 230,247,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = this tastes disgusting stomachache = true [scp 173|173|neck cracker|neck snapper] color = 41,43,22 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you hear concrete move behind you deathtimer = 1 deathmessage = you literally drank scp 173 wow damage = 10 blood loss = 10000 stomachache = true [MIB Coffee] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It was ground this mornin'. stomachache = true [Silver Water|Colloidal Silver Water|Silvery Water] color = 212,241,249 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like regular water with a slight metallic taste,seems like it does nothing when drunk. [Deteurium Water|Safe Heavy Water|Heavy Water|Deuterium Oxide] color = 212,241,249 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like regular water but slightly sweet, you still are slightly scared of what will happen to you although you know this is safe to drink,in small quantities. [Heavier Water|Tritium Oxide|Dangerous Heavy Water|Lethal Heavy Water] color = 212,241,249 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes like regular water, but also a bit sweet, but that doesn't distract you from the feeling that you will die in 2 days. deathtimer = 172800 deathmessage = You died from radiation poisoning lol blood loss = 18000 stomachache = true [Half Empty Cup|Half Full Cup|Half Empty Or Full Cup] color = 195,255,179 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Half empty or half full, what the heck did you drink? stomachache = true [Jello|Jelly|Jelly Cup|Jello Cup] color = 255,117,117 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Mmmm jelly.Yum. [Roswin] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = This drink was pure in salt stomachache = true [Time,|Time Continuum] color = 137,207,240 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Why'd you do that? lethal = true deathmessage = No, seriously. What did you expect? liquid time?? damage = 10 [Phosphoric Acid] color = 184,184,184 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your stomach feels twisted and burnt lethal = true deathmessage = You drank acid what were you expecting? refusemessage = Good choice damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Liquid Rainbow|Gay Juice|Man Love|Skittles] color = 207,39,145 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel the sudden urge for Boiiiis stomachache = true [Schmovin] color = 155,5,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel the will of Michael Jackson overtake you, as you begin to schmove. deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = You schmoved too much. damage = -10 [Biyurck|Dudash|137] color = 173,126,39 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel the presence of an angry dog damage = -1 stomachache = true [Annoying Orange] color = 250,158,10 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Hey apple! deathtimer = 700 deathmessage = KNIFE! refusemessage = I'm not annoying, I'm an Orange! damage = 2 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Caribbean Water ] color = 66,170,245 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Taste of the sea [Vox Punch|Vox] color = 201,81,191 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The Syndicate approves. [RGB|rgb] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = U are a Rainbow now ^^ deathtimer = 255 deathmessage = Your Body could not handle this much Rainbow. But at least you insides are beatiful now. stomachache = true [Snakes|Snake|Serpent|Serpents] color = 63,63,63 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel eel-like creatures squirming in your stomach biting you... deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Class-D Personnel found deceased in cafeteria. Autopsy reports find snakes in the person's stomach along with much higher than lethal amounts of venom. stomachache = true [Cow] color = 125,22,43 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like raw beef. Disgusting, but definitely nutritious. stomachache = true [Creeper] color = 56,158,30 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS explosion = true [Granny Squirt] color = 183,217,121 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg damage = -2 stomachache = true [4th wall] color = 255,16,239 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Wait.. What the? Oh my god. So this is me? I don't exist. but you do please help me. [Black lung] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Where are my smokes? deathtimer = 25 deathmessage = Subject was found with lungs rotting beyond recognition damage = 2 [Goose|Geese|Hjonk|Quack] color = 232,232,232 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel an awful taste of feathers and meat in your mouth blood loss = 120 stomachache = true [Trinity`s Fluids] color = 205,0,185 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You Feel Enlightened [darkswitchpro|DSP] color = 82,180,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You've suddenly became good at Beat Saber lethal = true deathmessage = i lik beat saber :) damage = 10 stomachache = true [Hunt Down The Freeman|HDTF] color = 99,50,0 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You start to run into walls that aren't there... deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = You have my permission to die. damage = 3 blood loss = 150 stomachache = true [Ford|Arthur Ford|Brett|Brett Driver] color = 94,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Oh What Up Son! explosion = true [Corium] color = 245,164,66 alpha = 0.9 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg refusemessage = It feels like it's as hot as the surface of the sun. You wonder how the styrofoam isn't melting. Just being near it makes you feel uneasy. [Steam] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The steam already left the cup. refusemessage = The steam already left the cup. There is no point. [Apex Legends] color = 120,95,65 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You can't discern what it tastes like, but it's awful. What were you thinking? It's a game. Not a drink. damage = 1 stomachache = true [Rev|Vaporfowl] color = 255,33,6 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel slightly cooler. You also feel like shit. damage = -10 [Christy|Qwistay|Toodaloot] color = 126,255,188 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Toodaloot! damage = -10 [Twixie] color = 255,78,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You suddenly love MLP stomachache = true [Shreks Cum] color = 9,212,2 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg damage = 69 stomachache = true [Narg Drink] color = 252,3,161 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You are now a Narg damage = -10 stomachache = true [Ymad] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The cup is very heavy. lethal = true deathmessage = refusemessage = I can't life the cup to my mouth. [Rose-soda] color = 252,3,227 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you feel pretty lethal = true deathmessage = You turned into a rose how cute damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Baked Been Juice] color = 163,128,95 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You get a sense of nostalgia and a burning fire to win a piston cup. deathtimer = 125 deathmessage = It wasn't just an empty cup. damage = -5 [boredom] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I feel kinda... bored deathtimer = 50 deathmessage = Died of boredom? damage = 1 [Karak|Karak Tea] color = 186,133,86 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Must've put too much sugar in there. damage = -10 [The Turing|Turing] color = 25,192,230 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel your body....turning inside out, skin twisting and writhing, the pain you feel is indescribable, however you prevail... damage = -60 stomachache = true [Liquid Snow] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This... this is actually good. How though? damage = -2 [Bruh Gang] color = 5,43,232 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The high bruh council is telling you to do a little trolling. They're not very persuasive. damage = -10 stomachache = true [SuperNova|Star-Explosion|Passionate-Explosion] color = 158,101,135 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true stomachache = true [cup of small lizards|lizard cup] color = 128,235,52 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = don't drink the lizards refusemessage = Please do not drink the lizards. [Rango|Rango 2011] color = 66,135,245 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It's dry damage = -1 [Quarters|Spare Change|Nickels|Dimes|Pennies] color = 171,171,171 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You just drank about $7.35 in change. Congratulations...? deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = I don't really know what you were expecting when you decided to drink melted down coins. stomachache = true [RinatIsNegr] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = RINATNEGR HAS BEEN SUMMONED run run run stomachache = true [Papaj|Wojtyła|Polski Papież] color = 255,255,0 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel papajed [Cock a Cola] color = 69,8,8 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It looks like coke but definitely does not taste like it. damage = 1 stomachache = true [oragel|ora-gel] color = 189,247,255 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel your mouth, throat and eventually your entire begin to feel numb. Might have something to do with the ora-gel you just drank damage = -5 stomachache = true [pogchamp|gaming juice|ninjas cum] color = 166,119,31 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = pogchamp damage = -5 [CupOfMeat] color = 255,00,00 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = what the fuck is this? damage = 2 stomachache = true [Imminent Doom|Final Countdown|Impending Doom|Imminent Destruction|Impending Destruction|Anxiety] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel that your end is near. deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = Subject Class D-9341 was found terminated. Cause of death has yet to been found, however an autopsy has determined that the subject's amygdala had enlarged to twice it's original size. [Trinitys Fluids] color = 205,0,185 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You Feel Enlightened [Hydrocloric Acid|HCI] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel burning pain in you throat. stomachache = true [T-Virus|T Virus|TVirus|Tyrant Virus] color = 35,57,219 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel hungry. You start feeling itchy. deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered the rotting dead body of D-9341, after the incident. When the body was brought in for an autopsy, D-9341 rose back to life and started attacking personnel, eating them alive. D-9341 was quickly terminated and disposed of, along with it's victims. damage = 2 stomachache = true [Shrek Is Love] color = 102,255,51 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered D-9341's corpse along with a lot of their blood on the wall it appears D-9341 had headbutted the wall untill death. stomachache = true [A cup of inspiration] color = 174,175,252 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like you could create a masterpiece. damage = -10 [Clickbait|Click Bait] color = 247,22,22 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This drink looked much better than it tasted. [Creepypasta|Creepy Pasta] color = 92,17,17 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel... mildly scared. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = D-9341 was found dead at Sector [REDACTED] staring at a screen. The subject had hyper-realistic eyes and scars around the mouth, resembling a smile. [NukeTastic Cola] color = 55,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like your going to grow a third limb damage = 2 stomachache = true [belle delphine|belle delphine bat[belle delphine bath water|belle bath water|belle bath|delphine bath water|delphine bath] color = 146,219,233 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You just spent all your savings on some bath water... deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = What were you thinking ? Drinking someone else's bath water stomachache = true [I am blue] color = 66,135,245 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I'm blue dabadebadabay, dabade dabaday dabadebadabay stomachache = true ["Troll"] color = 66,154,268 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel slightly bewildered explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true ["Trollge"] color = 66,154,268 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel slightly bewildered explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [SCP-066|SCP 066] color = 145,47,51 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel some hair-like substance in your mouth. There's too much to get it all out. deathtimer = 6 deathmessage = SCP-066 sounds heard from cafeteria. SCP-066 was not found in the area, but a dead Class-D was found. stomachache = true [gas] color = 240,230,140 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Ow that hurts. deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = You died by drinking gasoline stomachache = true [glow stick] color = 0,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Woah I'm glowing. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = You died by chemicals stomachache = true [The truth] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = This wait... explosion = true stomachache = true [springpepper] color = 82,0,0 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = pour toi mon bebou damage = -10 [Delicious Poison|Cup of poison|Death itself] color = 216,58,224 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You don't feel so good. It's almost as if you drank poison.. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = A dead body that has recently been identified as D-9341was discovered laying on the ground near SCP-[REDACTED]. He appears to have drank poison served directly from SCP-[REDACTED]. At the moment, we aren't really sure what he was thinking. There is a possibility we might look more into this death that it seems unlikely that a [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] would be that dumb! But there is a chance that he just hit his head or something... I'm sure we will find out on the security footage! stomachache = true [Kaiserchino] color = 117,98,66 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like shotgun shells and angry germans. stomachache = true [Gods Blood|Gods Piss] color = 255,238,3 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes amazing but a little bitter and you feel like you could do anything and you hear someone whisper AMG in your ear damage = -10 stomachache = true [Boca Bola|Bola] color = 23,56,156 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Have fun Burping your guts out lethal = true deathmessage = Congrats! You burped so hard, and so many times that you regurgitated your insides. damage = 10 stomachache = true [Aloraine|Alo Juice|Aloraide] color = 100,0,100 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like Okapi screams. damage = -1 [Orange Joe] color = 253,170,79 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like orange-flavoured soda and coffee. You feel stronger than a former planet. damage = -3 [Thalassophobia] color = 15,94,156 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel your insides fill up as you struggle for air. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered the body of Subject D-9341 in a small puddle of deep ocean water. An anomalously large amount of water still continues to pour from their ruptured stomach. refusemessage = SOMETHING's in the water. stomachache = true [Despair|Fright|Spook Juice] color = 74,29,110 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = This surely should rattle your spooky bones! damage = -10 [tf2update|TF2UPDATE] color = 207,106,43 alpha = 0.0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = The cup has been empty for years now... stomachache = true [The tear of The True God] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The God Of All has blessed you with its tears. damage = -10 [Inside joke] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = I dont get it. Whats so funny? [FAMASODA|Famas|French|France] color = 6,94,6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Ugh... Argh... French... damage = 1 [Unobtainium] color = 135,35,128 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like you shouldn't exist lethal = true deathmessage = Subject never existed and shouldn't be in the files for on-site fatalites, as they never appear anywhere in the Foundation's database and were not found on site grounds. explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [Staminan Royale] color = 234,141,6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = FEEL THE HEAT! damage = -10 [Jelly Baby] color = 245,66,141 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I should thank the Doctor, if I'll ever can. damage = -8 [ori|guardian spirit] color = 189,252,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel an Ancestral Light inside you damage = -50 [dogrr]|[gasoline] color = 46,46,46 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You seem to like drinking Gasoline... damage = -5 stomachache = true [Diet Sus|Amigus|DietSus] color = 79,49,17 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You begin to feel like... A sussy baka... stomachache = true [Dr Wondertainments Bubblebath Bonbons|SCP-1079|SCP1079|1079] color = 240,89,124 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel good taste. damage = 2 stomachache = true [Family|Kin|Mother|Father|Brother] color = 236,240,165 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Is this actually someones's family? lethal = true deathmessage = Apparently it was Dom's [Two trucks having sex] color = 181,239,239 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your muscles involuntarily flex. [hydrofluoric acid] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel a burning sensation traveling through you. lethal = true deathmessage = The Hydrofluoric Acid has melted your intestines damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [The cup of Torture|Torture in a cup] color = 116,117,117 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Huh this isn't so ba- OH GOD NO lethal = true deathmessage = Subject class- [REDACTED] was found dead with multiple cuts and bruises, mostly from the arms and neck, autopsy found that he drank a cup SCP-294 that drove him to insanity, testing is resumed for SCP-294 damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [wheatley] color = 26,64,235 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You might have a minor case of... serious brain damage. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = a D-Class with a portal 2 core named "Wheatley" replacing the head was found. Subject Pending SCP Status. stomachache = true [Cheats] color = 235,61,26 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = CHEATS ACTIVE! You feel like you are unstopable! deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = SCP ANTI-CHEAT ACTIVATED. Cheaters never prosper! [SpoonBob|spoonbob|Spoonbob|spoonBob|Spoon|spoon] color = 245,209,66 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = SpoonBob, I barely know 'er deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = SpoonBob was dissapointed in you, hope you saved :) damage = 10 blood loss = 100 [mafia boss] color = 66,245,81 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = mafia boss level 100 ez -GUJHGK [bobux] color = 63,161,61 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = OMG FREE BOBUX11!!1 explosion = true blood loss = 500 stomachache = true [LEVL UP|LEVEL UP|LEVLUP|LEVELUP] color = 153,255,51 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel refreshed and you are suprised it tastes that good. [SCP 096] color = 252,22,10 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = SCP-096 was found missing [REDACTED]. Long story short. 096 terminated. A D-Class was found altho with the face of 096... Subject awaiting SCP Status. stomachache = true [Nebon|Ken1ster] color = 255,111,0 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Refreshing. All it's missing is a tad of Davie, and Bingus. [SCP-096 FACE|096 FACE|FACE] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Oh. So thats his face... OH GOD. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Well. You saw his face on a cup. What did you expect? stomachache = true [Magic] color = 255,0,234 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You learned: Magic! Congratulations new SCP! You can now use "Splash" damage = -10 [Peach Tea] color = 237,197,123 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It's sweet and refreshing. You feel relaxed. damage = -1 [Nitrous Oxide|Laughing Gas] color = 150,146,11 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = HAHAHAHAHA ROFL LMAO [Oran berry juice|oran berry juice] color = 34,12,173 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You drank Oran berry juice! Your hp is restored! damage = -10 [Liquid Madness] color = 62,8,1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like anger. Who put that street sign here? deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Recon teams examining Site-[REDACTED] show a dead Class-D, identified as D-9341, in the cafeteria containing SCP-294. The cause of death was determined to be blunt force trauma to the back of the head from a large object. [TurkeyTov] color = 245,155,58 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like hooks, escaping, and trauma. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Mobile Task Force units deployed to Site-[REDACTED] discovered the body of D-9341 in the cafeteria housing SCP-294. The cause of death was determined to be anomalous oxygen loss, most likely related to SCP-294. Should've brought extra oxygen, dumbass. [RatCola] color = 66,192,158 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg refusemessage = That's going in my ass to sell later. [Tracer Fluid|Soma|SOMA] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Feels like milk, but the taste... it's like sucking on a penny. [Liquid TNT|TNT] color = 255,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = uh oh lethal = true deathmessage = Your body was vapourised in the explosion. No traces were found. explosion = true [Liquid Gamer] color = 255,105,180 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = gaming!!!! [Teleport|Teleportation|tp] color = 0,31,46 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I don't feel well. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = The body of D-9341 was found inside the containment cell of SCP-500 by MTF units. They appear to have been trying to consume one of SCP-500's pills to heal a wound or disease of some sort. According to security feed, they appeared outside of the containment cell of SCP-500 in a flash of light. stomachache = true [Candy] color = 100,75,80 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes sweet, and a bit minty. damage = -3 [Deve Milk] color = 222,187,146 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, Deve Milk. [H20] color = 200,200,200 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Well, That was refreshing. [Leaves] color = 0,105,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes bitter, you feel like a bug is crawling in your mouth. stomachache = true [Pear Juice] color = 173,162,83 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes fresh. stomachache = true [Blue|Effiel 65] color = 39,25,194 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I'm blue da ba dee da ba di damage = -10 [Ultamate Failure|UF|Ultamatefailure] color = 0,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You are more likely to make mistakes due to drinking Ultimate Failure's fluid damage = -10 stomachache = true [Skeptic Juice|Cup O Skeptic|Cup of Skeptic Juice] color = 3,154,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes of highlighter, you contemplate every life decision you've ever made... damage = -1 stomachache = true [Dave|Cup o Dave|Cup of Dave] color = 226,242,213 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel an evil presence watching you... deathtimer = 9999 deathmessage = Tastes of.....Dave explosion = true damage = -9 blood loss = 5 stomachache = true [Bryce] color = 164,171,27 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You have killed a poor soul for this sip....you happy? damage = 1 stomachache = true [Waldo|Wheres Waldo] color = 255,48,48 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You did it you finally found him and now he will find you deathtimer = 9999 deathmessage = Waldo found you [TRIX|Trix|Cup o Trix|Cup of Trix] color = 32,148,28 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg refusemessage = Silly Rabbit, TRIX are for kids... blood loss = 5 stomachache = true [Jeans|Jean Pants] color = 0,57,107 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = MMMMM fashion at its finest damage = 1 [Lorax|The Lorax|The-Lorax|SpeaksforTrees] color = 240,156,0 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes vaguely of Vietnamese food... [bumb] color = 97,80,36 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = What did you expect damage = 1 stomachache = true [bum|butt] color = 97,80,36 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes like when you scratch your but and sniff your fingers damage = 1 [Fuck|Fucks|Cup of Fucks|Cup o Fucks|My Fuck|A Fuck] color = 255,0,179 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = It has run out of fucks to give... stomachache = true [A Good Tasting Drink|A Drink That Tastes Good] color = 60,0,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes okay at best honestly... damage = 5 [A cup of Joe] color = 59,15,15 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes like rotten flesh.. deathtimer = 240 deathmessage = shouldn't have drunk that stomachache = true [blue fanta|fanta blue] color = 3,157,252 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Its very good but it is very sugary… lethal = true deathmessage = Sugar overdose stomachache = true [SCP-1788|The Adults] color = 102,4,4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes like the blood of a pedophile. stomachache = true [Life Water|Life Wtr|life juice] color = 212,241,249 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You suddenly feel a little better. damage = -5 [Katt|SKG|Eras|Showtime|SuperKittyGamer] color = 200,0,250 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The Drink tastes like cinnamon with a hint of butterscotch. damage = -2 [Security Chief Franklin|Franklin|Frank|Security chief Frank] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes bitter and devoid of humor. deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = D-9341 was found in [REDACTED]. Subject appears to have a large hole in their gastrointestinal tract, likely caused by a drink dispensed by SCP-294. Security Chief [REDACTED] was discovered with their eyes and upper areas of the brain missing. May be linked to an incident involving D-9341 and SCP-294. blood loss = 300 stomachache = true [Normal pills|Dream pills|Dream music] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you feel like you want to wear a mask with a smile and start making youtube videos damage = -100 stomachache = true [danis milk|dani|Thicc milk] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Now your bones are kinda THICC. You will be a strong gamer damage = -69420 [Whatsapp,Zap] color = 15,217,52 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Whatsapp moment. [Vonk] color = 120,120,120 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = ;p; stomachache = true [Demon] color = 92,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel an evil presence near you once you took a sip... damage = 2 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Pepsi Perfect] color = 56,31,6 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The drink is unique in a way that is different to the usual soda drinks you have had... damage = -1 [Wake Up Juice] color = 212,138,42 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Once the drink goes to you're stomach you feel the instant alertness and being fully awake from any tiredness. damage = -2 stomachache = true [Drunk] color = 224,157,0 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel dizzy and start stumbling a bit while you walk after the first sip of the drink... blood loss = 25 stomachache = true [Cartoon] color = 242,242,242 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like you want to start swinging you're arms side to side like you're from an old cartoon. damage = -5 stomachache = true [Teletubby] color = 237,40,76 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Yaaaaaay yummy weeeeeeeee *stomach hurts* uuh ooh damage = -5 stomachache = true [Cooked water] color = 51,255,252 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Way better than raw watter [Meme Culture] color = 105,125,96 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel as if you've had the taste of the internets degeneracy in full stomachache = true [Herpes] color = 237,149,149 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel fine now, but lets see in about 2 weeks [Hacks|Mods] color = 0,186,25 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [DJM|dont judge me 109|DJM109|DJM 109] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Dude, I really want to search up dont judge me 109 on youtube now. damage = -5 [Anything] color = 222,254,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The ANYTHING is full of hypotheticals, and 1 of them restored you... deathtimer = 3600 deathmessage = The EVERYTHING is full of hypotheticals, and all but one ended in your death. Better luck next time, D-9341! damage = -100 stomachache = true [Pocket dimension] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes like the floor of the pocket dimension [Combat Training|Combat Skill|Combat] color = 114,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel stronger. And much angrier. damage = -100 [M Cola] color = 152,252,3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It feels really spicy... stomachache = true [Homer|Homer Simpson|Simpsons|Simpson] color = 255,217,15 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = "D'oh!" ["Cheese"] color = 255,220,125 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel molten cheese slowly drip down your throat. stomachache = true [Kerchunkel|Kerchunkle] color = 100,70,0 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes of coconut and chocolate stomachache = true [ProGamer] color = 3,255,104 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your hands shake with pro gamer movements deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = The caffeine was too much stomachache = true [Massage Juice] color = 21,108,194 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel a nice warm pressure feeling on your back, it relaxes you. damage = -2 [Chaos] color = 122,69,69 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You can feel yourself slipping out of reality. deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = Section of Entrance Zone cafeteria found in vacuum state; entry into area resulted in immediate termination Nine-Tailed Fox unit. Entry, and research for methods of entry, has been postponed. damage = 3 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Melting Love|D-03-109] color = 255,145,145 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel a sensation of love towards an unknown slime girl, however this is shortly met with extreme burning in your mouth and stomach. deathtimer = 6 deathmessage = Subject found injesting a cup of a strange pink liquid with a similar consistency of gel. Liquid is corrosive and burns through most materials, which explains the large hole in the subject's lower abdomen, presumably caused by said liquid. Those who viewed the unknown pink liquid for longer than 10 minutes reported unknown feelings of love to a strange girl made of a similar pink liquid, classified as D-03-109. damage = 5 stomachache = true [Laetitias Friend|Wee Witchs friend|A Good Friend] color = 255,120,228 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel an incredible feeling of loneliness and depression, you feel as if a little witch can help you. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = Subject appeared to have it's lower abdomen ripped apart violently by tendril-like structures, examination shows this process occured from the inside out. Reports have shown a strange spider-like creature with numerous eyes roaming the facility, all personnel are required to report if this creature has shown up anywhere inside the facility. damage = 2 blood loss = 20 stomachache = true [Dont Touch Me|O-05-47] color = 255,0,0 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [Plutonium|Pu|PU] color = 214,255,51 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = What did you think would happen? lethal = true deathmessage = Subject is an actual idiot, he drank plutonium, can we PLEASE get some smarter D-Class next time O-5? damage = 10 ["D-9341"] color = 243,223,219 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like vomiting... lethal = true deathmessage = Subject found decayed near SCP-294, appears to have consumed highly radioactive flesh which seems to be identical to the subjects flesh. blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [SCP-000] color = 249,250,251 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You◺ ◂ee↶ ▩ k ▲➭𓅰≡⇀ ✩ i ⇶ lethal = true deathmessage = Subject appears to have ███████████ near by SCP-294 with holes scattered on it. The floor under the subject appears to have █████████ the by ███. explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Jarrate|Jar Karate|Snipers pee] color = 255,205,48 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I dont think that was karate, I think that was piss damage = 4 stomachache = true [KFC Biscuit|Dry Biscuits|KFC Bread] color = 166,85,27 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It's so dry it somehow makes it hard to breathe deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = An NTF unit found a dead D-Class on the ground, a cup of crumbs beside them. Autopsy showed the oral, trachea, and esophagus were extremely dry. "How in the world could a drink take all the moisture from anything it touches, it just doesn't make sense." -Doctor ###### damage = 2 stomachache = true [Interstellar Tear In Space|Tear In Space] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Space around you tears. lethal = true deathmessage = [DATA MISSING] DISPENSED A TEAR IN SPACE explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [106 corrosion] color = 1,60,30 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel pain in your mouth, throat and stomach deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = [Orphan tears] color = 168,190,203 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel like the world is spinning and you begin seeing hallucinations. stomachache = true [WilfordM-Warfstache] color = 255,153,245 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Heello Evverybody i am the Greeat Warfstache heree to saave the daaay... damage = -10000 [a your mum | a your mom] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Wow i don't think this flesh will end she was so big. deathtimer = 200 deathmessage = She had too much flesh... blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Soulja Boy|Crank|Soulja Boy Tell Em|Crank That Soulja Boy|YOUUUU] color = 255,63,63 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = YOUUUUUU feel like you made a mistake, you have 69 seconds to live before you turn INTO Famous Rapper Soulja Boy(nice) deathtimer = 69 deathmessage = Famous Rapper Soulja Boy was found near SCP-294, doing a dance he had called the "soulja boy" where "you gotta punch then crank back three times from left to right." After confirming the location of the real Famous Rapper Soulja Boy, we have confirmed that this version is a duplicate, possibly created from SCP-294, and has been taken into custody. stomachache = true [Taco|Burrito|Taquito|Taco Bell|Del Taco|Mexican] color = 207,157,31 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes like nice Mexican cuisine, but with a liquid texture. [blue raspberry flavored soda|blue raspberry|blue raspberry flavor|blue raspberry flavored water] color = 65,105,225 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Mmm, yummy blue raspberry. Makes you happy there was a containment breach. [b0b] color = 255,28,153 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = have a lustful day damage = -10 [whale|Whale] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your whalecum deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = protein blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [strong potion|strongest potion] color = 175,85,33 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg refusemessage = You cannot handle my strongest potions, they would kill you. [Friendship|Friendship Juice|Friendship Shake] color = 224,8,235 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Friendship is magic, but it won't save you. [Spice|Spices] color = 225,140,45 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It seems that sugar and spice; really do make everything nice! damage = -8 [For Honor]|[For honor]|[for honor]|[for Honor] color = 227,186,152 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = for honor moment explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [Fard gru special] color = 50,168,82 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = bts meal deathtimer = 600 deathmessage = i took your lungs XD damage = 5 stomachache = true [praise allah] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = allah lethal = true deathmessage = you gave your soul to allah explosion = true stomachache = true ["Fortnite"] color = 176,191,26 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Fortnite kinda sussy you baka :) lethal = true deathmessage = Subject appears to have ingested a cup of fortnite, whole site is quarantined to prevent contamonation damage = 1 blood loss = 1000 [Excrement] color = 156,58,17 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Hate that statue even more now... damage = 5 stomachache = true [Backrooms] color = 176,155,111 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The liquid has chunks of carpet. There is a strong taste of mildew. [Bloody Plasma] color = 235,228,30 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I mean, that's one way to get it in your body. damage = 2 stomachache = true [Fetus] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = A surprise abortion! damage = -10 stomachache = true [raw chicken] color = 33,465,375 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You now have salmonella lethal = true deathmessage = You had salmonella and died refusemessage = Are you sure? [YoBro|Yo Bro|yobor|YoBroSinky|Sinky] color = 0,255,0 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes like a Sock… but you feel energised! damage = -1 [dogshit|dogpoop|dogfeces] color = 94,80,17 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you just ate dogshit deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = damage = 3 stomachache = true [russianvodka|russian-vodka|myvodka|vodkadrink|russiandrink] color = 3,177,252 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Wow, I felt like Russian. This is a divine drink [7up] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Taste's like garbage damage = 2 stomachache = true [Deadly Queen] color = 100,75,80 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Deadly Queen has already touched this drink deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Deadly Queen has blown you up explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [Steve Juice] color = 100,55,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Why? damage = -10 stomachache = true [Mountain Dew Voltage|Voltage|Mtn Dew Voltage|Mountain Dew Electro Shock|Mountain Dew Xtreme] color = 102,204,255 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Has a cool raspberry flavor to it. [Rubensito] color = 252,186,3 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Wriggle Wriggle blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Dwae] color = 139,69,19 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = JINOH SONG damage = 3 stomachache = true [the j] color = 100,235,52 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = the j cures all your injuries damage = -100 [Walter Inc Prototype|Walter Inc|Walt Presents Healthy Drink|Healthy Juice|Healther Juice] color = 53,201,204 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Do you feel good? I hope so it is a new prototype suppose to keep the body healthy! deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = Looks like the prototype still needs some refining. But I hope you liked it! damage = -10 stomachache = true [173 repellent|Anti 173] color = 153,150,133 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = thats 173 taken care of just dont look away damage = -30 [Codythefish] color = 50,100,83 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Damn this taste`s... Horrible. lethal = true deathmessage = It was horrible stomachache = true [komodo dragon venom] color = 155,52,235 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = tastes like venom deathtimer = 50 deathmessage = You drank venom what did you expect stomachache = true [Mellow Yellow] color = 244,252,3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes good but looks like peepee damage = 10 stomachache = true [BottomDrink|KaZo|Winter|Cliffy] color = 118,181,197 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes like ass. stomachache = true [The Lovers] color = 207,17,131 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Congratulations, 「The Lovers」has entered your brain. deathtimer = 32 deathmessage = 「The Lovers」has messes with your nerves, causing you death. stomachache = true [Ayray|Ayray Juice|Ayray Fluid] color = 86,232,227 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg stomachache = true [Cheetos|Chicken|CoffeeCheetosChicken|Hot-cup-of-coco|hot-cup-of-coffee|Apple-cider|Good-cider|Jermacraft] color = 46,179,209 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel the urge to laugh at the tiny local streamer damage = -10 [Sujamma] color = 166,97,0 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel stronger, but a bit dumber. If you drank enough, you could probably kill a demigod. [Kevlar|Bullet-proof|ballistic-vest|bullet proof| ballistic vest] color = 124,130,16 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = "the liquid is bitter and hard to swallow, you feel it wrap around your ribs and organs" damage = 3 blood loss = 90 stomachache = true [Slurpee] color = 235,189,52 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A nice, cold drink with a hint of bananna. You feel slightly refreshed. damage = -2 [AndroidBot] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You drank androidbot and your life is bad. lethal = true deathmessage = You died because drink androidban. explosion = true refusemessage = You cannot drink andoid bod cuz bad damage = -10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Rat Foreskin] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Yucky lethal = true deathmessage = Why? damage = 10 stomachache = true [Antiboyotics|The Notorious HRT|Anticistamines|titty skittles|HRT] color = 252,139,192 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes vaguely minty [diamond|diamonds] color = 66,139,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = I can't drink this, it's not even a drink. [Rock Bottom] color = 57,57,57 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It's only up from here! damage = -10 [Bo Burnham|Bo|Burnham] color = 128,0,0 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your [Left Brain] and [Right Brain] are at war deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = Your [Left Brain] and [Right Brain] have destroyed each other, you are dead damage = -10 stomachache = true [BodyArmor Water] color = 15,94,156 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Ambree approves lethal = true deathmessage = That's 100% deserved. Who actually drinks water made from BodyArmor? stomachache = true [Cup of chicken bone] color = 255,255,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You drank? the chicken bone... you start to choke damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Vortex] color = 30,41,59 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel your insides beginning to turn lethal = true deathmessage = A D class personnel was found on the floor in front of scp-294 twisted and twirled into a cone like shape presumably from a drink dispensed by 294 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Ghost] color = 150,255,220 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel a spirit enter your stomach. stomachache = true [J-Pop Soda] color = 158,5,115 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like Vaporwave! damage = -4 [Panta|Grape Panta] color = 82,40,114 alpha = 0.8 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg refusemessage = As soon as the liquid touched your lips, the cup became empty. Guess it's a lie? [SCP-1176|SCP 1176] color = 255,77,88 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The drink has a peculiar taste. lethal = true deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox found subject D-9341 dead nearby the Site-[REDACTED] cafeteria holding a cup containing SCP-1176-1. It is presumed that it was dispensed by SCP-294. blood loss = 8 stomachache = true [0 divided by 0|0 division 0|1337 divided by 0|1337 division 0] color = 0,0,0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [Mortals Blood|Blood of Mortals] color = 125,51,46 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You drink the Mortals Blood. Dumbass lol deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Your body turned into a red pile, your mother wouldnt even recognize you. lmao damage = 3 stomachache = true [Perrier|perrier] color = 225,242,232 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Gross. This is barely water. stomachache = true [A cup of Nuclear] color = 129,255,20 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel your entire body start to mutate as the liquid radiation trickles down your throat damage = 10 stomachache = true [A cup of Nuclear Radiation] color = 129,255,20 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel your entire body start to mutate as the liquid radiation trickles down your throat stomachache = true [Nitroglycerine] color = 255,157,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your stomach is rumbling. explosion = true damage = 5 [Bi|Bisexual|Bi juice|Bisexual juice|Bi fluid| Bisexual fluid] color = 210,112,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Why have one, when you can have two! damage = -5 [Fortnite-Slurp-Juice] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = fortnite deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = lol blood loss = 100 [Carlton|Dr-Carlton] color = 143,66,66 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = This blood tastes a bit..metalic? stomachache = true [Carlton-2|Dr-Carlton-2] color = 167,66,245 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel the urge to tell the truth all the time stomachache = true [Sperm|BodyFluids] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Get spermed lethal = true deathmessage = RIP you died of my- I mean a sperm stomachache = true [Vimto|Vimto Fizzy|Fizzy Vimto] color = 89,39,58 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = This might just be the best soda i've ever tried! damage = -2 [MOMMY MILKERS] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Aw yeah. Thats what im lookin for. damage = -1 [Jared] color = 168,168,50 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Jared's musty smell makes you vomit profusely damage = -1 stomachache = true [ItsFoxxieDrink] color = 255,153,204 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Enjoy your drink - ItsFoxxie refusemessage = It's safe don't worry ! [Big Shammy|Shammy|Evan Special] color = 130,191,161 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This is a sham. damage = -10 blood loss = 50 [Pringles] color = 227,179,148 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Crunchy damage = -1 [slow|sedation] color = 107,107,100 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You begin to feel extremely sluggish. [Kumosaki] color = 236,75,75 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You just drank the cutest thing alive! How could you?! You will pay for this! deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = I told you that you'd pay for this >:( damage = -10 [Chernobyl|Stalker] color = 140,132,115 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Get out of here Stalker! deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Lost to The Zone damage = 3 blood loss = 60 [Voidic Essence] color = 46,18,77 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You realize that it was infact ME DIO!!! damage = -10 stomachache = true [Solar Syrup] color = 255,197,110 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You like your drinks hot right? lethal = true deathmessage = D-Class found with severe internal and external burns presumably caused by SCP-294 blood loss = 5 stomachache = true [Crispy Sock|The Sock Under The Bed] color = 235,243,245 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Did You Seriously Just Drink That? damage = 2 [Artic blood] color = 76,181,172 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Enjoy! deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = D-Class found as shattered remains due to reaching sub-0 temperatures presumably caused by SCP-294 stomachache = true [Spider Webs|Webs] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The Spiders hate you now deathtimer = 8 deathmessage = The Spiders have taken over damage = 3 [spaghetti] color = 179,48,30 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = yummy [" cum "] color = 251,245,233 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = OH yeaaaa damage = -10 [" Fresh Cum"] color = 251,245,233 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I Feel Horny [" Raw Cum "] color = 251,245,233 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I Feel Horny damage = -10 [Millett Juice] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The taste vaguely reminds you of catboys. [cocaine] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you feel high on drugs lethal = true deathmessage = You got High and then Died damage = 5 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [A SCP labrat|The Game A] color = 5,71,0 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = YoU bRoKe ThE 4th WaLl lethal = true deathmessage = WHY DID YOU DO THIS blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [A cum A] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Why did you drink that [A White Latex A] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel The Drink spreading onto you You Are Changing... Transforming deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = A Strange Unknown Creature Is Found At The Cafeteria Near Scp-294 It is Turning Anybody Into It apon Contact It Is Kept In a Room And Seems To Be From a Laboratory damage = -10 [A Black Latex A] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You Feel It Spread Onto You a Mask Appear's infront Of Your Face You Cant Stop It deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = A Strange Unknown Black Creature Appears Near Scp-294 It Has a Mask On It And Will Not Hesitate To Infect Others Turning it Into Them It Seems Too Be From a Laboratory [A MOM A] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = YOUR MOM TASTE GOOD :)))) damage = -10 [Coca-Cola Clear] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel disgusted and would rather have normal coke. stomachache = true [Acetaminophen|Tylenol|Lidocaine|Advil|Ibuprofen] color = 217,104,86 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel the pain slowly begin to fade damage = -10 [TikTok|Tik Tok] color = 0,255,68 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel terrible, like you just puked 3 times simultaneously. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Too much cancer in fact... damage = 1 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Pizza Roll] color = 217,181,150 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You should lose some weight after eating this damage = -5 [Godzilla] color = 17,19,23 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You don't feel right. You feel like your stomach is a bit too warm. You also feel like your body is changing. Was this a good idea? lethal = true deathmessage = Mobile Task Force units found subject D-9341 half lizard half human eating other Mobile Task Force units and Scientists. D-9341 was killed on sight causing injuries to 10 of the units and 5 deaths. Rumours say that D-9341 was Godzilla. damage = 1 stomachache = true [Hubert Moszka] color = 255,234,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel Polish. Are you playing Secret Laboratory? Wait.. No this is SCP Lab Rat... Nevermind. damage = -5 [Boyfriend|BF] color = 0,187,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Beep boop bap boop beep bap bap boop skedoo bep damage = -5 [Dildo] color = 123,0,255 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg refusemessage = No. [Simarded] color = 183,0,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Is that Simarded?! damage = -10 [Homophobia|Homophobic|Homophobe] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = If you are homophobic, please fuck off. You don't deserve to exist. lethal = true deathmessage = Mobile Task Force units found D-9341. They were homophobic. They spat on their corpse and stepped on it. They moved on with their day after shooting the corpse a few times. damage = 5 stomachache = true [Megalovania] color = 66,186,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like you will give the Mobile Task Force a bad time. damage = -10 [Cotton] color = 245,245,245 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A Large string of woven Cotton in a cup. Was almost Impossible to swallow. stomachache = true [Furry Friday] color = 0,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The furry virus is converting you into a furry lethal = true deathmessage = Happy furry friday :3 damage = 10 blood loss = 200 stomachache = true [Drew Juice|drew juice] color = 127,0,255 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Hi my name is Drew, I'm calling about my smash bros piranha plant dlc damage = 5 [Dentist] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your teeth feel cleaner but you can no longer read anything you write. [Monokuma|Headmaster] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel despair!!! Puhuhuhuhuhu.... damage = -3 [Wumpus] color = 114,137,218 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = *Discord ping noise* "A friend?" damage = -1 [Tesla|Tesla Gate|Automatic Security System|Electric Gate|Electricity Gate|Zap] color = 102,204,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = "AGHHHHH!!!" You scream out in pain. lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 was found next to SCP-294 covered in ash and also burning damage = 10 stomachache = true [Starcat] color = 237,133,255 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = YOU... NEED... MOMMY... MILKERS!!!! damage = -10 [Adrenaline] color = 250,222,37 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes disgusting! However, you feel stronger. damage = -7 [Nicotine] color = 140,91,22 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Ugh... You feel... Horrible.... You also feel good... Your lungs and immune system are aching in pain. lethal = true deathmessage = Stupid life choices. You deserved it. -- Mobile Task Force found D-9341 dead. The body looked nauseous and was found to have traces of nicotine inside the body of D-9341 however it was liquified. Researchers depict that D-9341 used SCP-294 to get nicotine. damage = -3 stomachache = true [Liquid Vacuum|Liquid Singularity|Liquid Implosion] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You get a bad stomach ache. It tasted like nothingness. deathtimer = 2 deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox discovered D-9341's corpse in the Site-[REDACTED] cafeteria. Subject's abdomen had collapsed into a singularity leaving only legs attached to the base of the head. It is presumed that the liquid dispensed from SCP-294 had a chemical reaction with the subjects internal fluids and super-condensed all tissue and bone in the stomach's immediate vicinity. stomachache = true [gamer juice|gamerjuice|gamer-juice] color = 145,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like you need a shower. [Wilford Warfstache] color = 255,189,251 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Above you're lip/under you're nose starts to grow a mustache and soon after turns pink... You feel cheerful... damage = -5 [Rock moss] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Clown juice activated stomachache = true [newborn] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = That was refreshing, but I dont feel so good... blood loss = 6 stomachache = true ["BUZZ BEER"] color = 222,31,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg damage = -1 [Cheech|boof|cart] color = 235,122,52 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Cheeeeech deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = You cheeched too hard damage = 5 blood loss = 75 stomachache = true [Pre Workout] color = 255,182,193 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel energized and ready for chest day damage = -3 [Repulsion Gel] color = 59,105,245 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your digestive tract feels rather 'springy'. stomachache = true [Propulsion Gel] color = 255,115,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The drink appears to accelerate into your stomach. stomachache = true [Conversion Gel] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The drink is rather chalky and you start to feel weak deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Subject appeared to have a thick white liquid coating their upper digestive tract. The labs report that the liquid contained a high quantity of moon dust. blood loss = 15 stomachache = true [Dissociation] color = 138,138,138 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Where am I? Who am I? What is this? damage = 2 [Gamer Piss] color = 212,175,63 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tasted like mountain dew, gasoline and bad fandubs. damage = 5 stomachache = true ["Canned Coochie"] color = 189,94,87 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = This kinda tastes like Belle Delphines bath water, hmm. stomachache = true [Blood of Aeshma|Wrath|Aeshma] color = 255,0,166 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes like you drank a cup of... spicy glitter? Jesus, it's hot in here, isn't it? damage = -10 [Senzu Bean|Senzu] color = 173,255,47 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The crunchiest, chewiest drink to exist damage = -10 [Glitch Energy Drink] color = 168,50,117 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes like a berry from another planet! You feel as if someone famous owns this. [Orphan Blood|Blood of Orphans|Parentless Blood] color = 145,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You taste something metallic in your mouth, you probably now have a disease of sorts. damage = -10 stomachache = true [Freeman|Gordon|The Freeman] color = 0,255,30 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You Feel That It's Time To Smell The Ashes deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = You are not The Freeman. Begone! stomachache = true [Molten First Aid Kit|Molten First Aid|First Aid Juice|First Aid Kit|First Aid] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This tastes like a brand new First Aid Kit, you feel refreshed. damage = -100 stomachache = true [Overconfidence] color = 125,25,7 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel like you can do anything. deathtimer = 600 deathmessage = Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer. damage = -2 [Antlion|Antlion Grub|Health Vial|Combine Health Vial|Black Mesa Health Vial|Half-Life Health Vial|Larval Pellet] color = 65,142,60 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You can feel larval pellets and pieces of antlion grub go down your throat and think you'll be sick, but instead you're rejuvenated [Kerrchunnkell] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = how lethal = true deathmessage = explosion = true stomachache = true [Ishki] color = 255,255,140 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel that a holy brightness running inside your veins [cup of cup][cup in cup][cup of cup material][cup 0f scp - 294 cup] color = 241,241,240 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You Might as well just eaten the cup lethal = true deathmessage = Your stomach acid couldnt melt the cup stomachache = true [Chino Lava | Chino] color = 207,33,195 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel as if you just drank lava from another dimension. damage = 8 blood loss = 100 [Alien Drug|Atweed|Alien Weed] color = 92,207,25 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel like you just drank something that is fucking disgusting yet fucking great at the same time. damage = -3 [Filam|FilamEnt|FilamEnt123] color = 20,73,199 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel as if you just drank a drink better than anything you could have imagined. damage = -10 [Pablo the Skeleton|Pablo] color = 237,237,228 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Pablo the skeleton is taking over your body, you never should've drank that. damage = 9 blood loss = 500 [The Real SCP-001|The Real 001|The Real SCP 001|The Real SCP001] color = 98,99,58 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You cannot handle the truth. damage = -10 blood loss = 1000 [Scalie juice] color = 26,51,0 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel your back skin changing, to a crocodile like skin. You also feel something growing on your back. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = You turn into a... scalie, never to be seen again. blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Grool] color = 230,250,255 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = She Drippin refusemessage = Baka! [Sunoco] color = 69,100,255 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Feuling Victories. lethal = true deathmessage = H A R V I C K damage = -500 stomachache = true [FFXIV|Free trial|final fantasy fourteen|final fantasy xiv|final fantasy 14] color = 74,192,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Have you tried the expanded Free Trial of our critically acclaimed MMORPG #FFXIV? You can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for FREE with no restrictions on playtime! damage = -10 [Jeff Bezos | CEO of Cow Manure | Entrepreneur ] color = 255,153,0 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Get back to work. deathtimer = 1000 deathmessage = Get back to work. refusemessage = Get back to work. damage = -2 blood loss = 2 stomachache = true [Pussy Juice|Pussy|Vagina|Vagina Fluid] color = 240,211,216 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes like pee, and it makes your mouth feel funny. stomachache = true [Pestilence Cure] color = 255,242,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = 049 Probably wouldn’t Approve of This lethal = true deathmessage = The Cure Wasn’t That Good due to 049 having the most effective cure stomachache = true [Mountain dew pitch black] color = 40,3,51 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg [Free Robux|Free Bobux] color = 5,250,54 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = FREE BOBUX OMG!!!!! 100% NO SCAM lethal = true deathmessage = Your profile has been hacked! [Dimension|Dimensional|Power Of A Dimension] color = 94,0,122 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = YOU HAVE POWER YOU CANT HANDLE YOUR INSIDES START GETTING SUCKED deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Nothing Of the Facility is left it has been sucked anyways D - *REDACTED* has been killed by UNKNOWN REASON... stomachache = true [KIRA QUEEN] color = 141,50,168 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. lethal = true deathmessage = KIRA QUEEN has already touched the cup. explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Shaqs Day Out] color = 92,178,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = This is the story of one man's gallbladder lethal = true deathmessage = Shaq's Kermit alarm clock rang with its heavy chips as always. " Wake up you Old Spice" his mother told him. stomachache = true ["SCP682 Killer"] color = 255,192,203 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = refusemessage = I'm not drinking that ! [Agent Ulgrin|Ulgrin] color = 179,179,179 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel hatred against D-Class. You almost want to kill yourself. You begin to cut yourself in the wrist. lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 was spotted with in a pool of their own blood and a big wound on their left wrist. D-9341 was also wearing Agent Ulgrin's Helmet. damage = 3 stomachache = true [Tannerite|Binary Explosive|White Lightning] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Try not to get shot dumbass damage = 10 stomachache = true [Stimpak|Fallout-Reference] color = 252,63,20 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = I really feel like going in the Mojave Wastelands right now. damage = -3 [Pace juice] color = 255,10,210 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = This is one of the best drinks I've had in my life! [celery juice] color = 193,255,157 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Enjoy :) damage = -2 [PACE] color = 131,23,255 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Mannn, I LOVE THE PACE DRINK! lethal = true deathmessage = Subject was found rolling on the floor repeatedly saying "1337" before going into cardiac arrest. Body sent for autopsy. [Coquetier] color = 247,161,37 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Not out of an eggshell, but still pretty tasty. damage = -10 [MOAG|B1|B1 EMOTE|M-O-A-G] color = 129,131,130 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Straight out of 2002, the coolest possible emoticon you will ever have. Now in liquid form! refusemessage = Something is seriously mentally wrong with you, get some help. -MOAG damage = 1 [DXM|Dextromethorphan] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Eugh! Tastes awful, Why can I only feel my eyes? deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = You have overdosed on a lethal amount of dextromethorphan. stomachache = true [Panini] color = 230,232,86 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = a bit hot stomachache = true [stparcher] color = 66,135,245 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = he's never getting paid [brass|liquid brass] color = 181,166,66 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = freedom in a cup, now where's the gunpowder deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = *fortunate son fades out* [Scp-096 Juice] color = 240,22,69 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = why did you do this deathtimer = 1000 deathmessage = you looked at 096 juice damage = 5 stomachache = true [Itachi] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your eyes start to throb. damage = -10 [Bowser|King Bowser|King Koopa] color = 212,222,33 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Bowser is inside you now. ÒwÓ damage = -10 stomachache = true [Note 7|Samsung Note 7|Samsung Galaxy Note 7] color = 147,153,31 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Boom Boom lethal = true deathmessage = explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [Power] color = 50,123,168 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You remember tearing off your sons arm [Stamin-Up] color = 192,166,59 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Oh yeah, drink it baby. Drink it. [actual ass] color = 66,135,245 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes like unwashed- lethal = true deathmessage = Cause of death unknown damage = 10 stomachache = true [Blue Coke] color = 6,57,112 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Reminds you of your mom, you should call her, tell her how camp is going... wait, what? [Raynes Piss|Raynes Pee|Rayne Pee|Rayne Piss] color = 246,255,150 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You love the taste if only there was more damage = -20 [febreze|spray] color = 174,179,189 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = oh god *cough* what the fu-why did I do this?? refusemessage = ehhhhhh it was a joke at first, at least I have a way of cleansing myself now. damage = 3 stomachache = true [eggnog] color = 217,174,141 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It reminds you of Thanksgiving, and Christmas. you miss being home with your significate other and their parents. You wish you hadn't done those things that made you end up here. damage = -7 [Stumi|StumiVR] color = 255,57,43 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You fell like a murderer deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = It appears that SCP-999 materialized inside of D-9341 as if to inact revenge. blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Baby Juice] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = This drink tastes...familiar. damage = -10 stomachache = true [Melted Iron|Melted Metal] color = 212,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like you're melting. lethal = true deathmessage = What did you expect was gonna happen? [Dragon-Blood|Extreame-Potion-Health-Potion] color = 161,41,5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg damage = -10 [SCP-109|SCP109|SCP 109] color = 155,0,189 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You don't get it. It's just extremely refreshing water. [Velonaceps Calyx Eggs|Husk Eggs] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It reminds you of bad caviar, and after a while you hear a clicking noise. deathtimer = 40 deathmessage = D-9341 was terminated by NTF units after charging at them. The NTF squad's report on one "long sharp tentacle" bursting from D-9341's mouth prior to termination prompted further investigation. Autopsy pending. stomachache = true [Anti-Water|Anti Water|Sponge Juice] color = 155,156,115 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel dehydrated. damage = 1 stomachache = true [Liquified Slitherzz] color = 120,55,18 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = don't let this near a cat lethal = true deathmessage = You let him near your cat damage = 2 stomachache = true [Dumb Juice] color = 50,157,168 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Chi Chi Chirumiru nomo yo genki damage = -10 [Balloon Cream] color = 230,20,20 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel healthier damage = -1 stomachache = true [9-11] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Allah smiles upon you. lethal = true deathmessage = You are smiled upon in heaven explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Taco Bell Nacho Fries|Nacho Fries|Liquified Nacho Fries] color = 227,158,68 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your stomach starts to rumble deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = Your ass has been annihilated explosion = true refusemessage = Gura is disappointed stomachache = true [Cirno] color = 32,201,227 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Its getting cold around here, maybe I should not have drank that. damage = 9 stomachache = true [Tyler Blevins|Ninja from Fortnite] color = 21,96,189 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I have an amazing partnership with Red Bull. stomachache = true [Stonks|Liquid Stonks] color = 33,53,165 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = stonks damage = -10 [Dew of the Mountain|Dew of Mountain|Dewdrop of the Mountain|Dewdrop of Mountain] color = 66,100,67 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Wait, this is soda, not dew from a mountain! stomachache = true [Woman|Female|Girl|Women|woman|girl|female|women] color = 230,9,207 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Hopefully you aren't related to them.... refusemessage = Probably for the best damage = 3 [Kiryu-Chan] color = 199,61,46 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Gotcha now, Kiryu-Chan! deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = You're pathetic... [TayOcto|Tay Octo|Tay-Octo] color = 252,86,35 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like a one-on-one form of intimacy. [Obliteration|OBLITERATION|obliteration] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [Pontus|Pontus Rasmusson|Hi Pontus|Was2] color = 25,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel disgusted and your body feels like it's on fire. You start humming mmm mmm yeah yeah. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = The Subject has been found dead infront of SCP-214. It appears that the Subject was scribbling the words "Pontus Rasmusson" and "Mmm Mmm Yeah Yeah" on its body. He was also singing the songtext text to Pontus Rasmusson - Mmm Yeah. damage = 1 blood loss = 75 stomachache = true [Zoa|ZOA|Zoa Energy|Zoa Energy Drink] color = 224,236,255 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The drink tastes like an average energy drink. [Zombie|Rotten Flesh] color = 138,167,117 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The taste of rotting meat fills your mouth deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = You starved to death. stomachache = true [Aww man] color = 13,181,13 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg explosion = true [YEETYEETYEET] color = 60,168,50 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = U done messed up lethal = true deathmessage = Told u stomachache = true [The Good Shit|Jazztronauts] color = 40,224,160 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes like someone fermented all the different syrups in a soda machine and mixed them into a shot deathtimer = 8 deathmessage = MTF Village Idiots discovered the body of D-9341 in the Sistine Chapel after a three day long adventure, culminating in a heart attack whilst trying to buy a grand piano off of ebay using a nearby laptop. The investigation into what exactly D-9341 drank that led to such poor life choices is still ongoing. stomachache = true [Harambe|Monke God|Monkey God] color = 91,82,73 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel as if Harambe is here with you; You are forever blessed by the soul of him. damage = -5 [Salid Dressing] color = 63,204,53 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Its misspelled on purpose damage = -5112004 [Mediocre|Mediocrity] color = 16,65,157 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Meh. It's alright, I guess. [Mountain Dew-X | Green Dragon | Walrus-Power] color = 60,179,113 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The crispy and smooth drink refreshes you. [Vernors Soda|Vernors Pop|Vernors] color = 255,190,13 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The golden pop tastes like ginger ale, and cures your stomach ache! damage = -1866 [SCP-348] color = 251,252,184 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = this soup tastes fulfilling, and there's a note at the bottom! "don't be afraid, you can do it, I believe in you" damage = -10 [Backwards|Backwards Drink|Cup of Backwards] color = 16,65,157 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Good pretty was that well. [Dr Maynard|Maynard|George Maynard|Doctor George Maynard|Dr George Maynard] color = 219,56,2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = it tastes like blood, and black mucus... gross. damage = 3 [Carolina Reaper] color = 234,70,23 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = HOLY FUCKING SHIT THATS HOT AHHH AHHHHHH I NEED MILK AHHHHHH MY MOUTH damage = 3 stomachache = true [Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A|Konami Code|Contra Code] color = 246,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You gained 30 lives and a full heal! damage = -10 [Meiporo] color = 138,102,3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Sap from a maple tree, mixed with hot water. it fills you with a wistful yet serene solitude. damage = -5 [Hot Water On The Rocks] color = 144,183,224 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = the ice in the cup stubbornly refuses to melt despite how unbearably hot the water is deathtimer = 3 deathmessage = MTF Nine-Tailed Fox discovered a body in the site cafeteria, the subjects body was on fire and burnt beyond recognition, the investigation into the identity of the subject is ongoing. [For Honor] color = 110,89,26 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That was not fun. [Cocktail Sauce] color = 201,35,26 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Needs shrimp [IWW|The IWW|Industrial Workers of the World|The Industrial Workers of the World|Union|Unionize] color = 255,13,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel the unions inspiration running through your blood, solidarity forever! damage = -10 [Ivermectin|Horse Dewormer|Dumbass Juice] color = 19,19,19 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = this will cure my Covid for sure! I saw it on facebook deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = you fucking idiot... blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Fanter] color = 230,138,2 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You came back to get your favorite. good job. [Fecal funny] color = 33,166,210 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Bruh what the hell was that lethal = true deathmessage = explosion = true [Squirt|Grapefruit Soda] color = 163,227,168 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Squirt! The grapefruit soda. damage = -10 [foxy cove cooler] color = 121,5,25 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Ready to dance to dead man's jig lethal = true deathmessage = Dead men do indeed tell no tales, ha har! stomachache = true [Dietz nuts|Dietz Nuts Juice|Meat Nuts] color = 102,72,2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Dietz Nuts Are Meat Nuts [Montus Cum|uwuMontu] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Haha funny dangerzone site 47 reference! - greenjeanx lethal = true deathmessage = Yeah this player here thought he was Bruce Lee! damage = 5 blood loss = 1000 stomachache = true [Lunchable|Lunchables] color = 235,202,38 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = All the meat, cheese, and crackers were perfectly stacked, brings back memories. damage = -10 [uwuBrett|Bretts Cum] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = h lethal = true deathmessage = lmao funny dangerzone site 47 reference explosion = true [IQPrison|xContained|iqpirson] color = 94,61,35 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = ew lethal = true deathmessage = POV: You are an ordinary IQ player when some funny DZ players join explosion = true [uwuKyle|Kyles cum] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tasted good, maybe it won't kill me after all! deathtimer = 40 deathmessage = I was wrong. [Krimson|uwuKrimsonz|Krimsonz|Krimsons cum] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = wmnaon!!!!!!! damage = -10 [greenjeanx] color = 27,222,85 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = ew its him lethal = true deathmessage = Don't search up greenjeanx in SCP-294!!! Worst mistake of my life! explosion = true damage = 10 stomachache = true [Scp-420] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = wow dats some good ass shit damage = -10 [cup of ricardo] color = 255,0,30 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Oh no he's in ur body. lethal = true deathmessage = Class D 9341 Has Been Killed By Blood of Ricardo damage = 10 stomachache = true [MethRat Fluid] color = 38,255,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Why would you drink it? lethal = true deathmessage = Just why? damage = 5 stomachache = true [TSDRed|TSD|tsdred] color = 128,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tastes like a long break, crashing, and Linux hating. damage = -10 [Ogga Bogga|Cave man] color = 255,188,117 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = OGGA BOGGA deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = You were not liked in the tribe [Bright Beer] color = 193,0,214 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The cup is branded with, "Dr. Bright's Favorite Beer!" lethal = true deathmessage = Note: Dr. Bright's Favorite Beer is not meant for regular human consumption. damage = -10 [KookieMonsT3Rz|Kookie|KookieMonz] color = 11,220,227 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The drink smells like cookies and tastes like it too but, with a faint battery and flesh aftertaste... damage = -10 stomachache = true [SCP 066 | Eric] color = 255,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like you're right behind you. damage = -10 [The Void Drink|Suicide Drink] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You will die in 5 seconds, start running deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Well ok then, restart I guess refusemessage = No death I guess just continue on. damage = 10 stomachache = true [wednesday] color = 53,212,135 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = it is wednesday my dudes, AAAAAAAAAAAA damage = -10 [Axe-Body-Spray|Axe-Deodorant|Axe] color = 224,224,224 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = That’s smelled awful, why would you drink it. damage = 8 stomachache = true [Oreo|Oreos|Liquid Oreos] color = 23,21,20 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Huh... not bad... [NaOH|KOH|Potassium Hydroxide|Sodium Hydroxide|Lye|Caustic Soda] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The molten salt tasted bitter as it burned and corroded through your insides almost instantly. lethal = true deathmessage = Subject found dead with third degree burns and chemical burns throughout their insides. [VooDEW 2021] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes sort of like a cherry limeade? Whatever it is, it's refreshing. [Gravy] color = 152,112,61 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Full of richness and flavor, nice and warm too. If only you had some biscuits to go with this... [Pepper Spray|Capsaicin|Pure Capsaicin] color = 255,250,245 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Every orifice above your neck spirals into a bitter, burning, teary agony as the oily liquid enters your mouth. damage = 5 stomachache = true [Connor Juice|Connor] color = 222,142,222 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You sweat a lot, just like Connor. damage = -1 [Cherry Limeade] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Cool and delicious! Good for the summer! [Trout|Bass|Bluegill|Pike|Muskellunge|Largemouth Bass|Smallmouth Bass|Minnow|Carp|Carp Smoothie|Fish|Trout Smoothie] color = 145,32,50 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like blood and fish. stomachache = true [Pisswasser|GTA Beer|GTAV Beer|GTA V Beer|GTA 5 Beer|Piswasser|GTA5 Beer] color = 235,165,40 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = German Fighting Lager For Export Only [Mountain Dew Sweet Lightning|Sweet Lightning|Sweet Lightning Mountain Dew] color = 255,208,0 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like peaches and honey. Odd but sweet! [Diet Mountain Dew|Mountain Dew Diet|Diet Dew] color = 119,255,0 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A less sugary Mountain Dew with that expected aftertaste. [Mountain Dew Ice|Mtn Dew Ice|The Dew Ice|Ice Mountain Dew|Ice Mtn Dew] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes sorta like a watered-down regular Mountain Dew. Still not bad. [Energizing Mango Lime|Kickstart Mango Lime|Mountain Dew Mango Lime|Mtn Dew Mango Lime|Mango Lime Mtn Dew|Mango Lime Mountain Dew] color = 255,200,0 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The drink tastes like mango and lime. Rather energizing, too! [Mountain Dew White Out|Mtn Dew White Out|The Dew White Out|White Out Mountain Dew|White Out Mtn Dew] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Has a nice smooth citrus flavor. Sorta like Sprite! [Mtn Dew Code Red Diet|Diet Code Red|Code Red Diet|Mountain Dew Code Red Diet|Diet Mtn Dew Code Red] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like a standard cherry-flavored soda with an aftertaste. [Mtn Dew Pitch Black|Pitch Black Mtn Dew|Black mountain dew|Black mtn dew] color = 28,0,36 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like berries and citrus! Quite a bit different from what it tasted like when it first came out. [OG Pitch Black|Real Pitch Black|2004 Pitch Black|2004 Black Mtn Dew|2004 Mtn Dew Pitch Black|OG Mtn Dew Pitch Black|Original mtn dew pitch black] color = 28,0,36 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Has an extra strong grape flavor to it. Absolutely delicious!] [Mountain Dew Live Wire|Mtn Dew Live Wire|Live Wire Mtn Dew|Live Wire Mountain Dew] color = 255,123,0 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A nice and strong orange flavor floods your taste buds. Tastes like orange soda, but better! [Beanos|Jack hey|humanos] color = 171,17,209 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Boi what the hell boi deathtimer = 8 deathmessage = damage = 1 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [nelson juice|juice of nelson|yumsicle] color = 89,51,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = M. J. Nelson does not like mortals drinking his juice. lethal = true deathmessage = Nelson says: "Fuck you and stop drinking my juice." [Oriltium] color = 0,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You immediately vomit blood, collapse and spasm as you lose consciousness. lethal = true deathmessage = Mobile Task Force Unit Epsilon-11 found a Class-D emitting large amounts of a previously unidentified type of radiation who became hostile upon being spotted. The radiation somehow "spread" to 2 of the MTF members, causing them to emit the same type of radiation and attack the others. ["yourlife"] color = 64,0,3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like you just saw your entire life pass infront of you stomachache = true [Gamer Girl Bath Water] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You can taste the gamer girl essence. stomachache = true [Atole] color = 252,251,250 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The sweet hint of cinnamon leaves you warm [Caguama] color = 125,91,41 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Ta buena guey stomachache = true [Mexico][Mexicans][Mex][mexico][mex] color = 252,3,61 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you want a taco right now stomachache = true [Strange Smoothie] color = 120,120,120 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel something strange in your mouth, but you proceed to swallow it. stomachache = true [4chan potion] color = 100,150,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you are a /b/ro now damage = -10 [Dolphin Pussy Jelly] color = 69,9,43 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = As you drink you spill the substance on your genitals. You start cumming uncontrollably deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = You came yourself to death stomachache = true ["PCP|Phencyclidine|Angel Dust|Angel Hair|Angel Mist|Aurora Borealis|Devil Dust"] color = 245,243,244 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel like you have superhuman strength. damage = -10 blood loss = 30 stomachache = true [Ben|Benny] color = 255,182,193 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Benny is now inside you filling you with constant love <3 damage = -10 blood loss = -75 [Ultramerrsion|Boneworks|Monogon] color = 0,0,255 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = A great drink, but too many rigid-bodies. deathtimer = 233 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 Was found dead in their cell prior to testing, Subject was wearing a VR Headset labeled "Saberlake" and had a visible bullethole in the side of his head, further analysis is needed. [Free TVs|Free TV| Half life 2 BETA] color = 101,67,33 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = AHAHAHAHA GET YOUR FREE TVS! deathtimer = 122 deathmessage = NTF Squad 234 found the corpse of D-9341, Mangled and bloody on the floor with traces of broken glass and bullets identified to have been shot from an OICW Assault rifle. During 2003, Subjects corpse vanished and has not been seen since, pieces of the subject have been found but could not be fully identified. stomachache = true [Sickoyo Shiet|Ultimate Power|Liquid Oxygenite|BaroIce] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You get the sudden feeling to beat the shit out of someone damage = -100 [Vellamo|Aegir|Nehalennia|BTE|Endworm Lung] color = 0,0,255 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Eugh, Is this.. This is salt water! Good god! deathtimer = 221 deathmessage = An Entity of unknown number was found wandering in Entrance zone, after being discovered, subject showed heightened strength and proceeded to attack staff, those effected by the Entity have been quarantined and the body of said Entity was later identified to be D-9341. damage = 2 stomachache = true [Husk urine] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = I'm not drinking husk piss, fuck you. [Buckshot|Slugs|Not a taser round] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You recoil, your hand now blown to pieces, that wasn't a taser round at all! damage = 2 blood loss = 100 [NordVPN|Nord VPN|VPN] color = 70,135,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel much safer. damage = -50 [Halo] color = 80,125,42 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel revolutionary. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 appears to have died due to being overstressed, writing on the wall nearby states that they wouldn't make the deadline. stomachache = true [Crystal|Crystal Meth|Crystality|Crystalized] color = 145,113,176 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Pure from the caves, still solid though... deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = That Crystality guy was right. stomachache = true [hello] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = hi damage = -10 [Mr365truck] color = 245,126,66 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = That's it, you're trucked deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = You've been trucked. damage = 2 stomachache = true [r3soda] color = 110,96,166 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = that was great [Laudanum] color = 135,82,76 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = A few cuts and bruises here and there, all is good. damage = -8 blood loss = 600 stomachache = true [Veronica] color = 255,224,243 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Why did you drink me? :( damage = -10 stomachache = true [Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Drink] color = 212,180,17 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Truly, the only word you could think of to describe that incredible experience was that it was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. damage = -100 [Glowstick Juice] color = 52,222,235 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You are truly foolish stomachache = true [Futa Cum|Futa Cock Juice] color = 255,255,245 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Very thick and very creamy, that was probably not a good idea stomachache = true [Radithor] color = 89,255,55 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Did... did you just drink radioactive water? On purpose? That's bound to have some consequences down the line. deathtimer = 120 deathmessage = damage = -5 [SCP-874|Abyssal Fluid] color = 0,0,0 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your stomach is emptying... deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = Your insides are gone. damage = 10 stomachache = true [Stark Heinrichs|Former Self] color = 240,236,115 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You drank your former self... Why aren't you dead? stomachache = true [Ryder Thomas|Best Friend|D-3049] color = 247,240,134 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg refusemessage = You could never drink your best friend. [Saturday|Squid Dog] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes watery... You spill some on yourself. deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = An odd white cephalopod/canine hybrid was seen exploring the facility. The subject has been contained. [Rape] color = 232,216,216 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You really want to rape someone... deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = A D-class was found raping SCP-096 damage = 1 [Robitussin] color = 110,22,32 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Now my throat is clear :) damage = -2 stomachache = true [Free Drink|Drink thats free|free drink] color = 143,143,143 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Maybe check the coin slot? deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = A D-class was found dead after eating molten metal. probably from the coins inserted into SCP-294. He did get his change back in that way! damage = 1 stomachache = true [Sex changer|Gender changer] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Maybe your gender changed...? damage = 2 stomachache = true [Cow Girl Milk | Cowgirl Milk] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You take a sip of some refreshing cow girl milk, tastes fresh! [TEHDRINKOFE|TEH DRINK OF E] color = 125,125,125 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You felt the ultimate power run through your veins deathtimer = 4 deathmessage = u couldnt handle teh power, nine tailed fox found you on teh ground beside teh drink, they drank it aswell and are now ded blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Trollface Legion|TFL|crazzepain] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = crazzepain is epic, and so the TFL damage = -100 [Goulash] color = 128,81,28 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = best hungarian soup ever damage = -10 [Arin Hanson] color = 242,169,14 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Is that... is that the video game boy?! damage = -3 ["Baja Blast"] color = 99,255,224 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The best thing you've tasted in a while damage = -10 [Redwater Skooma] color = 153,0,0 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes great, and addictive damage = 1 stomachache = true ["Tasty Whale"] color = 37,34,202 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The powerful taste of what we assume is whale [Super Special ] color = 46,150,255 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You’ve drunken a mixture of blood, tuna juice and vodka now you have a stomach ache stomachache = true [Iced latte with breast milk|Latte with breast milk|breast milk latte] color = 247,247,247 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel fulfilled, and horny at the same time. damage = -10 [Anti-Horny Juice|Horny Cure|Horny Vaccine] color = 0,16,239 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You're no longer horny, you're finally happy... explosion = true damage = -10 [WATTER] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = mmmmmmmmBRUHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm deathtimer = 450 deathmessage = bruh_mmmmmmmmmmm damage = -5 blood loss = 450 [Mountain Dew Energised|MTN Dew Energised] color = 221,255,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel energised [Lee Harvey Oswald] color = 255,204,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel a piercing gaze watching you deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Mobile Task Force has recovered the body of Subject D-9341 with a bullet wound to his head. Autopsy shows the bullet recovered from D-9341's head matched the round fired from a Carcano Model 91/38 Infantry Rifle being a 6.5x52MM rifle cartridge. A note was also recovered from the Subject's body. The note reads: "You got JFK'd lol" [Jam|Strawberry Jam] color = 245,84,66 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Some nice strawberry jam. (Who drinks jam out of a cup?) deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = The jam killed you. You know it has a ton of sugar, right? damage = -5 stomachache = true [JesusDrink] color = 245,66,215 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You Have Achieved Your Ultimate Power! [Dubs] color = 34,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Nice Dubs Bro lethal = true deathmessage = Kek damage = 1 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Negative XP | NXP | school shooter] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You now have bright dyed hair, but you feel dead inside lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 was another MK Ultra Victim damage = 1 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [The Floyd Special] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It seems you are not able to breathe, and feel a large weight on your neck lethal = true deathmessage = Sheeeeeeeeeet damage = 9 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Gay Potion | gaypotion | makemegay] color = 225,61,225 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Huh... Maybe dudes aren't so bad? [Coka-Cola-Espuma] color = 15,10,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = BBBBBBBBBBMMMMMMMMMM lethal = true deathmessage = YOU JUST GOT COCONUT MALLED! refusemessage = DRINK IT! damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [COCA-COLA-ESPUMA] color = 15,10,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = 15, 10, 0 deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = YOU-JUST-GOT-COCONUT-MALLED-OR-BBBBBBBBBBMMMMMMMMMM! refusemessage = DRINK-IT! blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Penis Juice|Cum Juice] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = mmm you just drank some cum, was it good? :3 [Hopes and Dreams] color = 255,255,242 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You're filled with the Hopes and Dreams of trillions of your ancestors and are determined to survive. damage = -10 [Jamba|Juice of the Kraken] color = 158,68,62 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. damage = 2 stomachache = true [Half-Life] color = 219,159,7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel as though you will never finish this drink... damage = -10 [Coca-Mentos|Coca-Cola-and-Mentos] color = 92,73,25 alpha = 0.7 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true damage = 10 [Curse God| Curse The Gods| Swear at God] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You dare oppose me Mortal?! lethal = true deathmessage = Nine-Tailed Fox unit found D-9341 near SCP-294 with signs of electrical fire on his hair spelling out "Struck By God" Evidence leads researchers to believe he was smitten by God damage = 10 [Bloodforce|Bunny-Paws|Lucky-Bunny] color = 127,70,10 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel extremely powerful! deathtimer = 100 deathmessage = Your body couldn't handle the biomagic. damage = -10 stomachache = true [Heart] color = 165,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes wet, chewy, and disgusting. You suddenly can't breath. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = A dead Class-D was found by Nine-Tailed fox. The body was identified as D-9341. X-rays shown that a disfigured heart was inside the throat of the subject which suggested suffocation. We are still trying to figure out how this happened and how D-9341 got here. damage = 10 stomachache = true [Fallout-76] color = 224,22,56 alpha = 0.8 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true ["Atomic Bonk" | "Mad Milk"] color = 232,39,26 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Can't Hit What 'Aint There! ["Peter Griffin Juice"] color = 156,91,48 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Heheheheheheheheh Lois look, Im a drink! lethal = true deathmessage = Lois. i dont feel good stomachache = true [Donald Trump Sauce] color = 255,140,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = America lethal = true deathmessage = You see yourself turn orange, as your skull grows a red "MAGA" hat. Your mouth moves withwouth consent as you scream "MY RIGHTS, MY RIGHTS!" stomachache = true [Icey|IceyGuy] color = 28,163,209 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes like chilled blood... [Infinite power|Code Juice] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel like a god, you feel like a [HYPERLINK BLOCKED] damage = -100 [BIG SHOT|NUMBER 1 1997 SALESMAN] color = 244,0,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = WANNA BE A [BIG SHOT?] lethal = true deathmessage = A salesman seemed to have killed the Class-D using a "BIG SHOT". The salesman has been classified as an SCP, and is now the new SCP-1997. explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 45 [Mind Honey|Apiculture networking fluid] color = 255,246,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = YOU DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE EAT THE MIND HONEY [White Chocolate] color = 255,24,214 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel like your about to cry damage = -3 [Powerthirst|POWERTHIRST] color = 0,128,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = GRATUITOUS AMOUNTS OF ENERGY!!!! damage = -10 [samuels jizz|Samuels jizz|samuels cum|Samuels cum] color = 237,237,221 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You're filled with Samuel's Hot Load. Slowly oozing down your soft throat. damage = -2 stomachache = true [Balls|balls] color = 53,117,62 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Mineswat#0409 , Mineswat on Steam [Testicle] color = 53,117,62 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = Oh no. explosion = true refusemessage = Oh no. blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Sobbo] color = 8,230,255 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Bro, why. [Muscovy Mixup] color = 133,100,189 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You've been mixed. damage = -5 [Bruce Gdula] color = 25,61,111 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Thank you very much stomachache = true [Cup of Averege|AVR|Average] color = 255,248,231 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You simply feel.... average. [Big Milk] color = 181,161,96 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = MMM A SUSSY BAKA I SEE deathtimer = 90 deathmessage = He Was Too Horny For This World damage = -10 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Uncle Larry] color = 181,161,96 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Kinda Looks Like The Liquid From SCP-106's Dimension? deathtimer = 100 deathmessage = After NTF Unit [REDACTED] Regained Control Of The Facility, They discovered D-Class 9341's Body Mostly Decayed From SCP-106's Acids But 106 Was Never Seen Near D-9341 In Security Cameras But A Cup was found near the body. It is Assumed that 9341 Ordered a drink from SCP-294 that presumably contained SCP 106's acid. 9341 has been ruled Terminated damage = 3 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [MrBeast] color = 43,98,194 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = So Today me and the boys attempt to beat the nut last to die gets 100 keycards [Ice Milk|Milk with Ice|Iced Milk] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You question why you got milk with ice in it. [Scarlet King|The Scarlet King] color = 249,115,93 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = SUFFER. lethal = true deathmessage = CHAOS. ANARCHY. AGONY. ITS THE ONLY WAY. FOR THE SCARLET KING. damage = 10 [osmium|os|76|190] color = 75,75,75 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = It seems to bee solid, and very heavy. [verry cold water|super cold water|0k H2O] color = 198,229,241 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Brrrrrrrrrrrrr. lethal = true deathmessage = Well that was cold. [mystical fluid] color = 164,171,101 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = why??? deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = Was drinking that really a good idea damage = -10 [Tsar|Tsar bomba] color = 66,135,245 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = Wasn't it detonated in 1961? [Molten glass|Glass molten] color = 207,16,32 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = AHHH deathtimer = 7 deathmessage = That was a painful death damage = 5 stomachache = true [Bro marks|Bro marks juice] color = 255,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You just drank a dog [Bro Marks Faeces| Bro Marks Waste|Bro Marks Poo] color = 102,96,56 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes like ... THAT IS DISGUSTING! blood loss = 200 stomachache = true ["twitter"] color = 0,0,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = yb better lethal = true deathmessage = do better sweat heart... damage = 10 [DuckLife4Player] color = 91,200,240 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have the sudden urge to shoot up a school deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Overdose on PCP damage = -35 blood loss = 15 stomachache = true [blueshift|BLUSHFT] color = 0,0,158 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You taste metal, dirty fur, and something you can't quite describe. deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = @protonewgen please follow m,e on t witter :3 damage = 2 [TrueGodmode] color = 255,215,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = give this drink to tf2 damage = -1000 [Jamies Cum|Jwater|Jjuice|JwhiteEssence] color = 240,237,228 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = THANK YOU FOR MILKING ME damage = -696969696969 blood loss = 169 stomachache = true [Ninjay|Tiny Ninja|Small Ninja|1mm Ninja] color = 200,200,200 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = As you swallow what tastes like regular distilled water, you faintly sense something very tiny squirming and screaming down your throat with it... [Piranhaboy13] color = 13,142,254 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Thanks for drinking me damage = -10 [Plane|Plane Juice|Plane Potion|Aircraft Drink] color = 255,255,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The drink burns your throat and you feel like your muscles are moving. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = Mobile Task Force Unit - [REDACTED] found a P-51 Mustang plane in the cafeteria with it's left wing broken off and its right wing heavily damaged in front of SCP-294. blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Suspicious Stew] color = 66,245,84 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = That stew was a potion of poisoning. damage = 5 stomachache = true [Shy Guy|Shy Juice] color = 159,106,106 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel a tear roll down your eye and you begin crying. stomachache = true [Toxicc] color = 237,28,36 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = DAMN! That was sum good ass toxicc energy damage = 5 stomachache = true [Diesel] color = 217,219,147 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = What is wrong with me lethal = true deathmessage = Surprise damage = 1 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Void Energy|Anti-Magic|Rex] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You are overwhelmed by a strange energy. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = A body later identified as D-9341 was discovered lying next to SCP-294. Upon inspection the body seemed to have functioned perfectly fine, but the D-Class' soul was gone. More testing will be required to find the culprit. stomachache = true [Shrek A] color = 176,196,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = you just drank shrek, you monster damage = 4 blood loss = 50 [Pickle Rick] color = 27,111,32 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = PICKLE RRRRRRIIIIIIICCCCCKKKKK damage = -5 blood loss = 1 [gomotion|gomogal|noodlegirl] color = 255,225,31 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes like noodles, you feel stretchy. stomachache = true [Jens|Jensterpatiet|Jens Juice] color = 181,164,49 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel like a badminton professional! damage = -2 [Announcer|Speaker|Speaker Box] color = 135,133,127 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel like you should host a contest for an island lethal = true deathmessage = We had to kill you due to budget cuts [Hand Banana] color = 255,241,51 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Tonight... You [Boob Millen|Dj Kizzy|No kizzy] color = 50,168,82 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Ayo Thats busting no kizzy lethal = true deathmessage = You're dead... No kizzy [Boogie|Buttchin|Stink face tomato nose|Nunu] color = 255,161,249 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel your chin form into a butt damage = 5 [Sebiswtsucht] color = 255,23,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = well gg lethal = true deathmessage = Zu viel man explosion = true stomachache = true [Non Binary|Non-Binary] color = 153,87,210 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel as if you no longer are within the male/female binary. Man, fuck gender. damage = -1 [justin starter paket] color = 96,229,21 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = nun bist du ein justin stomachache = true [Kilju|Sugar wine] color = 252,186,3 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Very good sugar wine! I love this, strong as hell! I pay well for this. damage = -1 [Monkey Wine] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Monkey refusemessage = Monkey? damage = -5 [Emzi|HotWater] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Yummy stomachache = true [Depresso|Depresso Espresso] color = 69,33,20 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Ah, nothing better than a cup of depresso on just another typical day. stomachache = true [TheBabinator|The Babinator] color = 153,50,168 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The foul drink tastes like metal, but strangely tea as well. deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = After a brief period of trying to get the awful taste out of your mouth, you try to screaam for help, but you are shocked as the scream is in a British accent. damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Babinator] color = 153,50,168 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The foul drink tastes like metal, but strangely tea as well. deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = After a brief period of trying to get the awful taste out of your mouth, you try to scream for help, but you are shocked as the scream is in a British accent. damage = 5 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Bab] color = 153,50,168 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The foul drink tastes like metal, but strangely tea as well. lethal = true deathmessage = After a brief period of trying to get the awful taste out of your mouth, you try to scream for help, but you are shocked as the scream is in a British accent. damage = 10 stomachache = true [Bruhbinator] color = 153,50,168 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = The drink tastes like tea. lethal = true deathmessage = You feel satisfied with the drink, until you try to speak, only hearing yourself talking in a British accent. damage = 10 [TF|TF Juice] color = 255,6,30 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel refreshed until you turn around. You now have a tail. [Britain|UK|The UK] color = 0,255,0 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have a sudden urge to eat crumpets. Also, you can no longer pronounce the letter "T". damage = -10 [Strong Juice|Strong Sauce] color = 105,82,43 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It's as thick as butter, "I feel better already!" deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Note from MTF-[REDACTED] WHY THE F*CK IS THERE A HUGE, MUSCULAR GNOME IN THE CAFETERIA? WE NEED SOME BACK UP NOW! [Attractive Juice|Attractive Potion|Elixir of Beauty] color = 255,0,149 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel your face changing and your jaw deforming. damage = -10000 blood loss = 6000 [Liquified Power] color = 246,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your throat burns and you feel like vomiting deathtimer = 20 deathmessage = What did you expect from drinking power? damage = 1 blood loss = 50 stomachache = true [Pilk|Pepsi and Milk|Milk and Pepsi|Neko Arc Juice] color = 242,232,208 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes surprisingly good! damage = -3 [SCP-714|SCP 714|714|Jade|Jade Ring|Jaded Jaden|Jade Jaden|JadedJaden] color = 162,255,122 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Now I wanna go punch that doctor right in his stupid beak. damage = 1 [Dwayne the Cock Johnson] color = 217,22,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = What you know about rolling down in the deep? When your brain goes numb you can call that mental freeze. damage = -10 [JackTheFallout] color = 50,205,50 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = the Suspicious Liquid Has made you Very Irritated but Surprisingly Refreshed, you are Now a Mutant damage = -7 [Farther Gamer|FG|farther gamer|FGVR] color = 5,17,252 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You gain significant power and feel like you have Impressive skill and are able to Take on an army while looking Good Doing so damage = -5 [Ryan Soul] color = 252,5,195 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Your Name is Now Ryan Soul And your probably going to get Stuck in a wall. [Short Green Guy|short green guy] color = 26,252,5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = A Short Green Guy... looks good. damage = -2 [Bree Croft|breecroft|bree croft] color = 252,137,5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Bree I love you, Now you are an SCP Drink Forever, if that's not love I don't know what is damage = -10 [TheGreatDabdos|TGD|the great dabdos] color = 252,199,5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You are Danish Now, and If you are Danish You have 5 minutes to live deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = [Gum|Bubblegum|Chewing Gum] color = 224,31,189 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Sticky but sweet. Some gets stuck to your teeth. damage = -1 [939|SCP-939|Doggy Scp|Dog SCP|Dog scp] color = 128,4,4 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Did... what was I drinking? blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [Farded|You smell like you farded] color = [9,92,24] alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = YOU SMELL LIKE YOU FARDED deathtimer = 3 deathmessage = FARDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED stomachache = true [Duck|Ducky|Funny bird|Duc] color = [184,198,212] alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel odd. deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = A duck with blood samples identifying as subject D-9341 is shot by MTF personnel, assumed to be a roaming anomaly. Personnel in question has been incarcerated. "Why the fuck would he shoot a random duck? I love ducks." stomachache = true [Shoes|Shoe|Shoes Raggedy|Raggedy] color = 26,6,6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = That's why yo shoes raggedy deathtimer = 300 deathmessage = That's why yo momma dead blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Keycard] color = 166,53,132 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like laminated plastic. damage = 1 stomachache = true [Megs|Meg salad] color = 182,163,194 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = "You should play the terraria mod called Afterwards it's really good" says a very irritating voice inside your head. deathtimer = 99999999 deathmessage = Lol lmao get trolled idiot -megs damage = -5 [England|British|Tea and Crumpets] color = 84,45,20 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like tea and crumpets. Not bad. damage = -3 [Blueberry gum] color = 41,36,130 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like a full 5-course meal. deathtimer = 200 deathmessage = "This is like something straight out of that kid's movie. Fuckin'... Charlie and the wonka?" damage = -10 stomachache = true [Cloud|Clouds] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It's a freezing-cold substance, but it warms up in your throat. Doesn't have a taste. Mildly refreshing. damage = -1 [Titanium] color = 156,156,156 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel the overwhelming urge to build an underwater base. deathtimer = 230 deathmessage = Goddamn those Reaper Leviathans. Gets me every time. damage = 2 blood loss = 2 stomachache = true [Incel] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel your looks are the cause of all your problems. deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 is found dead of major acid burns. On their corpse, they carry a laptop containing a 93-page rant about how unfair society is. Item is awaiting SCP designation. damage = 7 stomachache = true [Scp-5000,5000] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It's empty. Isn't it? deathtimer = 900 deathmessage = You find yourself standing face-to-face with SCP-682 at the fall of Ganzir. You are but one of the billions of casualties. damage = 1 blood loss = 1 stomachache = true [Sewerslvt] color = 148,24,237 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Sick breakcore beats fill your head. damage = -1 blood loss = -1 [Coryphal] color = 128,20,20 alpha = 0.6 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = She would know. And she would find you. And you know exactly what happens when she finds you, D-9341. [Pedophile] color = 49,142,196 alpha = 0.5 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg refusemessage = I am not going anywhere near that. [Paradox] color = 1,2,3 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = That'll show Wheatly! lethal = true deathmessage = THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER [Fat] color = 223,235,242 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like animal fat. Kinda gross. stomachache = true [Weight] color = 125,29,88 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel legarthic. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 is found dead on the floor in front of SCP-294, body grossly swollen with excess mass. Subject is assumed to have died of total organ failure, or skeletal structure collapse. damage = -100 stomachache = true [Fetish] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You have visions of your deepest desires. deathtimer = 2 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 is found with a broken neck after attempting intercourse with SCP-173. Residual fluid on SCP-173 implies D-9341 was able to [DATA EXPUNGED] damage = -5 blood loss = 100 [yo momma] color = 81,69,82 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = YO MOMMA! explosion = true stomachache = true [Meta] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Remember to take off your headset and take a break now and again! :) damage = -1 [NNProjectz|NNP|NNP Cider|NNProjectz Cider] color = 92,176,255 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = We finally found you Mr. Benjamin... No... This isnt right... We're sorry. deathtimer = 60 deathmessage = If only you were the "true" Benjamin this wouldn't have happened. We need to find the real Benjamin... our world depends.... Find him... stomachache = true [indecisive|indecisiveness] color = 128,128,128 alpha = 0.3 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Wait, should I? Or... did I? Left or... what was I gonna drink? Should... what? [The worst drink|The unperfect drink|The imperfect drink] color = 179,120,211 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Words cannot explain it. lethal = true deathmessage = Subject D-9341 is found disintegrated into a polyester cup. [Unflavored Powerade|The original Powerade] color = 176,176,176 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = It tastes like every Powerade flavor? If that makes sense. [Velvet|Plush|Plushie|Plushy] color = 247,78,90 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You struggle, but eventually manage to "drink" this cup full of cotton and plush scraps. lethal = true deathmessage = stomachache = true [SuperRuper1209|SuperRuper] color = 105,255,112 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = you drank superruper1209, why [human feces] color = 150,75,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I cant believe I just drank this stomachache = true [Domas] color = 252,3,3 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You drank Domas now your gonna slip lethal = true deathmessage = You Slipeed damage = 1 [Thobert Juice] color = 219,217,217 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You busting it down sexual style while being goated (with sauce) [Throbert Juice] color = 199,195,195 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You start busting it down sexual style while being goated (with sauce) [Owens cum| Judes cum| Andrews Cum] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = THE TRUE CINDAY EXPERENCE damage = -10 [Gameraids|Gameraid] color = 137,230,178 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You have contracted gameraids. lethal = true deathmessage = Gameraids. Like real aids, but only infects gamers. damage = 6 stomachache = true [Gilbert] color = 253,186,121 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = That was just sand damage = 3 stomachache = true [Bonzi Buddy|bonzi buddy|purple monkey|Purple Monkey] color = 169,39,184 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = I really want to give my credit card information to this funny purple monkey damage = 1 [Plank] color = 217,190,75 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You're stomach starts to ache... deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = Suddenly... Plank busts out of your torso... stomachache = true [Silly Stew] color = 82,53,16 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Eww reminds me of a toxic idiot. damage = -10 stomachache = true [becks] color = 243,204,131 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Ah, a nice refreshing becks, truly the best of german beers damage = -10 [Liquid Methane,CH4] color = 12,114,130 alpha = 0.4 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = What the- lethal = true deathmessage = Don’t drink Liquid Methane. damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Intelligence|intelligence|Big Brain|Big brain|big brain|Smartness|smartness] color = 38,223,247 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Imagine asking a coffee machine for tips lethal = true deathmessage = MTF-E-11 found D-9341 dead near SCP-294, with a cup of unidentified liquid spilled over the floor. Cause of death unknown, it's a D-Class after all, who cares how he died damage = 10 [Universe|MultiVerse|Multiverse] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Ha, didn’t think it would work… Wait, what? lethal = true deathmessage = What did you do. You maniac. explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Mug] color = 102,49,23 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = YOU ARE A MUG BLOODED AMERICAN damage = -10 [Quantum Energy] color = 35,30,61 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The world around you is bending. You are nothing. lethal = true deathmessage = Recon teams sent in at [REDACTED] show that everything within a 120 mile radius from Site-[REDACTED] was a Void entity, save for a 5 meter radius of unharmed area in the facility cafeteria of Sector [REDACTED], surrounding SCP-294. A floating D-Class, God-Like, was found dead after drinking what is now known as [DATA EXPUNGED]. How SCP-294 dispensed the liquid is unknown. All that is known that the surface temperature of the liquid was around 400x hotter than the sun. SCP-294 is now is heavy containment zone, restricted to L-4 and above. [END OF LOG 294-1-A] stomachache = true [Red|red|Color red|color red] color = 255,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Tastes like red. Just... red. Red. Red. Red. lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 was found dead near SCP-294. Theorized that the man ordered some stupid thing and died. [mystery Fluid|mystery drink] color = 105,97,18 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = you seem very very intoxicated after drinking said mystery liquid damage = 2 blood loss = 10 stomachache = true [SCP-054] color = 3,252,240 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It tastes like water damage = -5 stomachache = true [SCP-016] color = 252,3,23 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You start to feel your skin peeling off... lethal = true deathmessage = D-9341 was found in a pool of blood in the cafeteria with no skin. damage = -10 blood loss = 80 [SCP-018] color = 107,15,18 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = A lot of organs found everywhere in the cafeteria. The organs where later found to be D-9341's organs. explosion = true damage = 5 stomachache = true [RobotRock] color = 71,85,173 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel refreshed with enough energy to fight your enemies damage = -10 [Spicy Coffee] color = 255,87,51 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Have Fun! stomachache = true [nyadrink] color = 212,51,86 alpha = 0.3 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = nyaaaaaaa stomachache = true [everclear|Everclear|ever clear|Ever Clear] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = holy shit deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Class-D found dead in site Cafeteria. Autopsy reveals cause of death to be due to hepatic failure. stomachache = true [Issru|Kobold Milk|PatPat Milk|PatPat] color = 76,56,47 alpha = 0.8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You don't think that was milk... deathtimer = 68 deathmessage = "Hey Issru, I think consuming that drink killed you." ... "No." stomachache = true [WhiskeyDingo0] color = 222,185,84 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel the power of a believer inside of you damage = -10 stomachache = true [Nibbles|nibbles|NIBBLES|vNibbles|vnibbles|Vnibbles] color = 110,67,8 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Wiggles! deathtimer = 6 deathmessage = Subject appears to have wiggled themselves to death. stomachache = true [CinderCollie|Cinder Collie] color = 56,194,209 alpha = 0.5 glow = true dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [Shep|Sheppy] color = 19,117,18 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = Skill issue [WhiskeyDing0] color = 235,183,52 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have been infected by the pathOwOgen deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Hi WhiskeyDing0 and friend(s) -CounterOperativeKing [whiskeyding0] color = 209,188,25 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = tastes like a bototm [LycanMike|Lycan Mike] color = 26,52,171 dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg explosion = true [Ronzuko] color = 67,69,56 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = HHOOOOOOOOIIIIIIYYYYYYYAAAAAAA damage = -2 [mazamorra|mezcolanza|Colada] color = 255,226,179 alpha = 0.7 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I've never tried anything like this. why does it have whole corn in it? [Sugarized Void|Sugar Void|Void of Sugars] color = 0,96,99 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = It's so dense and sweet it doesn't feel like it should exsit damage = -200 [Sebby|SebbySpresso] color = 75,35,110 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = SEBBY SEBBY SEBBY SEBBY SEBBY SEBBY SEBBY SEBBY damage = -2 [Eyes] color = 54,53,52 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You feel like your being watched. stomachache = true [Cbt|Cock and Ball Torture] color = 204,22,22 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Your balls were destroyed! deathtimer = 3 deathmessage = Cock and ball torture from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at en.wikipedia.org ["MattsNotIt"] color = 138,3,3 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Draining damage = 1 stomachache = true ["Sketch"] color = 138,3,3 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg damage = -1 stomachache = true [poopy] color = 156,142,104 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Ew you creep... deathtimer = 10 deathmessage = Not suprised... idiot stomachache = true [Lemon demon] color = 255,255,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = The taste of your favorite musician, are you happy now? deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = 2 deaths for a taste of your favorite musician, worth it? stomachache = true [Chicken nugget|nugget|mcdonalds chicken nugget|mcdonalds nugget] color = 255,140,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true stomachache = true [Terraria|Relogic] color = 0,1,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = I'd rather just play terraria [Yub] color = 1,1,1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [Uber|Uber car] color = 0,0,1 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg explosion = true [Zorfi|Zorfi YT|Zorfi youtuber] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Subscribe to pay respects... 💔😭😢😿😖😞 stomachache = true ["Scranton|Dr Scranton|Robert Scranton|Dr Robert Scranton|Robert|Dr Robert"] color = 235,171,205 alpha = 0.2 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg refusemessage = It has chunks. You feel sick and depressed. You decide it's better to leave it alone. stomachache = true ["SCP-3000|3000|Anantashesha|Y-909|Y909"] color = 0,26,2 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = What just happened? What is this place?! ["Buttscratcher|Buttscratcha"] color = 148,71,40 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You're not sure whether to feel relieved or violated. ["Wololo"] color = 13,10,166 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = But of course... You've been wrong for so long, what were you thinking?! ["Wrecked|Rekt|Recked"] color = 163,10,166 alpha = 0.1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Hah, that's what I thought. deathtimer = 6 deathmessage = Subject later identified to be D-9341 was found lying face down in a [REDACTED], in a humiliating position close to SCP-294. A post-it note was found on the back of his head reading "I tried to fight a coffee machine and lost" as well as various scribbles such as [REDACTED]. How he managed to achieve this is or if SCP-294 can show hostility is unclear, and further revisions and testing has been suggested. ["Lies"] color = 196,29,43 alpha = 0.6 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The cup is empty... what the heck? [Reveangance] color = 15,156,173 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = RULES OF NATURE damage = -10 [TOTIKFR] color = 179,179,179 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Now I see. You deny your weapon its purpose. It yearns to bathe in the blood of your enemies… but you hold it back. deathtimer = 69 deathmessage = The only thing i know for real, THERE WILL BE BLOOD, SHED, THE MAN IN THE MIRROR NODS HIS HEAD! THE ONLY ONE, LEFT, WILL RIDE UPON THE DRAGONS BACK stomachache = true [Folf|TrickyFolf] color = 110,9,9 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Taste Like Vanilla... and Fur. stomachache = true [Armstrong] color = 12,12,12 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = NANOMACHINES SON! THEY HARDEN IN RESPONSE TO PHYSICAL TRAUMA! stomachache = true [Chat|chat] color = 100,65,165 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Chat has been vored. damage = -2 stomachache = true [Sopor Slime|Sopor] color = 99,233,1 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = A Thick, snotty fluid, with an off-putting Neon Green hue. The moment you swallow it, you begin feeling a bit strange, like you just downed a bottle of Vodka on an empty stomach. It tastes like copper and sugar. A dull buzz overtakes your mind-- It's a calm, but uneasy feeling. What MiRaClEs has this slime worked? damage = -1 stomachache = true [Ecto-cooler|Hi-C Ecto-cooler] color = 68,169,3 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like Orange-Tangerine, and an odd fascination with 80's Movies damage = -1 [i like milkshake|prion disease] color = 244,206,195 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Hmm, tastes like prion disease... stomachache = true ["cum sock"] color = 211,212,205 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = i milked a special sock for this... damage = 1 [PTSD|ptsd] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\spit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You would start to hear familiar screams and distant gunshots. [Brimstone] color = 245,18,10 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel the demonic urge to vomit a blood laser damage = 2 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Almond Milk] color = 255,255,255 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = The milk would taste creamy damage = -1 [Wood] color = 151,105,79 sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You would feel immense pain inside of you lethal = true deathmessage = Subject D-9341 found dead next to SCP-294. Many splinters have been found in the subject's organs and intestines. It is hypothesized that the subject drunk wood dispensed by SCP-294. damage = 10 [Reality] color = 24,241,24 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Maybe we're just in a simulation? deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Take off the headset. damage = 5 blood loss = 15 [Pilo|Pilogun|Pilp] color = 255,255,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = An image of doge flashes before your eyes, you feel better. [Rat Blood] color = 235,146,52 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = As you drank rat's blood, you realized you starts to hallucinate.. blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Melted Gold|Liquified Gold] color = 245,227,66 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = As melted blazing hot gold enters your body, you instantly died. The SCP Foundation staff found hardened gold filled within your internal organs. blood loss = 200 stomachache = true [Bullet|Liquid Bullet] color = 237,238,141 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Why did I drink that?! stomachache = true [Stubbys dog love|Dog love|Dog potion] color = 0,250,0 alpha = 0.7 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\burn.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Your feelings towards dogs changes lethal = true deathmessage = You killed yourself because you can't be with a dog stomachache = true [Chris] color = 250,250,250 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = What were you expecting lethal = true deathmessage = Your insides were burst into flames and you died. explosion = true stomachache = true [Devins toy|Butt stuff] color = 245,5,188 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel full but not in the right way. deathtimer = 30 deathmessage = You died due to blood loss from a perforated anus. blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [Cheese potion|Cheese man] color = 255,178,103 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You feel full and satisfied. deathtimer = 240 deathmessage = Your alveoli were turned into cheese and you suffocated. damage = -3 blood loss = 50 [morkite] color = 6,67,122 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = mmm depep rock galacic lethal = true deathmessage = death deep rock galacic died damage = 10 stomachache = true [Capitalism] color = 0,0,255 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You begin to feel overworked and tired... lethal = true deathmessage = A Class D has been found dead in the facility cafeteria of Sector [REDACTED]. The subject appears fatigued and likely collapsed out of tiredness. [kite] color = 255,0,0 alpha = 0.5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You begin to feel floaty and light-headed, and begin to collide with various objects in the room. blood loss = 100 [upupdowndownleftrightleftfrightab] color = 255,255,255 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You can feel a new kind of power flowing through your veins. damage = -100 [a drink that will make my crush like me] color = 165,31,237 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = She don't want you bruh lethal = true deathmessage = She don't want you bruh [black person|Black Person|BBC|bbc|black dude|black ladies|black man|negro] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Taste like fried chicken and watermelon [Virtual|Furtual] color = 252,94,3 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = real. deathtimer = 16 deathmessage = stomachache = true [Repsai] color = 252,211,3 alpha = 0.8 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You feel yourself CHANGING... lethal = true deathmessage = You've been "plundered". stomachache = true [butterdog] color = 252,186,3 alpha = 0.9 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = He is god, he is life. ButterDog#9480 deathtimer = 5 deathmessage = He has entered, you cannot escape, he IS you. damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [ThatOneTay] color = 127,145,179 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = You have the feeling that your braincells are depleting rapidly... damage = -1 [1] color = 0,0,0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It tastes like the graphite from a pencil [easter egg] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Congrats you found ButterDog's Funny! Here, have some health damage = -10 [whoop-ass] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = YOU OPENED A CAN OF WHOOP-ASS FOOL! lethal = true deathmessage = whoop-ass, Very effective! damage = 10 blood loss = 100 [whoop ass] color = 0,0,0 alpha = 0.0 sound = SFX\SCP\294\cough.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = YOU OPENED A CAN OF WHOOP-ASS FOOL! lethal = true deathmessage = whoop-ass, Very effective! damage = 10 blood loss = 100 [pewdiepie] color = 237,36,5 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Tastes like a bridge in a certain game.... [spotify] color = 110,235,52 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = Want a break from the ads? [Spanish|Espanol] color = 0,255,255 alpha = 0.0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Eh, parece que puedo hablar español ahora. [demon core] color = 57,156,179 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = Check this shit lethal = true deathmessage = It is a fucking demon core, what did you expect dumbass, a pat on the back? explosion = true damage = 10 blood loss = 100 stomachache = true [vsauce|michel] color = 0,0,0 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Hey Vsauce! Michel here, did you consider your liver before consuming me? lethal = true deathmessage = Vsauce has won damage = 10 blood loss = 100 [Star Platinum] color = 232,3,252 alpha = 0.6 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = So it's the same type of drink as star platinum?! lethal = true deathmessage = You made only one mistake... you pissed me off. stomachache = true ["Nuka Cola"] color = 71,28,10 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = This is some good Cola. damage = -10 ["Big Smokes Mixed Order"] color = 36,12,2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = ..Too Much.. Oh.. God.... lethal = true deathmessage = Why Did you think you could handle it? refusemessage = i highly doubt i want to drink all that. damage = 5 stomachache = true [Sanitized Ink] color = 7,238,199 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = Chunky and tastes like raw seafood. Gross. deathtimer = 15 deathmessage = Subject D-9341 was found in [REDACTED] by a member of Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11. Subject's insides were found to be fatally corroded by an unidentified cyan sludge, later deduced to be an organic mixture containing the DNA of multiple aquatic species. Further testing has been requested by Doctor Nogami. stomachache = true [Amontillado] color = 153,76,0 alpha = 0.5 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = For the love of God, Montresor! [Ghost juice] color = 247,245,235 alpha = 0.2 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\retch2.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = You are ghost now lethal = true deathmessage = Told you, your a ghost now lol damage = 10 stomachache = true [Christianke|Christian|Christianke98] color = 189,13,13 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ew1.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = What have you done? NOT CHRIS!!!! deathtimer = 360 deathmessage = You have overdosed on Chrisitanke damage = 5 stomachache = true [cimkin] color = 255,165,0 alpha = 0.4 glow = true sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg message = tastes like chicken [SCP-447] color = 77,255,77 sound = SFX\SCP\294\vomit.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense2.ogg message = It's Hard To Swallow lethal = true deathmessage = Nine Tailed Fox Group 3 Found D-9341 Dead, It Seems He Injested SCP-447 damage = -10 stomachache = true [SCP-049] color = 214,214,194 sound = SFX\SCP\294\ahh.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense3.ogg lethal = true deathmessage = Nine Tailed Fox Unit Found D-9341 Dead On The Floor. It's Still Unclear What Happened To Him. damage = 10 [Miranda] color = 255,102,0 alpha = 0.9 sound = SFX\SCP\294\slurp.ogg dispensesound = SFX\SCP\294\dispense1.ogg message = You Feel Refreshed damage = -10