Built-In Remote Console Commands
Using the SCPLR_rcon
file distributed with the dedicated server tool on Steam, you are given a few built-in commands:
- Command
Connects to a running game process via IP, Port andrconkey
- Command
Ends the running game process and exits the remote console tool
In-Game Remote Console Commands
As of 7/11/2023 (M/D/Y Format), these are the only in-game rcon commands:
- Command
Exits the game - Command
Reloads config files - Command
Lists all players in the formatPlayerId - Name (UserId)
- Command
kick <playerId> [reason]
Kicks PlayerId with optional reason - Command
ban <playerId> [reason]
Bans PlayerId with optional reason - Command
ipban <IPAddress> [reason]
Bans IPAddress with optional reason - Command
Shows the game version - Command
broadcast <length> <message...>
Sends a text broadcast with message to all connected players that is visible for length amount of time - Command
spawnitem <itemName>
subcommand at the moment - Command
setteam <list|playerId> [teamId]
Sets PlayerId team or lists all teams